The 62 District Strategy Achieved?

Filed in National by on July 16, 2008

In the same News Journal article I link to below there is a comment I find encouraging:

The deadline to file is July 25, and as of Monday, 18 House incumbents — seven Republicans and 11 Democrats — are running unopposed. No names are on the ballot yet for six House races, but the incumbents holding those seats — three Republicans and three Democrats — have indicated they will seek re-election.

Cathcart said Republican party leaders have a strategy, which he would not discuss, for upsetting some Democratic incumbents.

“At this point I don’t think any of us are in a concern mode,” he said.

Gilligan said Democrats are strategizing to pinpoint seats that will offer them the greatest advantage.

“We will contest any open seat, and we will contest any seat where a Republican does not seek re-election,” Gilligan said. “In a couple of years, we will be contesting every seat in the House.”

So, if I understand Gilligan, Delaware Democrats will be taking my advice and following Howard Dean’s lead in challenging every Republican everywhere, no matter how long or how safe the incumbent Republican is.   That is very welcome news, if true.  Could it be that the “Delaware Way” is finally dying?
Also, I love Cathcart’s super secret strategy to win seats.   LOL.   That is akin to Rove’s “You have your math but I have THE math” comment.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Maybe Cathcart is going to bomb Cambodia? (that’s a Nixon joke for you young folk.)

    Anyhoo…Luckily Cathcart does not have Rove’s connection with Diebold.

    ..or maybe he does and that is is secret strategy.

  2. liz allen says:

    Gee, I am not for taking one out to put one in…unless the one you put in, is working for us. Havent we had enough of the Delaware Way?

    We need leaders who will go against the party line, when the party line is in opposition to the citizens. Margaret Rose Henry, Harris McDowell, Torturin Tom, clear examples.