Delaware Liberal

There Will Be Fireworks

This head’s up comes courtesy of Paul Baumbach who blogs here…

This coming Tuesday night Councilwoman Stephanie McClellan will be introducing a resolution to instruct County Council President Paul Clark to refrain from introducing and spearheading development legislation for the time being.

Baumbach writes, “McClellan’s proposal has been criticized as political. It may be. It may instead be a good-faith attempt by council members to take a timeout and examine the system, to ensure both the reality and appearance of a level playing field between residents and developers.” So, If you support this resolution, attend the meeting.

At the very least Clark should recuse himself from development related business, but don’t hold your breath. Instead, expect Clark to come out swinging. You don’t have to do anything to be on the side of good government except show up. Numbers will have impact and Clark is expected to pack his side of the house with cronys.

When: Tuesday, July 22nd, 7:00 PM
Where: Council Chambers in the city/county bldg.
800 French St, Wilmington 19801

As if that were not enough rock’em sock’em governing – the agenda also includes:

…a proposal for the council to pay or not pay the attorney fees incurred by Sherry Freebery. Why is this interesting? The fees are $3.7 million, and are claimed to be tied to Freebery’s defense against charges that she and Tom Gordon (more on this in a bit) ran county government ‘as a criminal enterprise and misusing county resources and personnel for their own political and personal benefit’.

That should be fun.

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