Are you surprised that Oil Prices went down?

Filed in National by on July 21, 2008

Because I’m not.  If you have your head up your GOP buddies asses that is about the only way you wouldn’t have seen a direct correlation between the Administration announcing a high profile visit with Iran and the price of a barrel dropping way down.  As the threat of War goes down so do prices.  Gee what a shock..

Well, looks like they will be going up again.  My guess is, that you will see the prices hover at about this level ($130 a barrell) for the next 2 weeks.  “Why two weeks Delaware’s Hottest blogger”

Well…this is why:

We will see what Iran does in two weeks, but I think the diplomatic process now has a new kind of energy to it,” she said. “If they do not decide to suspend then we will be in a situation where we have to return to the Security Council.”

Jason is calling the dow at 10600 and I’m calling oil to go over $150. IF Iran doesn’t do as we tell them in 2 weeks I don’t think it is going to be pretty. They don’t want Iran to have the ability to enrich Uraniaum. You just watch something will go down with Israel. We are running cover for something. They have been mighty quiet while we do their dirty work.


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hiding in the open

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  1. June says:

    What I want to know is: Who are we to tell them they can’t have nuclear weapon capability? Huh? How many thousands of nuclear weapons do we have? Oh, let’s see. Who else has them? China, India, Pakistan, Russian, N. Korea, AND Israel, plus some other more friendly countries.

  2. mike w. says:

    June – The Iranian gov. outright preaches “death to Israel” and “death to America” I think it’s in our (and even moreso Israel’s) best interest to ensure that they DO NOT develop nuclear weapons.

    If we, and the rest of the Western world get rid of our nukes (like Obama wants to do) it just puts us in a position of vulnerability. If we proceed with nuclear disarmament then other countries (who may, now or in the future, have nefarious intentions) will have nukes because they won’t abide by our non-proliferation rules.

    It’s like gun control on a macro scale. We “disarm” and the “outlaws” will be the only ones with guns, or in this case nukes. Also, like guns, the technology & know-how is out there. If countries want nukes badly enough they’re going to get them. I realize this is an unpopular viewpoint on DE liberal because it’s a realist rather than an idealist view of foreign policy. Personally I prefer realism and preparedness over idealism anyday.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, but why is it bad for them to say, death to America and good for us to call them part of the axis of evil? Aren’t we also behaving aggressively and immoderately? Don’t we have religious leaders that claim that we are in a fight to the death with Islam?

  4. now you are just talking crazy. we are the good guys

  5. mike w. says:

    “Yeah, but why is it bad for them to say, death to America and good for us to call them part of the axis of evil? Aren’t we also behaving aggressively and immoderately? Don’t we have religious leaders that claim that we are in a fight to the death with Islam?”

    Yes, but those ignorant religious nutjobs are on the fringe in this country. Most people do not identify with the hyper-right religious nuts in this country. In Iran religious nuts run the government. (Iran is a theocracy remember)

    Also, while I know Islam is not defined by it’s radical, violent jihadists they are a significant problem in the muslim community. We are not in a “fight with islam” we are in a fight with “radical islamic fundamentalists”

    Those radicals no more represent the majority of those who practice islam than Warren Jebbs and the FLDS represent the Mormon community.

  6. mike w. says:

    “now you are just talking crazy. we are the good guys”

    Certainly not always. And often being the “good guys” in one conflict turns us into the “‘bad guys” in the next. We armed Saddam against Iran, we armed Bin Laden against the Russians etc. etc.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Mike, you don’t get it. Bush & Co. are the closest that we have been to a religious-nut run government in my lifetime. Do you think that from Iran, George Bush is actually discernible from his spiritual advisors? Isn’t our view that crazy fanatics really run things in Iran, easily translatable to their view that crazy fanatics really run things in this country?

    By and large, the Iranian people like America. Yet we lump them in with the rest of the Islamofascists. I think that you haven’t really examined this with a critical eye.

  8. liz allen says:

    The IAEA are in Iran, and Iran stopped their nuclear program 4 years ago. They have a right to have nuclear power (for electric, for medicine etc). The US and Israel are terrorizing the Muslim people. Why did Bush give nuclear power secrets to Saudi Arabia? Don’t they have some of the biggest reserves in the world, why do they need nuclear power! Because Bush and the Israelies started a new Nuclear arms race.

    The US has been threatening Iran for decades, when they threatened to sell their oil in euros, not dollars. We put the puppet horror Shah of Iran in, we armed Iraq with chemical weapons. It was Bush’s idle and ridiculous threats against Iran and the pre emptive strike on Iraq for lies, that made Iran think “they better do something to protect themselves”. Israel had over 450 in the 1980’s anyone with a brain knows they probably have double or triple that number now.

    Israel is a paranoid, schizo state, its an apartheid nation that continuously attacks all its neighbors. Israel got approval from Bush to fly over Iraq for “tests” on bombing Iran. The Iraqis are vehemently opposed to these “fly overs” and determined Israel is violating their soverign air space.

    Israel continues to commit genocide on the Palestinans every day. The y continue the illegal settlements stealing more and more land from Palest,ine even though the International Court told them to stop. Thats why Sharon was busy tearing down some of the settlements, until he had a “stroke” and the right wing Ohlmert stepped in.

    I receive emails from two prominent peace groups in Israel everday. 70% of the people want peace with Palestine, want to end the illegal settlements, but not the zionists in control of the government.

    I am vehemently opposed to the US sending even one more dollar to Israel. Israel is the terrorist nation in the middle threatening all their neighbors. One of the major reasons the oil prices skyrocketed was the continuous threat by the US and Israel to attack Iran. Israel will and have stated they will use nuclear weapons against Iran. Its driving up world oil markets, keeping the middle east terrorized, and keeping our oil prices sky high.

  9. pandora says:

    What LG said!

    Seriously Mike… have you traveled abroad recently? Americans aren’t viewed so nicely. Now is that fair? Of course not. So why group all Iranians together?

    Actually, if “spreading democracy” was our goal – wait a minute, I have to stop laughing – then Iran might have been a better pick. And, NO, I am not advocating invading Iran, merely pointing out that Iran is a very young (under 30) country with pro-western leanings.

  10. mike w. says:

    “By and large, the Iranian people like America. Yet we lump them in with the rest of the Islamofascists. I think that you haven’t really examined this with a critical eye.”

    I didn’t lump all Iranians in with Islamic fundamentalists. I KNOW that the majority of the Iranian people are pro-American. Their government is a different story. I thought I made that clear when I said,

    “Also, while I know Islam is not defined by it’s radical, violent jihadists they are a significant problem in the muslim community. We are not in a “fight with islam” we are in a fight with “radical islamic fundamentalists”

    Those radicals no more represent the majority of those who practice islam than Warren Jebbs and the FLDS represent the Mormon community”

  11. liberalgeek says:

    Or how about Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and James Dobson? Are they (or were they) not Bush’s clerics, for all intents and purposes?

  12. Andy says:

    Maybe if the US had not backed horrible Dictators like the Shah Sadaam the Saudi Royal Family and to many others to name we would not be in the position we are in now with so called nut jobs trying to blow us up We need to learn to stay out of things that are none of our business like the internal affairs of sovereign Countries

  13. Pan,

    Americans aren’t viewed so nicely I think it is more our government is viewed that way than our citizens.

  14. mike w. says:

    “Israel is a paranoid, schizo state, its an apartheid nation that continuously attacks all its neighbors. Israel got approval from Bush to fly over Iraq for “tests” on bombing Iran. The Iraqis are vehemently opposed to these “fly overs” and determined Israel is violating their soverign air space.

    Israel continues to commit genocide on the Palestinans every day. The y continue the illegal settlements stealing more and more land from Palestine”

    Liz – You’re kidding right? “Palestine” has NEVER been a nation with any discernible borders, even before Israel came into existence. Both sides will keep fighting as long as Israel exists. Israel is surrounded by an arab community that would like nothing better than to commit another holocaust and wipe them off the map. They’re not shy about saying so either.

    In the early 60’s the PLO/fatah was created and they were bombing Israel, as was Syria. Israel retaliated in the 6 Days War in 1967 and pretty much decimated the competing Arab nations.

    Arabs continue to attack Israel on a daily basis currently, and they will not be content until Israel ceases to exist. What would you have Israel do? How do you negotiate with those who want to wipe out your entire country. The only way to survive in the face of such people is to defend yourself. If Mexico or Canada were sending suicide bombers over the borders into the U.S. everyday we would have dropped a nuke on them long ago.

    Everytime Israel “compromises” and gives up land they immediately start getting attacked from the areas they left. You simply can’t compromise with those who want you dead.

  15. mike w. says:

    “Americans aren’t viewed so nicely I think it is more our government is viewed that way than our citizens.”


  16. pandora says:

    Actually, after Bush won his second term we citizens weren’t viewed so nicely either. Kinda like… we’ll forgive you the first time, but you went and elected him again.

  17. mike w. says:

    Well hell, I didn’t vote for him because I liked the guy, I just couldn’t bring myself to vote for Al Gore.

  18. pandora says:

    Did you vote for Bush the second time, Mike?

  19. liberalgeek says:

    If he couldn’t bring himself to vote for Gore, you think he could have voted for Kerry?

  20. pandora says:

    Ssshhh! I’m huntin’ wabbits!

  21. mike w. says:

    D’oh. Sorry – Don’t know why I had Gore in my head (probably because he’s a hypocritical bum) Should have said I couldn’t bring myself to vote for KERRY. I wasn’t of voting age when Bush was 1st elected.

    I still think the Dems could have won in 04′ had they nominated someone more moderate. Then again you’ve nominated Obama this time around, and he makes Kerry look like a Republican.

    Oh, and I don’t hunt.

  22. Frieda Berryhill says:

    June is right !! the point being….Iran is signatory to the Non Proliferation Treaty, Israel ( which already HAS nuclear weapons ) IS NOT………Why do they hate us ? Maybe a little fairness would help.

  23. G Rex says:

    Actually, the oil futures price started going down as soon as GWB lifted the Presidential Order on offshore drilling – something like $5/barrel halfway through the un-signing statement.

  24. mike w. says:

    G-rex – Exactly, because oil futures is a speculative market, yet the Dems are yelling “drilling will take 7 years to have an impact.” which is insanely ignorant. In reality, if you even hint at the possibility of an increase in supply prices will drop immediately, which is why GWB’s order lowered prices. Too bad his order alone won’t do anything and the Dems in Congress are fools and won’t allow drilling.

    Freida – Considering Israel’s position in the region why in the hell would they sign a nuclear non-proliferation policy?

  25. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Why? because every other “nuclear” nation signed…..

  26. anon says:

    Frieda – every other “nuclear” nation has been recognized by every nation in the Mideast.

    The day all of Israels’s neighbors recognize Israel and sign non-aggression treaties – then Israel can talk about signing onto non-proliferation.

  27. liz allen says:

    GRex, No it was the dems stating the obvious….along with T.Boone Pickens, $700 billion of our wealth is going overseas to enrich those nations. We have wind, solar, and other solutions which will keep our money in this country, creating more jobs, enriching our economy.

    Its the dinosaurs in the repuke party who want to continue “enriching muslim nations, they claim are all terrorists”. We don’t need to drill, we need to go green and end the slavehold the mid-eastern nations have on oil supplies. Tell me Grex, how come the Saudis are wallowing in oil, but Bush gave them our nuclear secrets, why do they need to go nuclear? They are a muslim nation, gee I wonder if the fact that the Bush crime families and the Sauds have been “in business for decades” had anything to do with giving away nuclear secrets to them. Its about a new arms race, started by Bush.

    The speculators went soft the day it was noted by corporate media the US has been selling to Iran, and that a new embassy would be opened there. Had nothing to do with Bush except he and the Zionists want a war with Iran, in fact Bush gave them the ‘green light’ to do it. Think oil is expensive now, attack Iran and see how high they go. Diplomacy and green energies thats the wave of the future.

  28. liz allen says:

    Mike W….guess you didnt get the memo! Kerry did win in Ohio…faulty voting machines and other twisted politricks stole the election in 04, just like Gore was winning the 2000 election hand vote count, when the Supremes shut the count down. (Recount: HBO miniseries) on 2000. You can google: blackbox voting and see what happened in Ohio in 04..

  29. liz allen says:

    mike w: on Israel…better check your history fella. I realize you are very young but that is not excuse for your lack of history. If I had your email, I would send you the articles I get every day from 2 groups of citizens living in Israel who are totally opposed to the zionists and their control over the government. They stood with Sharon when he began to fulfil the International Court’s mandate to “throw out the illegal settlements from Palestinan lands”. Sharon was a real hawk, but in the end he did try to follow the International courts mandate. Ohlmert is just another invader and occupier.

  30. mike w. says:

    Great, Liz is a conspiracy theorist…. We had one of those at the NRA convention. He was the only person the entire day that had to be escorted out by police, and he was not armed.

  31. mike w. says:

    “I would send you the articles I get every day from 2 groups of citizens living in Israel who are totally opposed to the zionists and their control over the government.”

    Right, because the articles you get from certain “citizen groups” in Israel constitutes “correct history” but my facts are wrong.

  32. mike w. says:

    Frieda – every other “nuclear” nation has been recognized by every nation in the Mideast.

    “The day all of Israels’s neighbors recognize Israel and sign non-aggression treaties – then Israel can talk about signing onto non-proliferation.”

    THANK YOU ANON – someone understood the obvious point I was making.

  33. cassandra m says:

    Both GRex and mike w are quite wrong on why the price for oil started tumbling last week — an unexpected increase in supply as consumers definitely ratchet back the about of oil they use in GWB’s bad economy. Bernake was in front of Congress early last week too, making it pretty plain consumers were tightening their bests across the board and invoking the possibility of the dreaded I word.

    The BushCo executive order clownishness is just that much more vaporware. But I know you guys are desperate to credit the guy with some success, but all that was accomplished was the theater that they’ve always been skilled at.

  34. Tom S. says:

    You serious? This is all about the possibility of offshore drilling.

  35. mike w. says:

    “You serious? This is all about the possibility of offshore drilling.”

    Well most Dems have no concept of supply & demand whatsoever, or of basic economics. Of course it’s about drilling, and who’s stonewalling that effort? Not the Bush Administration, but the Dems in Congress…..the same folks who promised to lower gas prices if they were elected.

    The fact that Obama wants to raise capital gains taxes even when the facts tell him he’s flat out wrong tells me alot about his capacity for rational thought. He chooses to stick to ideology in the face of facts on numerous issues, and that scares the shit out of me.

  36. Frieda Berryhill says:

    The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) envisioned the end of all nuclear weapons. It provides (a) that states that did not possess nuclear weapons as of 1967 agree not to obtain them, and (b) that states that do possess them agree to divest themselves of these weapons over time. Every president of both parties since Richard Nixon has reaffirmed these treaty obligations, but non-nuclear weapon states have grown increasingly skeptical of the sincerity of the nuclear powers.
    I repeat Iran is a signatory.

    When international teaties no longer matter, we are all doomend.
    Dr. Strangelove is alive and well.

  37. liz allen says:

    Mike: like it or not, there are conspiracies everywhere, starting with your president conspiring against the american people. Is lying to Congress, United Nations, the american people using lies, deceptions and falsehoods a conspiracy?

    Is there a conspiracy between the US and Israel to continue the “theft of land and resources against the Palestinans a conspiracy”? Yes.

    My pointing out these conspiracies do not make me a conspiracy theorist? Its points out the conspiracy is and was taking place. Try to get some history before you make allegations you can’t back up.

  38. cassandra m says:

    The only people who are stonewalling additional drilling are the oil companies who are not exploring or drilling on about 75% of the leases they already have. You’d think that if additional domestic production (which will never be much in the scheme of things) was such a high priority these companies would step up on their patriotic duty.

    And while we’re at the supply and demand lessons, there is still one place on the planet that has enough oil to still call the shots on barrel pricing at the wellhead. Hint — that ain’t us.

  39. anon says:

    Frieda – NPT applies to “states.” But Israel’s enemies do not agree that Israel is a state. So until they do, they have no right to demand Israel should enter into treaties between states.

  40. mike w. says:

    “The only people who are stonewalling additional drilling are the oil companies who are not exploring or drilling on about 75% of the leases they already have.”

    Are you kidding? Oil Companies want profit. If there was oil on the land where they’re already “allowed” to drill by Congress THEY’D BE DRILLING THERE ALREADY. You can’t just stick a pipe in the ground in any random spot and get oil. You have to look for it. Oil companies drill where the oil is.

  41. anon says:

    If they didn’t think there was oil on the land then why the hell did they lease it from the government?

  42. liberalgeek says:

    Mike won’t be able to answer that until the next round of talking points comes out… Please stand by.

  43. mike w. says:

    They lease land, they look for oil on said land and then drill where the oil is, which explains why they’re not drilling on 75% of the leased land.

    You drill where the oil is. Why? Businesses exist to make a profit.

  44. cassandra m says:

    So did anyone note how mike ignored the exploring part of my comment to get right to the drilling?

    They aren’t even exploring of most of those leases, Mike, so no one knows if there is any oil there. Besides which, the MMS just went through a new round of leases and renewals and they were ALL taken (for record amounts of money too). So the companies are taking these up for possible exploration and drilling if warranted but they are not.

    So we are back to a bunch of oil companies with leases they are sitting on.

  45. anon says:

    We’re not talking about land where they explored and came up dry. Nobody says they should drill where there is no oil – that’s your straw man.

    We are talking about land they have leased but not yet explored. Why have they not explored land where they have purchased exploration rights?

    The answer is because it costs money to explore, and some of those wells might come up dry. Their excuse used to be that they couldn’t make money exploring those sites, but money is the least of their problems today.

    It would be far cheaper to throw a few million bucks at some politicians and lease some wildlife refuge with known reserves closer to the surface.

  46. mike w. says:

    “The answer is because it costs money to explore, and some of those wells might come up dry. Their excuse used to be that they couldn’t make money exploring those sites, but money is the least of their problems today.”

    And why should they be forced to explore in areas where they feel they’re unlikely to find oil? Should they just waste money because you consider their profits “obscene?”

  47. anon says:

    And why should they be forced to explore in areas where they feel they’re unlikely to find oil?

    First of all, they DO feel they are likely to find oil their. That’s why they paid good money for the exploration rights. Duh.

    Secondly, nobody is forcing them to explore there (straw man #2). If they don’t want to explore there, fine.

    But at the same time we don’t have to open up protected areas in the name of “more oil supply” if they aren’t going to explore what they already have.

  48. cassandra m says:

    Then why are they spending money to lease these lands if you think that they are unlikely to find oil?

    You don’t find oil unless you explore for it and that means capital at risk.

  49. Al Mascitti says:

    “Israel is surrounded by an arab community that would like nothing better than to commit another holocaust and wipe them off the map. They’re not shy about saying so either.”

    The question then becomes, why should I give a damn? Because Great Britain handed us the keys to their colonial empire, we have to protect it forever? Because Israel was a useful ally during the now-over Cold War, we have to protect it forever?

    You seem to have no problem identifying with the Israelis. Now try it with the Palestinians, or whatever you prefer calling them.

  50. Von Cracker says:

    Oh my, Al! You don’t support the international Socialist policies of our Federal Gov’t for Israel…you must be an anti-Semite then! 😉

    Because not supporting policy is tantamount to prejudice!

  51. mike w. says:

    “You seem to have no problem identifying with the Israelis. Now try it with the Palestinians, or whatever you prefer calling them.”

    You’re right. I don’t identify with people who send floods of suicide bombers into Israel to be blown up in crowded markets, or with those who use women & children as human shields.

    You let me know when the Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world recognize Israel’s existence and stop trying to wipe out the Jews. They start doing that and I’ll give them some respect. Until then I fully support Israel’s right to defend itself.

  52. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Al, as usual you come right to the point.You know where I am coming from , I have been to the camps, I am a defender of Irael, I have lived through the years of prosecution from the beginning when they had to wear the “star” on their clothing, I fight the holocaust deniers on their websites………but when Israel can build nuclear weapons SINCE 1956, WHEN THERE IS NEVER A DEMAND FOR INSPECTIONS, a demand made of every other nation under threat of war. My sense of justice bugs me.
    In any case looks like the Israely Peace movement in winning Olmert is in trouble now and will soon be gone.

  53. liberalgeek says:

    Mike – Do you have any response to why the oil companies refuse to drill on the property they are already leasing?

    Perhaps the oil companies are just looking for someone to blame for the high prices. The truth is, the reason that they are able to explore domestically is because the price is so high. The cost of domestic exploration is so high that it requires a high price to be able to do it.

  54. Al Mascitti says:

    “You let me know when the Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world recognize Israel’s existence and stop trying to wipe out the Jews.”

    Why should they? And why should your biases form the basis of all discussion on the issue?

  55. cassandra m says:

    One of the reasons they are not exploring is that oil companies are spending more on stock buybacks and dividends than on drilling.

    Now, that’s OK, it is their stockholder’s money, but there is no real reason to put more public lands at risk until the oil companies explore what they have. And they won’t be exploring more until they decide to expend the capital to do so.

  56. pandora says:

    Methinks Mike has blogged himself into a corner.

  57. pandora says:

    … on two fronts.

  58. mike w. says:

    “One of the reasons they are not exploring is that oil companies are spending more on stock buybacks and dividends than on drilling.”

    GOOD! Businesses exist to make a profit for themselves and for shareholders. Oil companies have terrible profit margins that would be unacceptable in most other industries. Yes, they still make incredible gross profits because of the sheer volume of product they sell, but profit margins are more telling than gross profit. If anyone’s fleecing the American consumer it’s the Federal Government in the form of gas taxes.

    On Israel – So it’s a “bias” for me to say we should protect a country that we helped create, and a people who survived one recent Holocaust? If so I’m proud of my “bias.” They would cease to exist if not for aggressive self defense. You’re damn right I’m going to support Israel’s efforts to prevent Jews from becoming victims of yet another Holocaust. Why would I support genocide?

  59. Von Cracker says:

    False choice.

  60. Von Cracker says:

    I think the Israelis are fully capable of protecting themselves; they’ve proved it in the past.

    We can keep on playing the “if you do or support this, then you’re this” game, but most people will agree that Israel is here to stay.

  61. cassandra m says:

    GOOD! Businesses exist to make a profit for themselves and for shareholders.

    EXCELLENT! mike flip flops on the Drill Here Drill Now bamboozlement especially since no drilling =more stockholder return.

  62. mike w. says:

    “no drilling =more stockholder return.”

    That’s only true in the short term.

  63. mike w. says:

    “I think the Israelis are fully capable of protecting themselves; they’ve proved it in the past.”

    Would they be able to without any U.S. support?

  64. anon says:

    GOOD! Businesses exist to make a profit for themselves and for shareholders.

    So I guess you have abandoned on the “increase the national oil supply” argument.

    I too am in favor of letting the oil companies make a profit for themselves and their shareholders. Of course, they will have to do it within the law. And right now the law says no drilling in protected refuges.

    So are you going back to patriotic arguments to increase oil supply? Or will you stick with the profits/shareholders thing?

  65. mike w. says:

    When did I make a “patriotic” argument? Right now Congress says they can’t drill offshore. Can you give me a good reason why they shouldn’t be able to do so?

  66. cassandra m says:

    They CAN drill off shore — they currently own have plenty of leases where they are exploring and drilling NOW (see maps at the MMS). And they are just not doing any exploring or drilling on 75% of the leases they have.

    Which brings us back to where we started.

  67. anon says:

    Because the risks outweigh the benefits.

  68. Pandora says:

    No, anon, because mike can beat a subject to death! 😉

  69. mike w. says:

    Well it’s easy when the best you guys can respond with is “OMG, OMG, GOP talking points…”

    Do we not have an obligation to protect our allies? Do sovereign nations not have a right to protect themselves from those who wish to kill their people?
    Do we not have an obligation to protect Jews from a 2nd Holocaust?

  70. mike w. says:

    Oh, and it’s not me beating a subject to death, it’s more you not having a substantive argument. It’s amazing how often I’ll make an argument and you don’t even attempt to rebut it with anything that makes sense. It’s either an ad hominem or a “OMG GOP talking point” type response.

  71. mike w. says:

    I’m also amazed at the anti-semetism exhibited by some of you. Israel exists. Others in that area of the world scream “death to Jews” and yet Israel is the “bad guy” because they defend themselves from those who wish to annihalate them.

  72. TRUTH TELLER says:

    “If there was oil on the land that they already have under leases they would be drilling there already”

    Mike do you think they are as stupid as you seem to be on this and many other subjects. They paid good money for those leases 40 million acres which are already off shore. They do a geological survey before making a bid. So there must be another reason for them not drilling. Look Bush and company have been pushing this off shore stuff for a long time now. The reason it has taken on such new meaning now It’s because it’s their last best chance at a land grab for their friends.

  73. mike w. says:

    Worldwide demand for oil isn’t going to go down anytime soon, so what’s wrong with having more land open for drilling?

  74. TRUTH TELLER says:

    “If there was oil on the land that they already have under leases they would be drilling there already”

    Mike do you think they are as stupid as you seem to be on this and many other subjects. They paid good money for those leases 40 million acres which are already off shore. They do a geological survey before making a bid. So there must be another reason for them not drilling. look Bush and company have been pushing this off shore stuff for a long time now. The reason it has taken on such new meaning it’s because it’s their last best chance at a land grab for their friends.

  75. TRUTH TELLER says:

    how did that post twice????,However, it is worth repeating

  76. Mike do you think they are as stupid as you seem to be on this and many other subjects.

    stupid is as stupid does

  77. mike w. says:

    In your case DTB I couldn’t agree more.

    Oh, and again, projection much?

  78. mike w. says:

    And TT – Again, what’s wrong with having more land open & available for drilling? Demands not going down anytime soon.

  79. Polenta says:

    If they don’t let US companies drill off our shores, there will be foreign companies doing it.

    China will be parked off Florida within 5-10 years, just outside the int’l boundary.

  80. mike w. says:

    Not to mention oil is a finite resource. Why the hell would you not drill now and secure as much land as possible for drilling?

  81. Polenta says:

    And continue to use up what the camel jockeys are so eager to sell us. Eventually we will bleed them dry, then we’ll wear the robes!