Point of Order, Mr Speaker!

Filed in National by on July 23, 2008

The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Appoquinimink Hundred.

Thank you. Mr. Speaker, could the Parlimentarian please remind the delegation from Wingnutia, that “…but, but, but Bill Clinton…” is not a valid argument.

So ordered. Parliamentarian..?

The body is reminded that saying “…but, but, but Bill Clinton…” is not the same as making a valid argument.

Thank you. Carry on.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (66)

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  1. pandora says:

    …but, but, but Jason? Whoever will they blame?

  2. delawaredem says:



    Republicans hate personal responsibility.

  3. veroferitas says:

    Clinton was an average moderate Republican president. I was entirely wasteful in my loathing of him in the 90s.

    He could have gotten his “service” from a better looking woman. That would have garnered more respect. The chubby intern thing was a little crass. Better to have stuck with the chick from the “Highlander” TV show.

  4. pandora says:

    Ah… it’s nice to know sexism is still alive and well.

    I’ll be waiting for that buff picture of you, V – you know the one that proves it’s you – maybe holding up a Delaware Liberal sign. Hmmm… maybe we have a new contestant for DHB?

  5. veroferitas says:

    Are we actually discussing sexism in a thread about Bill Clinton. It only took one post for umbrage to be taken.

    Libs make it way too easy. You didn’t see this coming, did you?

    “”She said he was putting his hands on her legs and he was trying to put his hands up her dress. … She said, ‘Debbie, he pulled his pants down to his knees and he asked me to [perform oral sex] right then.’ ” Ballentine adds: “He also told her he knew she was a smart girl and her boss–what’s his name? Dave Harrington?–‘is a good friend of mine,’ and he told her, ‘I know you’re a smart girl and you’re going to do the right thing.’ ”

    You have just joined the hallowed ranks of feminist Clinton apologists.

  6. jason330 says:

    I can see that some from wingnutia are going to need more training.

  7. veroferitas says:

    What was it on that Blue dress again?

    Where did the cigars from Clinton’s humidor go again?

    Didn’t feminists go ape when Clarence MAY have taked dirty to a peer? What about when Clinton used his power as President to get “service” from an intern?

    This is fun, isn’t it.

    Thank you Bill Clinton for your “indelible mark” on American politics.

  8. jason330 says:

    I can see that some from wingnutia are going to need more training.

    Don’t worry Vero. My training program is 100% effective. Just ask Hube.

  9. veroferitas says:

    Bill Clinton can win a Nobel Peace Prize and cure cancer, but he will always be the BJ guy.

  10. cassandra m says:

    Which is now sorta sounding like sour grapes on your part, yes?

  11. pandora says:

    I wasn’t defending Bill Clinton, you moron. I was addressing your attacking a woman based on her appearance. I wasn’t thrilled with Bill or Monica, and, obviously, neither were you. However, you only went after the woman’s appearance.

    Go ahead, try and make this about but, but, but Clinton rather than your crass comment.

  12. cassandra m says:

    What “Bill Clinton did it too!” really means:
    1 I got nuthin’.
    2.I got nuthin’ and I’m thinking you won’t notice that.
    3.Please don’t notice that BushCo did not raise the standards like they promised.
    4.Please don’t notice that I am actually defending this bit of unconstitutionality
    5.Please don’t notice that I am defending lawlessness
    6.Please don’t notice the extreme damage to my IQ from listening and repeating this idiocy at length.
    7.The press has let me get away with this by not looking at this claim too closely
    8.I doubledog-dare you to fact-check this so I can argue with you over something else entirely.


  13. pandora says:

    What “Bill Clinton did it too!” really means:

    9. I get to make sophomoric jokes about BJs

  14. veroferitas says:

    Again, I’ll repent of my Clinton hatred. He was merely tawdry.

    And you can’t imagine a choice of words meant to bring out the “feminist flamebots” After all, this is a Jason330 thread. Y’all are cute when you get mad.

  15. veroferitas says:

    If he hadn’t done it, and feminists hadn’t rushed to defend him, this would not be an issue. The post act justifications (he only lied about sex) made it even more fun.

    But Clinton is a non-issue. He will be lucky if the nomination battle hasn’t diminished him beyond repair.

  16. jason330 says:

    Don’t quit on me Vero. I will not quit on you.

  17. pandora says:

    You’re doing it again. but, but, but Bill Clinton.

    Why not just say you were wrong?

  18. mike w. says:

    “I wasn’t defending Bill Clinton, you moron. I was addressing your attacking a woman based on her appearance. ”

    Nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade. Monica was ugly and fat, get over it. Now if he’d gotten Kate Beckinsale to “service” him it’d be a different story.

  19. pandora says:

    Isn’t it past your bedtime, little boy?

  20. veroferitas says:

    I am being intentionally inflamatory. If I appologize for doing that and offending you and hurting your wittle feewings what fun is that?

  21. veroferitas says:

    Don’t make me whip out “take off those shoes and get in the kitchen”!

  22. mike w. says:

    oh how cute, pandora’s being childish.

    vero – you had the same thought as me, although I was going to suggest she go bake some cookies.

    And vero, don’t you know they’re all about “feelings?”

  23. pandora says:

    Hmmm… aren’t these the same two who had a hissy fit when Dom said their guns were penis enhancers?

  24. veroferitas says:

    Being against mean-ness and treating everyone like a china teacup is liberaly. I choose not to play the game.

    Getting in a snit over someone noting a woman like Monica is homely often means something about the speaker.

  25. Al Mascitti says:

    “Nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade. Monica was ugly and fat”

    I suggest you click on his name and check out his picture on his blog. I won’t comment, because I’m no Adonis either, but he really has no call for criticizing anyone else’s sex appeal.

  26. veroferitas says:

    I would mount a gun on my penis if I could. But only a really big one firing a very powerful round.

    Point of proof to the gun as penis meme. It is really fun to fire a .50 cal machinegun from a seated position, legs spalyed aout with the triggers at the center of your torso.

    Freud at 500 rounds per minute.

  27. Al Mascitti says:

    “Getting in a snit over someone noting a woman like Monica is homely often means something about the speaker.”

    Just like calling attention to the fact that someone is homely often means something about the speaker.

  28. Al Mascitti says:

    “It is really fun to fire a .50 cal machinegun from a seated position, legs spalyed aout with the triggers at the center of your torso.

    Freud at 500 rounds per minute.”

    Is this what leads you to act like such a dick?

  29. mike w. says:

    Hey look! An anti making another gun-related penis joke!

  30. mike w. says:

    “Hmmm… aren’t these the same two who had a hissy fit when Dom said their guns were penis enhancers?”

    Yup, I felt the need to make a sexist joke at your expense this once, considering comment # 19.

  31. Al Mascitti says:

    Anti-what, Mike? I’m all for you having all the guns you want.

  32. pandora says:

    Really, V? What does it mean?

    I’d advise pausing and thinking before responding!

  33. mike w. says:

    “Getting in a snit over someone noting a woman like Monica is homely often means something about the speaker.”

    Well Pandora did get pissy with me for suggesting that woman are more likely to need to carry a firearm since they’re generally weaker than men. This is nothing new from her.

  34. veroferitas says:

    I’m ugly and it is irrelevant to anything I care about.

    As for acting like a dick, I guess you must be new to this blog if that is enough to get you agitated.

  35. veroferitas says:


    That tone sounds mighty butch.

  36. pandora says:

    You’re enough to make me buy a gun! 😉

  37. Al Mascitti says:

    I’m not sure what the connection is there. I realize that the “humor” you and Vero are engaging in, generally at the expense of those without power, is a source of great yucks in conservative circles, but it’s guaranteed to get this sort of reception from progressives.

    Are you really going to come here every day and fight the culture wars against the libs? If that’s your idea of fun, that says something about you, too.

  38. veroferitas says:

    Go with a Taurus Titanium .38

  39. Al Mascitti says:

    No, actually, I’ve visited this blog for years. You’re the one that’s new.

    And you are acting like a dick. You don’t have anything better to do with your post-service life than bait liberals? What’s the point?

  40. pandora says:

    It’s kinda sad, isn’t it, Al? Must not be too busy over at their gun blogs.

  41. veroferitas says:

    Not post service. Still active.

    I guess disturbing the echo chamber rattles the progressives.

    Good. Ignore me if your sense of outrage will allow it.

  42. veroferitas says:

    Or ban me. “Progressives” really like that.

  43. mike w. says:

    “And you are acting like a dick. You don’t have anything better to do with your post-service life than bait liberals? What’s the point?”

    And who’s the one continually getting all worked up about it? You’re easily rattled Al.

    And Pandora, how would you know about our gun blogs? Are you actually open-minded enough to read them? My name links directly to my site, but I doubt you’ve read it.

  44. pandora says:

    Carry on, V. You won’t be banned. Mocked and laughed at… maybe!

  45. veroferitas says:

    If tonight is any indication your side needs a little sharpening of the verbal blades. Never bring a blunted stick to a knife fight.

    Al’s irrefutable “go away you meany” defense had me on the ropes for a while, but I am recovered.

  46. pandora says:

    Been to your blog several times, and the comment section is, well, a little slow. BUT, you did just start blogging in December! Did you recently add your picture? I don’t remember seeing it a week or so ago.

  47. veroferitas says:

    Cue flurry of limp wristed smacks to accompany the “go away you meany” verbal jabs.

  48. pandora says:

    Boy, V, you’re out to offend everyone tonight. Maybe that’s why you need a gun!

  49. mike w. says:

    “Been to your blog several times, and the comment section is, well, a little slow. BUT, you did just start blogging in December!”

    I only get about 80 hits a day on my meager little blog, so I don’t expect too many comments. Glad to see you’ve visited.

  50. Al Mascitti says:

    Why am I rattled or outraged? I work with people like you two every day. Say whatever you want. I’m not even a progressive. I merely pointed out that your behavior here says something about both of you, and pointed out that picking arguments with people you know you disagree with isn’t a particularly meaningful or mature pasttime.

    “If tonight is any indication your side needs a little sharpening of the verbal blades. Never bring a blunted stick to a knife fight.”

    You’re not knife-fighting, brave man. Picking arguments is masturbating, not fighting. You’re diddling yourself because you have nothing better to do, and nobody to do it with.

  51. veroferitas says:

    So I guess you and I and mike and pandora are in circle jerk. I nominate Al for pivot man.

    And just so you know, I multi-task. Liberal outrage calms the soul and makes me more productive.

    And Wednesday is not a martial arts night and a notoriously bad night on TV. So circle-jerk it is.

  52. pandora says:

    Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m here tonight because I’m home with a sick kid and bored. Fair enough?

  53. Al Mascitti says:

    Martial arts, too? Wow, you really are a bundle of insecurity. Were you this way before Iraq, or did that experience lead to the testosterone poisoning?

    As I’ve posted elsewhere, I regret your visits (and Mike’s) because this is one of the best Delaware blogs at tracking state and local politics. The more time its writers spend in this circle jerk, the less time they have to do anything meaningful on the state and local scene.

  54. veroferitas says:

    So what’s your excuse, Al?

  55. Al Mascitti says:

    Researching ShotSpotter for tomorrow’s show — there’s a proposal to bring it to Wilmington — and in between, doing my late-night blog sweep to see if there’s anything I should know about. For political news, the blogs are way ahead of the newspapers in Delaware.

    In other words, um, masturbating. Or at least, goofing off when I should be working.

  56. pandora says:

    Wow, Al! Thanks for the compliment.

    And I’ll try to resist the circle jerk from now on. 😉

  57. veroferitas says:

    Actually Al, some of us seek the calm and peace of martial arts. Not that I do, but some do. I like hitting and throwing people and being hit and thrown.

    Are you troubled by the thought someone might not have Alan Alda as their personal role model? Some men enjoy the physicality of combat sports (I hear the gears in you head from 2 states away, I know you want to make a homosexual reference. Go ahead, you’ll feel better for it) and like guns without being the least bit insecure.

    As for Iraq, war stories or amateur psychoanalysis have a 2 drink minimum.

    If the blog is meant to be an echo chamber, by all means they should ban me. But your personal annoyance has little meaning.

  58. veroferitas says:

    Time for bed. Too much mental masturbation will grow hair on my frontal lobes.

    I still have to oppress my spouse and kick the dog.

  59. Al Mascitti says:

    I’m progressive enough not to care about your sexual inclinations. For all you know, I’m gay.

    I’m serious about the testosterone thing, though. Taunting DL to ban you illustrates it again. But why do you think that pointing this out means it “troubles” me? I’m making a simple observation — picking fights, or arguments, seems to fit in with your aggressive nature (at least, the one you’ve chosen to reveal here), and the two young men I know who are back from Iraq certainly were affected by the experience, not always for the better.

    I’ll have to buy you the drinks some other time.

  60. Dana Garrett says:

    I so wish the Pentagon would fix these PTSD Iraq war vets before they release them into decent society. They’re all about picking fights. That wouldn’t be so bad if they could just acquit themselves well in one.

    But these clowns…well, it’s just the same tedium and cliches: “Are you troubled by the thought someone might not have Alan Alda as their personal role model?”

    Alan Alda? Really now, that’s so 1990s and BORING.

    You’re going to need a lot more judo training than that, pal.

  61. veroferitas says:

    Ok, then.

    Substitute Rachael Maddow as a lefty version of masculinity.


    Ignore the lefty. He is light headed from holding his breath waiting for Dubya to be indicted for war crimes.

    Obama / Che ’08

  62. Al Mascitti says:

    Hey, they can’t run a dead guy. If they could, the GOP would exhume St. Ronny.

    And I think Rachel Maddow is kinda cute.

  63. veroferitas says:

    Ugh. She has the neck of a linebacker and must get her hair done at a barber college for the blind.

    Other than that, smokin’!

  64. veroferitas says:

    But she is less likely to make your ears bleed than Randi Rhodes. You could sand a wall with that woman’s voice.

  65. Pandora says:

    I’m ignoring you!

  66. veroferitas says:

    Ignore harder. It isn’t working.