Delaware Liberal

Comment Rescue: The Protack Effect

Like him or hate him, this is some ballsy stuff from, as yet unfiled candidate for Governor, Mike Protack.

The comment stands, Lee is a coward and is not up on the issues. No need to use surrogates to say what every body knows.

If he had only stopped there…but no…

DSEA, despite its partisanship was accurate.

I find it humorous you attach a post card effort to me based on the findings of a guy who was threatening subpoenas and FBI involvement before he was banished to obscurity. If you notice, the cards were reported to stop after that person said “Delaware wasn’t ready” for him.

Ask Lee what are his proposals for health care? for transportation? for educaiton? for pollution? for renewable energy? for anything?

The Protack effect in full flower. For ever advantage he is handed, he parleys it into a disavantage. Now he has been baited into a pink postcard pissing match when he was riding high this morning.

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