Comment Rescue: The Protack Effect

Filed in National by on July 21, 2008

Like him or hate him, this is some ballsy stuff from, as yet unfiled candidate for Governor, Mike Protack.

The comment stands, Lee is a coward and is not up on the issues. No need to use surrogates to say what every body knows.

If he had only stopped there…but no…

DSEA, despite its partisanship was accurate.

I find it humorous you attach a post card effort to me based on the findings of a guy who was threatening subpoenas and FBI involvement before he was banished to obscurity. If you notice, the cards were reported to stop after that person said “Delaware wasn’t ready” for him.

Ask Lee what are his proposals for health care? for transportation? for educaiton? for pollution? for renewable energy? for anything?

The Protack effect in full flower. For ever advantage he is handed, he parleys it into a disavantage. Now he has been baited into a pink postcard pissing match when he was riding high this morning.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (16)

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  1. Waiting... says:

    Still waiting for Captain Bullshit to answer the question from DWA:

    How is hundreds of Republicans voting in a secret ballot election in an open process that you worked VERY hard “insignificant”, but three jackasses in a pizza parlor is a triumph of democracy?

    You’re the coward, Pilot Sockpuppet.

  2. that pizza parlor wasn’t Grottino’s was it? (snark)

    *you like that one dis?*

  3. RSmitty says:

    I find it humorous you attach a post card effort to me based on the findings of a guy who was threatening subpoenas …

    Pot, meet kettle.

    If you notice, the cards were reported to stop after that person said “Delaware wasn’t ready” for him.
    Is this the “I know you are, but what am I” defense?

    You are even more naive than I could have ever imagined if this is your serious attempt to distract what happened.

  4. Unfortunately, the truth had to be said. Lee is not ready or capable to be Governor.

    Stand up and debate if you can prove to the public otherwise. Carney and Markell have had 10 debates and I have stood with them four times. Those who are unprepared and not capable will continue to hide behind reason after reason for not showing up.

    DSEA said what had to be said. They did not argue with what he said but that he said nothing.

    Skipping the Disabilities forum was a huge slap in the face to families who face huge challenges and need government services. Only a Governor can deliver on those needs and you have to be able to talk about these issues.

    Think about it, these individuals and their families with sight impairment, hearing impairment, autism and maladies like MS were not worthwhile to speak to and listen to?

  5. Waiting... says:

    Answer the question, sockpuppetmaster, or stop calling others cowards.

    Also, let’s be honest. Mike Protack couldn’t afford a real poll, so his numbers are as flimsy as he is.

  6. RSmitty says:

    Skipping the Disabilities forum was a huge slap in the face to families who face huge challenges and need government services. Only a Governor can deliver on those needs and you have to be able to talk about these issues.

    Think about it, these individuals and their families with sight impairment, hearing impairment, autism and maladies like MS were not worthwhile to speak to and listen to?

    Wow, Mike. I think you know as well as I do that Bill Lee wouldn’t ignore them any more than you would. If he actually stated that they were beneath him, or were unimportant, then I would be angry at that.

    What I have an issue with is your fainting in horror (my assessment) over his absense, but calling that his perceived ignorance of the group. What I see is YOU taking advantage of what these individuals and their families face and using THAT to further your attacks on Bill Lee. If they have an issue, then fine, Bill would need to address that and he likely would. You using their life-experiences and challenges to only further yourself against an opponent because he won’t debate you, that’s pathetic.

    As donviti likes to say, feigned outrage.

  7. Art Downs says:

    Mike Protack is more of a symptom than a candidate.

    In one of the last special elections in the state, Mike Castle showed up. Where was Protack?

    It is one thing to rail against RINOs but some grass roots efforts would establish some political bona fides.

  8. RickJ19958 says:

    Art –

    Mike Protack likes to tell of how hard he worked for Greg Chambers in the 41st Special Election. My lasting memory is seeing him hanging out with John Atkins on Atkins’ porch on Election Day.

  9. anon. says:

    Who’s Greg Chambers?

  10. RickJ19958 says:

    I meant Greg Hastings. Greg Chambers is my imaginary friend.

  11. Jason O'Neill says:

    Mike Protack was there to help elect Greg Hastings during that special election.

    Mike helps more candidates than you think: Rob Gilsdorf run in 2006 for 6th district New Castle County Council; and Dick Cathcart 9th Representative district to name a few.

  12. liberalgeek says:

    Word is that Protack was in the 41st that day, but no one has been able to say what he was doing, besides sitting on Atkins porch.

    And that, my friends, is a match made in hell.

  13. Jason O'Neill says:

    He was handing out literature, as he did for Cathcart and Gilsdorf.

    Mike has also helped W.G. Edmanson making phone calls.

    Contrary to what RickJ or others think, Mike helps Republicans.

  14. RickJ19958 says:

    I think Mike helps himself. If there’s a Republican who can raise his profile, he’s right there.

    I’m sure he feels a certain kinship with Atkins – they both have been turned away from Republican party politics. The problem is that we are judged by the comany we keep, and Mike chose to spend not just any old afternoon, but Election Day with a guy who words and actions disgraced himself, his family, and his friends; who believes that he is greater than the ideals he purports to represent; and who is striving for an office that he has shown no respect.

    Jason, why don’t we call all the people who Mike Protack has helped. Cathcart, Hastings, Edmanson… you make the list, I’ll make the calls. If any of those candidates pledge to support Mike Protack in the potential primary, you can continue to use their names to prop up your guy. He hasn’t received any endorsement from elected officials because they hold the same opinion that most of the rest of us do. He isn’t worth the support of the voters. I appreciate that your personal relationship with Mike has earned him this measure of loyalty, but your guy’s latest tactic of quoting non-existent polls and calling his theoretical primary opponent a “coward” is not only bad policy for a politician, it’s bad policy for a human being.

  15. pandora says:

    Don’t think I’d call Protack Jason’s guy. More like Jason’s whoopee cushion. 🙂

  16. puppyface says:

    Mike Prozac did NOT help Greg Hastings in the special election. I did and Mike was nowhere to be found.