More Free Speech Zones

Filed in National by on July 11, 2008

Check out the video of a woman that showed up at a McCain Rally with a sign that said McCain=Bush.


First, the cop states that he has been asked to remove her by the Secret Service.  Turns out this is a lie.  The Secret Service has now denied any involvement.

Second, the woman has a point at the end, if you voted for Bush and want to vote for McCain, what is wrong with the content of the sign?

Third, perhaps this is a sign that the Romney crew is finally in control of the McCain campaign.

Update:  The “Little Old Librarian” has now blogged about the incident.

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  1. mike w. says:

    I consider the entire concept of “free speech zones” complete bullshit.

    From the video it looks like she was only asked to leave because the Secret Service compelled the property owner to ask her to leave.

  2. Wow, nice way to prove her sign right.

  3. Jason330 says:

    kindof off topic…but I’m not sad tony snow died a horrible death.

    He is barking in hell now- beacause when you shake hands with the devil you don’t change the devil,the devil changes you.

    Or… For you secular types, lying takes a toll on ones health and he got what he was asking for.


  4. Art Downs says:

    Jason’s comments represent the sort of adolescence that is found among the groundlings of the political scene. It is an abandonment of the civility and comity that has been the hallmark of the political process.

    Has he ever worked an election and tried to win any hearts and minds?

  5. Art Downs says:

    How much ‘free speech’ is allowed at a political event organized by a candidate? Does not the Obama campaign ‘cherry pick’ the ‘human backdrop’ whenever their man appears? Are not persons wearing attire that more than hint of ‘Muslim’ excluded from camera view?