Obama Art Clobbers McCain Art

Filed in National by on July 17, 2008

In what I hope is a glimpse into the future, the Wall Street Journal has a story about how Obama campaign posters are going for as much as $700 each on ebay.

Knowledgeable collectors have already turned a profit by buying multiples. Tanley Wong, a 30-year-old consultant for Fannie Mae in Washington, D.C., owns 30 to 40 Obama art prints, including several of Mr. Fairey’s “Hope” prints, which were originally handed out at a rally at the University of California, Los Angeles. Mr. Wong, who has donated $1,000 to the Obama campaign, bought the posters for roughly $75 each on eBay from UCLA students and has subsequently resold some online for about $700 each.

Meanwhile, tough luck for you McCainiacs with garages full on McCain posters…

There appears to be little demand for art promoting Sen. John McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, art experts say. According to statistics from eBay, only six McCain-related art items sold on the site in the past 60 days, with an average selling price of $57.

My Obama sign from the Wilmington rally is in pristine condition.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. David says:

    I would trust a Fannie Mae guy to tell me where value is. 🙂

  2. mike w. says:

    Any product is worth exactly as much as the biggest idiot you can find is willing to pay for it…..

  3. RAH says:

    People can still spend their money on stupid stuff. Just think of the money the seller is making. Nice little deal.

  4. mike w. says:

    Like the P225 Pachmayr grips going for $100+ on auction sights right now. I bought mine used for $15 shipped before all the Police surplus P6’s flooded the market.

  5. pandora says:

    I have my sign too, J. I also ordered extra yard signs. I’m eying one of those posters as well.

  6. RAH says:

    Go ahead and buy one Pandora. If Obama gets elected it will probably rise in value. At least it is significant memorabilia to a supporter.

    Think of it like the original movie Star Wars poster that is extremely valuable now.

  7. DJK says:

    $700 is a bit much for ass paper.

  8. DJK says:

    So is $57

  9. G Rex says:

    I wonder how much my Bush 2000 yard sign would go for? Probably not as much as my Wolverine 1st issue comic book.

  10. TNMcCain says:

    Inspired by some of the great Obama campaign art that’s been created already, and the seemingly constant missteps of McCain as he attempts to campaign, a group of artist and copyrighters got together to create “Things Not McCain”, a website that offers up some intriguing options to the so-called Maverick. At the site you can download stencils and posters for free and help promote anything that is “Not McCain.” Today’s featured stencil: Frasier Crane, Not McCain….you get the idea.

  11. mike w. says:

    Funny. I always thought Obama’s art had a distinct communist feel to it? There are striking similarities.


  12. mike w. says:

    And I’ll post this because quite frankly it’s hilarious.


  13. Marv says:

    Here’s a look at the candidates’ views on the arts in America: http://www.artsology.com/obama_mccain.php