Markell TV Ad

Filed in National by on July 18, 2008

I like this Markell TV ad that they just released.

Watch it here.

It introduces him to low information voters and rolls out the “change” theme. I also love the fact that he takes some shots at Bush. I’m sure Carney-ophiles like Liberalgeek will moan that he Markell is not running against Bush. I’d disagree and say that every Democrat and most Republicans running for any office in the country are running against Bush this year.

Anyway, given the fact that Carney is clinging to RAM the change theme makes good sense.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Brian says:

    I said it before and I will say it again, Jack and John are both great candidates, but I feel Jack is better qualified in this case becuase we need the changes he is proposing. I feel his campaign has been more responsive to the needs of average citizens. Unfortunately, Carney has been a little less direct toward the citizens and it not entirely a good change. That is not a bad thing, it is just a difference in style, point is we need a good government that is responsive to our citizens.

    Now whoever does that, I see as the winner in the coming election. I do not know if Lee can do that becuase he is constrained by interest groups, but I do know Markell has been very effective in doing this.

    To be a good governor however you first have to become governor, so it will be interesting to see how this dynamic plays out. There is however so much apathy in Delaware and a good dose of cynicism, that we need policy change to increase our state’s economic health and healthcare and energy policy and there are too many issues to list. We also at some point need to rebuild a healthy and skeptical trust in our government that it serves the interests of the people. No easy job.

    So again it should be interesting. Anyone who can stop socializing the risks and privatizing the wealth of our economy and make it more equatable would be great for Delaware.

    We should be a tiny republic on the hill becuase we are more moderate and better suited to protect our form of government than other states. But the form of government alone cannot change social conditions, so we need some heavy hitters who believe in our liberty as a state and and consent to work with other states to solve problems. And someone willing to stand up for Delaware and its people, even if they are a lone voice as a governor…. and willing to no go along with any new trend that seems fashionable and instead follows what will work for our people in line with our unique constitution.

  2. Disbelief says:

    “To be a good governor however you first have to become governor.”

    That exact phrase has been responsible for more campaign and public service abuses than any other except “How much did you donate to my campaign?”

  3. Rebecca says:

    I’m concerned that the “low-information” voters who get their voting decision off the TV, namely TV ads, are not going to be interested in reading Jack’s book. I’m worried that having written a book might even turn these people off. Ya know, the Gore effect. Who is this ad targeting? Those of us who love the book already know how wonderful Jack is. Sorry, but I think Jack’s media people have missed the target with this.

  4. RickJ19958 says:

    I’m guessing, since “every Democrat and most Republicans running for any office in the country are running against Bush” this year, that you’ve approved of running against Ruth Ann Minner then? Super.

  5. Sticks 'n Twigs says:

    OH NO! Mr. Bill I am agreeing with RY again:
    Why would any candidate advertise on local TV? Delawareans only represent 7% of Philly stations viewers (don’t know about Salisbury stations). Maybe he’s placing it on premium cable channels….even that’s a shotgun approach.

    Nothing wrong w/the ad but who is the ad directed at? Where are the minority/women faces?

  6. liberalgeek says:

    There’s also this, that I just found:

    I think I’ll have to put Delawonk on the blogroll.

  7. Jack sent me the ‘book’ in the mail. It is not a tomb worthy of glazed-over eyes. It is 70 pages of the summary of his campaign platform and vision for Delaware. Sheesh~!

  8. Sticks 'n Twigs says:

    Geek…….please do. In this state we need all the factual info we can get.