
Filed in National by on July 23, 2008

WDEL reports that a man was killed while kayaking on the Brandywine River yesterday.  A rotted tree fell on him.   What the hell are the odds of that???   I love kayaking, but I only have the opportunity to do it down at my parents’ house in Bethany Beach.    I was planning on getting my own kayak and going out on the Brandywine, but now, with trees falling out of the sky, I don’t know about that. 


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  1. jason330 says:

    I read that. I wondered if the he was killed by the impact of the tree, or if it pinned him underwater and he drowned.

  2. Pandora says:

    Have you always thought like Stephen King? I assumed the tree… but now, thanks to you 🙂 , I’ll have nightmares!

  3. Momma Bear says:

    Years of forest neglect. Sorry about the death…but, having canoed on the Brandywine, I wonder with the sun soooo hot and the water level soooo low (no rapids to speak of) people want to be on the river…..except for truck tire tube-ing and drinking cold drinks.

  4. Sticks 'n Twigs says:

    Years of forest neglect.

    Sorry about the death…but, having canoed on the Brandywine, I wonder with the sun soooo hot and the water level soooo low (no rapids to speak of) why people want to be on the river. Spring, fall, and after a big rain makes for the best run on the river.

    Of course at this time of year it’s truck tire tube-ing and drinking cold drinks. Neither sun intensity nor water level matter for this great adventure.

  5. cassandra m says:

    Get your kayak, DD. Your real worry on the Brandywine is adequate water levels to do any kayaking in.

  6. arthur says:

    instead of a kayak, buy a bubble and a good tv and not leave your parents basement, its safer there. unless they have mold.

  7. Can we arrest the tree?

    Man that song by Rush “Trees” is such a great song!