Delaware Liberal

Are you surprised that Oil Prices went down?

Because I’m not.  If you have your head up your GOP buddies asses that is about the only way you wouldn’t have seen a direct correlation between the Administration announcing a high profile visit with Iran and the price of a barrel dropping way down.  As the threat of War goes down so do prices.  Gee what a shock..

Well, looks like they will be going up again.  My guess is, that you will see the prices hover at about this level ($130 a barrell) for the next 2 weeks.  “Why two weeks Delaware’s Hottest blogger”

Well…this is why:

We will see what Iran does in two weeks, but I think the diplomatic process now has a new kind of energy to it,” she said. “If they do not decide to suspend then we will be in a situation where we have to return to the Security Council.”

Jason is calling the dow at 10600 and I’m calling oil to go over $150. IF Iran doesn’t do as we tell them in 2 weeks I don’t think it is going to be pretty. They don’t want Iran to have the ability to enrich Uraniaum. You just watch something will go down with Israel. We are running cover for something. They have been mighty quiet while we do their dirty work.


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