Delaware Liberal

Netroots Nation – Day One

I arrived last evening, and did some hobnobbing (i.e. drinking) with some of the Blogosphere’s illuminati.   The feel at these events is that of a reunion, as over the last five years over the history of the blogosphere, many of us are indeed close friends, even if we only get to see each other sparingly.

For the most part, Delaware Liberal has grown up unconnected to the larger progressive blogosphere.   And what I mean by that is while most of the progressives and Democrats who participate here at Delaware Liberal are aware of Daily Kos, MyDD, OpenLeft, Booman Tribune, Huffington Post, Eschaton et al., they are not aware of us.    That is slowly changing.

I have already have spoken to our compatriots in Maryland over at Free State Politics.   They do in fact visit often, spurned on by posts about their candidate in Maryland’s First Congressional District, Frank Kratovil.

We do need more connection to and collaboration with our neighbors in Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania as well as across the county.   The Netroots across this Nation, at the state blog level, are doing the same thing we are trying to do: change the Democratic Party to reflect our progressive values and achieve our progressive goals, while at the same time defending those values and goals from conservative attack.

We are not alone in this, and now that Delaware has a vibrant progressive community, it is time we consolidate here at Delaware Liberal and reach out across the land to our neighbors and friends.   That is why I joined Delaware Liberal, and that is why I am here at Netroots Nation.   Now, some of our more conservative or libertarian readers may not like what I am saying, but that is really though.  This is “Delaware Liberal” after all.

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