Obama Shares Hit New High

Filed in National by on July 21, 2008

Meanwhile McCain hits new “post clinch” low.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. mike w. says:

    In case you didn’t know the election is a statistical dead heat, despite the MSM’s adoration of Obama and seriously lackluster campaigning by McCain. It seems quite a few folks aren’t buying Obama’s “hope & change” message, likely because they’ve seen it before.

  2. jason330 says:

    In case you didn’t know the election is a statistical dead heat,

    Ha! I guess you’d provide a link, but linking to ones imagination must be tough.

  3. mike w. says:


    Obama is up just slightly in most polls I’ve seen, from 1-5%, which basically covers the margin of error. That’s why I said it’s a dead heat. I’m surprised quite frankly, given the MSM’ s fervor for everything Obama and the fact that McCain has, in my opinion, ran a poor campaign thus far.

  4. Steve Newton says:

    Intriguing question: has anybody raised the issue (or written about) candidates or their surrogates bidding up these kinds of shares markets to pump up their image? I am NOT suggesting that’s happening here, but it does occur to me that this kind of system is vulnerable to that if one wanted to spend the money–and both campaigns could spend enough money to affect this market out of spare change.