McCain Attended Zero Afghanistan Hearings

Filed in National by on July 18, 2008

Zero? How embarrassing.

It turns out that presumptive Republican nominee Sen. John McCain, has attended even fewer Afghanistan-related Senate hearings over the past two years than Obama’s one. Which is a nice way of saying, McCain, R-Ariz., the top Republican on the Senate Armed Service Committee, has attended zero of his committee’s six hearings on Afghanistan over the last two years…

…The findings are surprising given the fact that the McCain campaign loudly criticized Obama this week for failing to schedule any hearings on Afghanistan in the last year and a half. Obama chairs the European Affairs Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which has oversight of military operations in Afghanistan.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I still think they might replace McCain just prior to the convention.

    This is the latest from the DNC….

    Two weeks into the latest “relaunch” of his campaign and it’s more of the same for John McCain: more of the same bad news, bad reviews and campaign chaos. While the elevation of Steve Schmidt was supposed to tighten McCain’s message and organization, McCain was under fire from all sides this week – taking hits on everything from his incoherent foreign policy agenda and the lack of an economic plan, to his double talk on transparency and accountability, to the lack of enthusiasm for his campaign among key constituencies. Even his sense of humor became a liability for McCain.

    With less than 110 days left until the election, is it time to start wondering how many more weeks like this McCain can afford?

  2. Pandora says:

    I agree, J, and it worries me. Slipping in someone “new” at the last minute could re-energize the republicans. But who would they pick? That’s the question that keeps tripping me up. Anyone have any idea?

    I’m also beginning to really believe that most of McCain’s gaffes are due to his age. He keeps getting into trouble for the dumbest things – like not knowing where he stands on his own policies.

  3. cassandra m says:

    Perhaps McCain has not been to any Afghanistan hearings because he has been busy resurrecting Czechoslovakia.

  4. Pandora says:

    Like I said… it’s his age.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    If Bush and McCain aren’t twins, I don’t know what!


    Beein Preznit iz hawd werk!

    I guess those hours on the bus playing Risk helped him with his military strategy skills more that we previously thought! It certainly wasn’t his less than mediocre book-learnin’ at the USNA, and it certainly wasn’t due to the 5 years confined in bamboo (missing out on all that practical experience, don’t you know) that got him to the level of Hannibal in his own mind.

  6. Truth Teller says:

    Please Please help Obama get off this Iraq thing we all know where he stands. The more the subject is Iraq instead of the Economy stupid the more it strengthens McSame’s hand.
    Also I notice Phil Gramm is back the great economy expert who predicted a depression if Clinton’s tax bill was passed. Which by the way led to a balanced budget and a government surplus.

  7. Truth Teller says:

    McCain has a new ad out today stating that Obama hasn’t held any meetings on Afghan. look this ass keeps giving us ammo and so far the only one to speak up has been our own senator Joe Biden. Who by the way would make a great VP