Estate Tax is to Death Tax as…
Contractor is to Mercenary.
Guess Mercenary/Soldier of Fortune doesn’t sound patriotic enough anymore.
Maybe Republicans should try their favorite “change the name” trick with John McCain. Maybe they could start calling him… Ronald Reagan.
surgery is to stabbing…
It’s be nice to have the Gipper back…
Perhaps….McCain and Reagan do have that Audacity of Senility thing in common….
I’m sure the Iranians would be happy to have Reagan back.
Yes he gave them arms a bible and a chocolate cake
What has four feet and smells like urine?
Of course, we could make a similar name change: should we change Barack Hussein Obama to Jimmy Carter or Walter Mondale?
should we change Barack Hussein Obama to Jimmy Carter or Walter Mondale?
If he loses his election, sure go right ahead. We’ll do it for you.
Of course, Dana has not noticed that Dems are largely happy with their candidate — it is only the wingnuts who are rending their garments to pine for Ronald Reagan.
As a National Tragedy is to a Business Opportunity.
What’s up Dana?
Don’t Pres. Carter nor Sen. Mondale have middle names?
Or are you so focused on Sen. Obama’s Arabian middle name you have forgotten your boy(s) have failed to find the most infamous Arabic name of the 20th century: Osoma bin laden? This while almost 5 thousand of our greatest patriots have given their lives for your lies???
Eff Off you pathetic loser….
Dana is behaving like a child who knows he’s lost a game. His comments are the equivalent of tipping over the game board.
Yes he gave them arms a bible and a chocolate cake
For all you young ‘uns who blew off this comment and thought it was some bizarre inexplicable liberal joke… sadly, no/
dana is one of this sheep that listened to Limbaugh. He changed to a democrat and voted for hillary. Then changed back…say no more about Dana people…
‘Dems are largely happy with their candidate ‘
Is that true? I’m not being snarky. I haven’t been paying too much attention over the past few weeks (started a new job…very busy). Are his numbers good among Dems? I thought I had heard that he was having more difficulty than he expected in terms of wooing Hillary supporters (specifically, their donations). Has that changed?
Dom, Obama raised 52 million in June. McCain raised 22 million.
Also, it is in the MSM’s interest to portray this as a close race. Surf on over to Election Inspection. XStryker has a great post up.
Good Old Ronnie lost 241 Marines in Beirut and invades a small island to rescue med students. Acted like Monty Python Run Away Run Away.