Check Out Mike Castle’s Track Record And Swoon

Filed in National by on July 15, 2008

1) Mike Castle loved George Bush so much that he campaigned for him and chaired his campaign here in Delaware TWICE!

2) Mike Castle was an early backer of John McCain. John McCain!? A man who wants to stay in Iraq foer 100 years and who …

…just said he’d appoint an Afghanistan czar who would report directly to the president. Isn’t there anyone either in the military or in a civilian position who, you know, sorta has that job already without having to be named a “Czar.” – via eschaton

Mike Castle is so freaking clueless it is scary. He is off his rocker. What is left of his judgement and sanity could be kept in a pickle jar.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. mike w. says:

    Giving government officials the term “Czar” just doesn’t seeem appropriate in America.

  2. jason330 says:

    Not to mention that fact that he supports John McCain…John McCain!?

  3. mo better says:

    ….as opposed to supporting James Earl Carter v.2 (aka Barack Hussein Obama) ????!!!

    You’re not dealing with imaginary video game threats, so I don’t see why you believe your Chicago huckster has any ability to KILL THE BAD GUY and do what has to be done.

    He’s more likely to say “I feel your pain! Now come and talk with me while you my wife. It’s okay. This whole mess is not your fault. Doggy style now. That’s it. Go wheelbarrow. That’s my favorite too. C’mon…..give her the piledriver! Told ya! They always love that one.”

    All with that stoopid f.cking grin on his face.

  4. jason330 says:


    Gun nuts make more sense.

  5. mike w. says:

    what? I didn’t see Mo Better make any mention of guns.

    A little paranoid Jason?

  6. liberalgeek says:

    I think he was praising you as being more coherent than an incoherent person. Best to take the compliments as they come…