Netroots Nation – Day One

Filed in National by on July 17, 2008

I arrived last evening, and did some hobnobbing (i.e. drinking) with some of the Blogosphere’s illuminati.   The feel at these events is that of a reunion, as over the last five years over the history of the blogosphere, many of us are indeed close friends, even if we only get to see each other sparingly.

For the most part, Delaware Liberal has grown up unconnected to the larger progressive blogosphere.   And what I mean by that is while most of the progressives and Democrats who participate here at Delaware Liberal are aware of Daily Kos, MyDD, OpenLeft, Booman Tribune, Huffington Post, Eschaton et al., they are not aware of us.    That is slowly changing.

I have already have spoken to our compatriots in Maryland over at Free State Politics.   They do in fact visit often, spurned on by posts about their candidate in Maryland’s First Congressional District, Frank Kratovil.

We do need more connection to and collaboration with our neighbors in Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania as well as across the county.   The Netroots across this Nation, at the state blog level, are doing the same thing we are trying to do: change the Democratic Party to reflect our progressive values and achieve our progressive goals, while at the same time defending those values and goals from conservative attack.

We are not alone in this, and now that Delaware has a vibrant progressive community, it is time we consolidate here at Delaware Liberal and reach out across the land to our neighbors and friends.   That is why I joined Delaware Liberal, and that is why I am here at Netroots Nation.   Now, some of our more conservative or libertarian readers may not like what I am saying, but that is really though.  This is “Delaware Liberal” after all.

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  1. Disbelief says:

    How could anyone care about anything except Delaware politics?

  2. delawaredem says:

    The point is to learn what is successful in other states to apply here. That is all about DE politics.

  3. Rebecca says:

    Hey delaware dem!

    Thanks for the report from N.N. and making the trek down to Austin. I hope you are having a great reunion with your on-line buds and learning a whole lot of good stuff we can use to advance progressive views in Delaware. Keep the reports coming, please!

  4. Rebecca says:

    p.s. For those of us who aren’t cool enough to go to Austin we have a chance to attend tonight’s session on-line as part of the DFA Night School program. The speaker is Prof. George Lakoff and the show starts at 8:00 PM. To participate you need to register at DFA Night School —

  5. WAIT till they get ahold of me! I’m so leaving you guys!

    Dellib? who are they?


  6. jason330 says:

    Way to represent DelawareDem.

    I just want to add to your comments that, not only are we cut off from the national scene, but I’m recently feeling a little cut off from the rest of the Delaware blogsphere.

    That is a condition of my own making that I need to correct. Maybe a mini- around the horn sometimes will do the trick.

  7. RAH says:

    Delawaredem is a good rep but Jason you created your own problem.

  8. jason330 says:


  9. Disbelief says:

    The Delaware blogosphere was a bit more rounded out when we had the conservative evangelical element posting. Haven’t seen those guys claim God is on their side in quite awhile. Are they forbidden by the terms of their Holy Order not to post on blogs of the blasphemers (headed by the anti-Christ Jason)?

  10. pandora says:

    Dis, I noticed this post over at DWA. This is so true. What has happened to the conservatives bloggers? Was a memo sent out?

    And it isn’t just the evangelical element. It started when Dave quit. What’s happened to John Feorce? Even Smitty hasn’t been around much. Debate is always better with, well… debate.

  11. cassandra m says:

    Haven’t seen those guys claim God is on their side in quite awhile.

    Given their entire party’s lack of enthusiasm and lack of winning candidates at pretty much all levels, perhaps God is telling these guys to chill until they can get their act together. Except for John Feroce, who is likely in a cave someplace in deep shame over the fact that his non-stop shilling for HRC is now a part of his Permanent Internet Record. 😛

  12. Rebecca says:

    Correction on time for tonight’s session with Prof. Lakoff. It starts at 5:30 PM Eastern Time. If you want in on it ya need to get registered at DFA Night School pronto.

  13. “Blogosphere’s illuminati”

    I just laughed out loud at a session.



  14. hey now. I post comments all of the time on Eschaton and any news of interest in Delaware. Just the other morning I posted on Biden’s beach press conference WNJ article.
    Getting Delaware ‘on some map’, especially the quiky DE Liberal would be,, quite a task.
    What I always tell people is that we have a robust (meaning all political identities) DE Blogosphere and some decent local talk radio to boost our issues. We often work nicely together (gee, that sounds a lot like the Delaware Way!).

  15. jason330 says:

    Nancy –

    Getting some eschatonian interest in getting rid of Castle wold be huge.

    I worked at that last time out for Spivack, but it was tough going.

  16. delawaredem says:

    Welcome Alex, a fellow attendee here at Netroots Nation. I hope my humor did not disrupt the session too much.

  17. CAS,

    I could be wrong but Except for John Feroce is meatball

    if I’m wrong please correct me

  18. Alex has a great live blog going~! He linked to this article:
    about progressive blogs.

    Jason, there will be a great deal of interest in getting rid of Castle and a lot of ActBlue money for the person who takes the primary. 🙂

  19. cassandra_m says:

    DTB, far be it for me to get in the middle of “this thing of yours” to weigh in on John Feroce’s meatball-ness. I’ll just take your word for it!

  20. Cap'n Quirk says:

    July 19, 2008, 1:19 pm
    Gore Wows the Netroots Crowd

    By Katharine Q. Seelye

    AUSTIN — Former Vice President Al Gore surprised a convention of bloggers here, appearing on stage after Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, held a question-and-answer session that included tough questions on the wiretapping bill.

    In response to a question about climate change, Mrs. Pelosi glanced at her Blackberry and said she had an e-mail from a friend on the subject. Mr. Gore’s voice then came over the public address system, producing quizzical looks in the audience of nearly 3,000 people and then gasps, cheers and a standing ovation as he strode on stage from the wings.

    Mr. Gore’s arrival was the first electric moment at the conference, the Netroots Nation, a group of progressive bloggers whose major interests _ stopping the war in Iraq, saving the planet from global warming and pushing the edge of the envelope of technology _ mesh well with Mr. Gore’s current pursuits.

    As waves of cheers washed over him across the cavernous convention center, Mr. Gore said to Mrs. Pelosi, “We ought to take that act on the road.” She said, “We are on the road,” and he replied, “Well, I feel right at home here, I’ll tell you.”

    Wow…..were there Klingons there too? Or howabout the salt sucking alien from that one episode?????