Delaware Liberal

Comment Rescue & More Evidence That McCain Is Going To Get His Ass Handed To Him

From the Jed Reportwe learn that McCain spoke to a 43% full town hall meeting (700 showed out of 1,600 expected).

What if McCain held a town hall and nobody came?

According to a video report posted by Scranton, Pennsylvania’s Times-Leader, John McCain’s town hall event in Wilkes-Barre earlier today featured an underwhelming turnout — more than half the seats were empty. About seven hundred folks showed up — a decent sized crowd, perhaps, but it left nine hundred seats empty.


Stories like this are going to make it tough for McCain to raise money. Infact, I’m working on a post about how high profile Delaware Republicans have become tightwads when it comes to McCain (who wants to throw away good money on a nag – right?).

Now for the comment rescue, and I don’t have the exact quote, by Al Mascitti figures that we’ve had an uptick in our visitors from Wingnutia becuase school is out and these guys can’t find gainful employment.

Maybe. My theory is that they are aware (on some gut level) that McCain sucks and is going to get stomped and they are just trying to work through some angst about that and about having been proven wrong about eveything over the past 8 years.

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