McCain gets pwned!

Filed in National by on July 14, 2008

In this campaign, there are honest differences over Iraq, and we should discuss them with the thoroughness they deserve. Unlike Senator McCain, I would make it absolutely clear that we seek no presence in Iraq similar to our permanent bases in South Korea, and would redeploy our troops out of Iraq and focus on the broader security challenges that we face. But for far too long, those responsible for the greatest strategic blunder in the recent history of American foreign policy have ignored useful debate in favor of making false charges about flip-flops and surrender.

It’s not going to work this time. It’s time to end this war.

Obama takes the offensive. There is nothing better than taking arrows out of their quiver.

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hiding in the open

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    I assume you mean “quiver”

  2. mike w. says:

    Except that Obama has flip flopped on almost every issue imaginable (hell I thought Kerry was bad…)

    Obama also doesn’t seem willing to accept that the situation in Iraq has improved greatly.

  3. cassandra m says:

    McCain is setting the record for flip flops in this thing: 61 flip flops and counting from the Flip Flop Express.

    And if the situation in Iraq has improved so much, then that is more reason to get the troop drawdown going now, I imagine. No need for taxpayers to be paying for our guys to be hanging around the peace and prosperity in Iraq, then, is there?

  4. Von Cracker says:

    FISA’s a flop, yes Mike, specifically immunity.

    But without the “ditto-head” led Distinctions without Difference that pop up miraculously through 80 hours a day of Right Radio, what are these Obama Flip-flops you’re talking about?

  5. he was against Bushes taxes before he was against them

  6. Dana says:

    Except, of course, that all of Barack Hussein Obama’s postures won’t undo this New Yorker magazine cover. 🙂

  7. mike w. says:

    WOW…… now that was poor taste. What were they thinking?

  8. I liked it and thought it was brilliant and it will provide a great forum for him to address the slanders going around about him and his wife.

  9. mike w. says:

    Well she does come across as militant. Why do you think you haven’t seen her making speeches recently? Obama’s campaign realized her rhetoric was hurting him and they shut her up quick.