Our Father who art in Heaven…

Filed in National by on July 23, 2008

Hey, McCain is Sky Dad!  Talk about grandiose gestures.  

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. delawaredem says:

    I have never seen a presidential campaign so tone death, so incompetent, so out of touch with the public it presumes to lead.

    It is simply amazing.

  2. jason330 says:

    The martial feel of this is crazy, although I guess it might appeal to some unreprentant neocons.

  3. Dist says:

    “Peace” is killing everyone who pisses you off or tries to take your stuff or won’t let you have their stuff anytime you want it.

  4. pandora says:

    Sorry, Mike, when I click on you link I’m denied access.

  5. delawaredem says:

    War is Peace.
    Wisdom is not knowing shit about Iraq.

    McCain is Orwell.

  6. delawaredem says:

    Jesus, what does McCain even offer as a candidate to you deadenders (mike w, david). He admits freely he knows nothing about the economy, and this week he has demonstrated he knows nothing about Iraq.

    Please, redeem your dignity and vote for Barr or that batshit Constitution Party candidate. I can not have any respect for you if you vote for McCain.

  7. pandora says:

    No, McCain is God. Psst… didn’t you see the picture! 😉

  8. Al Mascitti says:

    I’m blaming the economy for this sudden rash of libertarian/conservative trolls on the site. I think a lot of weenies just graduated and haven’t found jobs.

  9. cassandra m says:

    It really DOES look like McCain is trying to run for God.

    Next time someone wants to have a go at the idiotic messianic meme, point them to this poster. It’s got the messianic thing down pat.

  10. delawaredem says:

    I think God may have a problem with McCain running to replace him.

  11. cassandra m says:

    I should certainly HOPE so!

    You gotta wonder about this poster, though. I wonder if the next in the series portrays the White House as the next megachurch.

  12. Rebecca says:

    Al, I think you just called it. They seem to be crawling out of the woodwork.

  13. mike w. says:

    “Sorry, Mike, when I click on you link I’m denied access.”

    Works for me, but I’ll post another link.

  14. mike w. says:

    “I think a lot of weenies just graduated and haven’t found jobs.”

    I think that’d apply more to liberal college & high school students than anyone else.

  15. Von Cracker says:

    smart peepel r dum.

  16. JohnnyX says:

    Anyone else look at this graphic and think “bad 90’s” Steven Seagal flick? Just photoshop a long black ponytail on his hair and change the 08 to 98…just sayin…

  17. pandora says:

    LOL! Now that you mention it…

  18. Von Cracker says:

    More like Iron Eagle LXXII.

  19. Dana Garrett says:

    Wisdom, he says. The message is wisdom is born of age. I think the message should read: There’s no fool like an old fool.

  20. mike w. says:

    How about “there’s no fool like a naive idealist?”

    Obama fits that perfectly.

  21. liberalgeek says:

    How about, “I’m older than God, vote for me or I’ll smite you.”

  22. too bad there isn’t another jet to make the sign of the cross more distinct

  23. mike w. says:

    Obama has done it even more blatantly than McCain, as I said in post 15, but I know you guys think the Obamessiah can do no wrong, so you’ll ignore it.

  24. Pandora says:

    Here’s the rub, Mike… Democrats have to prove they have enough faith. Republicans have to prove they don’t have too much.

    But… I just thought the poster was elitist.

  25. mike w. says:

    Ah, the good old double standard. If religion and politics don’t mix, then that goes equally for BOTH parties and BOTH candidates.

    At least you admit Obama came off as elitist.

  26. Pandora says:

    Umm… no, I didn’t.

  27. mike w. says:

    Do you at least admit your bias and the obvious double standard? How come McCain’s is “bad” and “elitist” but Obama’s is not? Oh, and the Obama poster is MUCH more “in your face.”

    If there’s outrage when a candidate on the right does it there should be no less outrage when Obama does it, especially since you guys seem to think there’s actually a MSM bias against liberals.

  28. liberalgeek says:

    Let’s see, when is the last time John McCain had a real job? Which of the two actually went from food stamps to candidate for President? Which of them largely got to where they are because of a rich wife and an Admiral father?

    How, exactly is a guy of mixed race, raised by his single mother and his grandparents an elitist?

    For all your handwringing about Kerry, McCain seems like he has almost the same life story. Vietnam vet turned Government official, turned husband of a rich woman.

  29. edisonkitty says:

    I vote we call the Segal movie “Sky Pilot”.

  30. mike w. says:

    “How, exactly is a guy of mixed race, raised by his single mother and his grandparents an elitist?”

    His upbringing has nothing to do with the fact that he’s an elitist NOW. Are you claiming that Barack Obama can’t be elitist because at some point he was poor……and black?

  31. anon420 says:

    mike w, so what makes Obama an elitist today? Please be specific.

  32. Truth Teller says:

    I just love the five fighter jets in the poster more than likely flown by Qualified pilots not like the dummy in the picture.
    Who Thur family connections got his ass shot down and surrendered to the enemy

  33. mike w. says:

    “mike w, so what makes Obama an elitist today? Please be specific.”

    Well for one, he keeps his constituents in Ill & Chicago disarmed while he and his family walk around with 24/7 armed security.

  34. Pandora says:

    Mike, you’re so silly. Is that really all you have? Are you really a one-trick pony?

  35. Dist says:

    Yeah, but Mike, Obama doesn’t carry a gun.

  36. mike w. says:

    Dist – And what difference does that make? He employs men with guns to protect him, but doesn’t allow the citizens of chicago & Illinois to protect themselves in the same manner…… y’know with guns. That’s the height of elitism. He’s saying that his life, and his family’s lives are worthy of being protected with guns, but the lives of the lowly serfs of his state aren’t as important. Not to mention his stance on guns flat out says to American citizens “I don’t trust you.” If he doesn’t trust me why should I trust that he’ll work in my best interest as President?

    Also, telling others they need to “sacrifice,” and turn their thermostats to 72, stop driving their SUV’s etc. All while he drives around in a Chevy Suburban (or Tahoe) that has almost certainly been bulletproofed and gets ~8 miles / gal.

    Not to mention that someone living in the lap of luxury has no place telling American’s they need to sacrifice. Or, as Michelle Obama put it “give up a piece of your pie, so we can get things like Universal Health care. If it’s so important to you why don’t I see YOU giving up 90% of your income and lavish lifestyle to help the needy? Don’t you dare tell others they need to “sacrifice” if you’re not willing to lead by example (Al Gore anyone?) Instead Michelle talks about spending $600 on earrings.

    He also has this “my shit doesn’t stink” aura about him and says he’s going to bring about a “new kind of politics” which is complete BS.” He’s your typical lying politician, but the “holier than thou” attitude just makes his whole act that much more contemptible.

  37. Pandora says:

    Puhleez! Secret Service was assigned to him because of death threats. God, you’re such a hypocrite! Where was all this concern over money and elistism when it came to Bush? The biggest little spoilt rich kid of the bunch? Do you actually see yourself in Bush? Think you really have that shot? If so… what’s your daddy do?

    Mike, you and your guns are growing old. You don’t like Obama. Fine. Stop making up nonsense to justify your “feelings”.

  38. mike w. says:

    He (and most other Chicago-area politicians, I.E. mayor Daley) have armed bodyguards. He had them before he was assigned a secret service detail.

    Also, McCain tried to get rid of his Secret Service detail when he came to the NRA convention and he was told they would not leave him unprotected. Still, he showed that he trusted NRA members and gun-owners like myself who attended the Convention. That showed class, which is more than I can say for Barack “bitter clinger” Obama.

    I don’t care if someone’s a member of the “elite” so long as they’re not basking in moral superiority and telling others how to live. Say what you want about Bush, but he’s not an elitist pushing a message of “hope & change” and sacrifice for the poor and the “common good.” Obama on the other hand is.

    And Obama and his wife have flat out said these things. They’re not “nonsense.” McCain is filthy rich, but he and his wife aren’t going around telling the rest of America we need to “give up something so someone else can have more” and telling us we should be “happy to thrive just a little bit.”

  39. Pandora says:

    I’d be real interested in what you feel you’d have to “give up”. Too funny, how many people feel they can relate to Bush and McCain’s wealth.

    So… what you’re saying is it’s okay to be rich if you don’t care about the less fortunate? McCain’s “married” wealth is fine because he doesn’t talk about helping the poor or middle class.

    “happy to thrive just a little bit”. With the way things are going, that just might become the American dream. Honestly, Mike, I feel badly about your generation, but perhaps I should just tell you “tough”, I got mine.

  40. mike w. says:

    It’s a matter of principle, not a matter of what I’d have to “give up.” Hell, I’d probably even benefit from an Obama Presidency and Democratic Congress but I believe the policies he advocates are the antithesis of the values and principles under which this country was founded.

    Using income redistribution and social welfare programs to “prop up” the poor is not what makes a country great. You can’t prop up the poor without cutting the legs out from under the rich. What makes this country great is that a poor minority man/woman has the opportunity to make something of their life with hard work, education, and determination.

    Playing the “class war” as Democrats do when they talk down on the rich and their “obscene profits” is counterproductive. What incentive do people have to work hard if the government punishes those who thrive more than just a little bit? What incentive is there to work hard if the government provides material happiness and you can survive living off the government teet?

    Liberty involves risk, risk involves failure. Some people succeed, some fail, that’s life.

    Anyway, what it really comes down to is a fundamental difference regarding the role of government. You think “what can the benevolent government do to help” and you believe they need to provide that help. You see no wrong in taking from the rich to give to the poor so long as the government is the intermediary in that theft of property.

    I think the role of government is to stay out of the way as much as possible, neither hindering my pursuit of happiness nor advancing it. You think government is the solution, so long as “the right people” are in charge. I think they are usually the problem, particularly in regards to social welfare. History has proven this to be the case.

    You subscribe to the Rousseauian theory on government, a view shared by the “social democracies” of Europe, while I subscribe to the Lockeian view of our founders.

  41. Steve Newton says:

    What role do corporations and the willingness of many large entities of supposedly private free enterprise to accept government subsidies and preferential treatment play in your view of a free-market?

    If you think Locke was a complete free-market thinker, please read the original proposed Constitution he wrote for the colony of North Carolina.

  42. Truth Teller says:

    I see now that the Oil money is starting to flow toward McSame now that he has come out for off shore drilling. The problem seems to be that there are millions of acres of land already under the control of big oil which they haven’t drilled yet. And why is it that the oil drilled from the north slope goes to japan and not to us.
    My suggest would be to allow off shore drilling but the oil companies would have to sell that oil only to America at $30.00 a barrel.

  43. Dominique says:

    ‘Where was all this concern over money and elistism when it came to Bush?’

    P – Many things can be said about Bush – moron, inept, worst president evah, etc. – but elitist just doesn’t make the list.

    I’ve said this over and over, being wealthy and being elitist are not the same thing. Behaving and as though your wealth makes you better others is elitism.

    I think it happens a lot when people attend top-tier schools. They start to behave as though they are superior to the poor, stupid people they have to suffer each day. I suppose it’s only natural to start feeling that way when you’re surrounded by nothing but intellectuals for a few years.

    Like it or not, the Obama’s come off as elitist. It may be new-money elitism, but it’s elitism just the same.

    Here’s my list of who’s who in elitism:
    John Kerry – yes
    Ted Kennedy – no
    Oprah – no (sanctimonious, yes, but not elitist)
    Al Gore – 2K yes, but not so much anymore John Edwards (the whore) – no
    Reagan, GHWB, Bill & Hillary – no
    Bill Maher – yes
    George Will – yes
    Cokie Roberts and Sam Donaldson – yes
    Donna Brazile – no
    Mika Brzenezewzwesczczski – yes
    John Ridley – yes
    Joe Scarborough – no
    Chris Matthews – no
    Keith O – yes
    Peggy Noonan – yes
    Pat Buchanan – no
    Tucker Carlson – yes

    This could be fun. Who did I miss?

  44. Pandora says:

    Christopher Hitchens – yes

  45. Pandora says:

    BTW, Obama is smart, not elite.

  46. Dominique says:

    They’re not mutually exclusive. He’s both.

    BTW – Christopher Hitchens is an excellent example!

  47. Pandora says:

    So am I! 🙂

  48. mike w. says:

    “What role do corporations and the willingness of many large entities of supposedly private free enterprise to accept government subsidies and preferential treatment play in your view of a free-market?”

    Steve – that is presicely why free-markets cannot be left entirely unregulated. Regulation is necessary so that there are boundaries of what is “acceptable behavior” within society. Of course that is the basic function of law, to codify “deviant” behavior within a society and a set of consequences for engaging in such behavior.

    Nothing is absolute, and that includes the idea of a “free-market.”