I’m almost afraid to post this one

Filed in National by on July 16, 2008

In recent days we have made quite a few enemies. Yes you, murderboy. So I won’t lie and say that I’m hesitant to post this next post. I don’t need another fervent, pious group, that desperately clings to their beliefs coming here to this site and lambasting us for our adhominem attacks and childish name calling….

Could this fucking group be any more hypocritical?

Diesel engines are fine when it comes to making money? But not when you are riding down Rt 41?

About the Author ()

hiding in the open

Comments (22)

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  1. mike w. says:

    Certainly no more hypocritical than politicians like Obama & Gore who bitch about “global warming” and call on us to “sacrifice” while they drive around in armored SUV’s and fly private jets.

    Besides, if you’re allowed to complain about gas prices then so are they. It’s still a free country.


  2. ps,

    when did I say anyhing about them complaining. You really do like to find nothing and make an arguement out of it.

    I called them hypocrites for using diesel engines in their shops but not for their transportation.

    It must be past your bed time, you are getting grouchy

  3. Sticks 'n Twigs says:

    🙂 😉

  4. pss

    that was satire Mikey

  5. anon says:

    I love the quote from this Amish guy:

    “If this keeps on, we’re going to have to do something different,” he said.

  6. lol

    and then 50 years later, we did it, we went on to the ion battery.

    The end…

  7. mike w. says:


    that was satire Mikey”

    Well it’d be pretty much impossible to know given the incredible lack of logic and reason you’ve shown recently.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Recently? I’ll have you know the he has been a whack-job long before you got here, pal! Don’t you have something to kill?


  9. mike w. says:

    Yup, I’ll have you know I eat babies

  10. jason330 says:

    How I would love it if DV decided that his calling in life to use this blog to piss off the Amish.

  11. anon says:

    Yeah, like the Amish are going to be reading this.

  12. mike w. says:

    Jason – shot you a response over on my blog. (pardon the pun)

  13. liberalgeek says:

    New Donviti post:

    Amish People Dress Funny
    1 comment

    Zeke Yoder:

    Iz dat all yoo got english? Dis here is a right. Freedom of de religion iz in de Constitution. You’ll have to pry my plain clothes from my cold dead body.

    Ya know, it is very tough to do a German accent in text… 😉

  14. anon says:

    Donviti’s smarter than that. He’ll post it on Sunday.

  15. liberalgeek says:

    I’m humming Amish Paradise while writing it, too.

  16. RAH says:

    Amish have their own rules and at least they don’t have the cost of gasoline for cars to also pay for. Grain and hay cost have gone up so they have increased costs. I guess he will have to raise his prices to cover his costs.

    I do not see why we should mock the Amish for their rules. We do not have to abide by them.

  17. meatball says:

    You can have my diesel powered table saw when you pry it from my cold dead hands. And throw the horse, over the fence, some hay.

  18. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Man soll nie zwei laguages zusammen putten.. ….

  19. Art Downs says:

    Ya know, it is very tough to do a German accent in text…

    What is the ASCII code for a swastika?