Filed in National by on July 23, 2008

Is a mormon VP going to hurt McCain?

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hiding in the open

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  1. mike w. says:

    I’d be more worried about the fact that he’s a big-government, nanny state liberal than I would the mormon thing.

    He’d be stupid to pick Romney. Really stupid.

  2. jason330 says:

    I wonder who Mike W would like for McCain’s VP….?

    Ran Paul?

  3. Momma Bear says:

    ‘Hurt McCain’? How about us???

  4. Rebecca says:

    Let’s see. We can’t talk about Romney’s religion because that would be dirty politics, and besides we have separation of church and state so a candidate’s religion is immaterial.

    They can make up all sorts of stinking, filty lies about our candidate being a coward in Viet Nam while their candidate was AWOL for that little episode in American history.

    But we could never bring up the subject of Mormonism.

    I can just hear the pundits now — ya know, those liberal luving pundits.

  5. mike w. says:

    “I wonder who Mike W would like for McCain’s VP….?

    Ran Paul?”

    Nope. I believe your supporters say a lot about you. Have you seen Ron Paul supporters? He seems to have attracted an unusual number of nutjobs.

    On the other hand, Obama supporters are like cultists.

    As for VP – I’d go with Jindal or Palin if I were McCain.

  6. Pandora says:

    I knew Mike was a Jindal kind of guy!

  7. mike w. says:

    I’d actually choose Palin over Jindal. I like her and I think it’d be great to see a woman VP.

  8. Von Cracker says:

    Castrations for all my friends!

    Mengele would’ve been proud!

  9. delawaredem says:

    Mike….you do know Palin is now involved in a horrible scandal where she illegally tried to get a former brother in law fired from his job as a police officer, and then fired the Public Safety Commissioner when he refused to fire the brother in law?

    Palin is now damaged goods, and will be defeated for reelection. She will not be McCain’s pick. Neither will Jindal.

    McCain will pick Romney, and I don’t think his Mormonism will hurt him. The Batshit Right have accepted McCain, they will accept Romney.

  10. Pandora says:

    Not so sure, DD. The evangelicals might feel differently.

    Also, I think Romney’s Mormonism will be like Obama’s race. It will be unspoken, but there.

    The real problem with McCain’s VP pick is McCain. Usually a candidate chooses their VP to fill in holes in their resume. McCain’s real problem is that his resume is full of holes. It will be hard to find one person to fill those gaps.

  11. jason330 says:

    I agree with DD.

    Plus this has been the plan all along. McCain will bow out after the convention non-bounce and Mitt will be the nominee.


    Funny quote from McCain in today’s NJ. I don’t have the paper but when asked if he has “forgiven” Mitt, McCain tried to pay Mitt a compliment but he botched it.

    “He has been working hard for the campaing. He is doing a better job for me than he did for himself.”

    Magic Eightball, …is McCain an A-hole…?

    “All signs point to yes!”

  12. Andrew C. says:

    Jindal just took himself out of the running according to an interview on Fox & Friends.

    I gotta say that McCain is almost certainly going to pick Romney, as perpetually disliked as he may appear, because conservatives seem to think that he’s more their guy (remember the audible gasps when he suspended his campaign?).

  13. mike w. says:

    “The real problem with McCain’s VP pick is McCain. Usually a candidate chooses their VP to fill in holes in their resume. McCain’s real problem is that his resume is full of holes. It will be hard to find one person to fill those gaps.”

    The exact same can be said for Obama. I keep hearing names of moderate Dems like Tim Kaine (as if Obama picking a marginally pro-gun VP will fool anyone) Kaine isn’t even very well liked in VA.

  14. as if Obama picking a marginally pro-gun VP will fool anyone

    you speak as if you haven’t been fooled before

  15. Pandora says:

    Mike, I was referring to McCain’s base which he hasn’t even sewn up.

    Dems have (mostly) united behind Obama. His VP pick will expand his base. McCain’s VP will need to appeal to his base (because McCain can’t) and expand the electorate.

  16. cassandra m says:

    Tim Kaine has a 60% approval rating in VA and is incredibly well-liked in VA. Closure of the legislative session left some business undone (transportation and some judges) which ticked off some folks, but he is still well regarded. A Kaine pick does not necessarily deliver VA, but Kaine does have an effective political network (which delivered VA for Obama in the primary) that could be formidable for a state that is definitely in play.

  17. mike w. says:

    “Mike, I was referring to McCain’s base which he hasn’t even sewn up.”

    I agree. McCain’s biggest problem is this. Most of his “supporters” aren’t voting for him so much as they’re voting against Obama. I know I fall into that fairly large demographic. Seriously. McCain’s most redeeming quality is that he’s not Obama. Kerry ran on a similar message in 04′ and lost.

  18. Dorian Gray says:

    Didn’t Jindal support a measure in LA to teach creatio… I mean “intelligent design” in public schools? The legistlature just had to decide whether to cancel the course on astrology or the seminar on alchemy.

    Any religious weirdo will hurt McCain (Jindal, Mitt…). My apologies for the “religious weirdo” comment… redundancy and all.

  19. Pandora says:

    So… who does he pick as VP to energize, well, everybody?

  20. liberalgeek says:

    McCain naming a VP in the next two weeks cannot be seen as anything less than a failure on McCain’s part. He had been planning to announce his choice after the Dem convention to kill the expected Obama post-convention bump.

    If he can’t keep his powder dry, he must see this thing slipping away from him.

  21. mike w. says:

    I think Obama has done more to energize McCain’s base than McCain could ever hope to.

    He certainly convinced me to vote for the lesser of 2 evils.

  22. David says:

    Palin’s approval rating is around 70% after your scandal. She would be the best choice. I don’t see dismissing someone who refuses to follow lawful orders being a scandal.

    Jindal would be good but he is need where he is.

    Romney polls poorly. I am not sure why, but he brings the ticket down. That is the reason he won’t be chosen. I would hope we are beyond the religion thing.

  23. delawaredem says:

    David, talk to your right wing friends in Alaska, please, before you defend the Governor using her office to pursue a family vendetta. The wingnuts in the state have apparently abandoned Palin due to this. http://community.adn.com/adn/node/127456

    As for your polling, she was at 90%. She dropped 20% in one day. She won’t be staying at 70%.

  24. Palin’s approval rating is around 70% after your scandal

    not after the MSM pushes the story

  25. cassandra m says:

    One of the things that killed Romney in the primary was that he couldn’t get past the pretty significant track record of running as a liberal in MA when he was running for Senate and for Governor. All of that footage is still around and still needs to be explained…

    But it would give you an Olympic-class Flip Flopping team!

  26. mike w. says:

    I agree with Cassandra – I always considered Romney the Republican version of John Kerry and a 1st class RINO.

    He’d have a hard time explaining away a strong liberal record on a multitude of things, including gun control and Universal Healthcare. The latter by the way, has failed miserably in MA and killed the state budget.

  27. veroferitas says:

    Selecting Romney has no net positive effect. Romney is a Pseudo Republican and non-closeted nanny stater. All of the closet Stalinists, Neo-Lenininsts, Moderate Maoists, and people who think the best way to improve the economy is to throw trashcans through the windows of Starbucks are already voting for Obama.

    Romney is also an unabashed gun hater. That goes so well with McCain’s “I support the Second Amendment because you gun loving retards vote”.

    If McCain picks JC Watts he might have a shot. Or crosses the aisle and asks Jim Webb to be his VP that works too. But Romney? Might as well pick Bloomberg.

  28. liberalgeek says:

    I support the Second Amendment because you gun loving retards vote

    May I quote you on that? [ducking]

  29. veroferitas says:

    In a similar way, the likely stone atheist McCain has changed his tune since 2000.

    In 2000 it was “get bent Bible thumping doofuses” and then the inevitable bloodletting in Virginia (full of the people McCain disparaged). In 2008 it is McCain courting everyone he thinks will get Evangelicals to forget he is a corrupt, skirt chasing trust fund waste of oxygen.

    I’m a gun loving Evangelical, so McCain doesn’t even think my IQ can be measured.

    Too bad the Dems chose the candidate most likely to alienate gun owners this year. If Webb were running I would not have a second thought of voting Democrat this year.

    As it is, I’ll have to suppress my gag reflex as I vote.

  30. Delaware Dem says:

    There is no chance Webb or any Democrat joins McCain’s ticket. And no, Joe LIEberman is not a Democrat. You Rethugs can have him.

  31. veroferitas says:

    As a side note, my father went to the Naval Academy with Webb. He hated him with the fire of a thousand suns, but would vote for him in a future run for the Presidency.

  32. veroferitas says:

    Can you Dems select someone who has the following stated beliefs:

    1. Actually believes in the validity of the Second Amendment.

    2. Is open minded enough to concede that abortions might not be swell and parents might need to be informed before their 13 year old gets one and might even think that fewer abortions might be a desireable goal.

    Other than that, I can live with moderate taxation, some level of socialized medicine (poor kids should not have to wait all day to have a broken bone set) and even a President who has to suppress his urge to wear a Che shirt.

    Is this too much to ask?

  33. Von Cracker says:

    I, for one, have no issues with those positions, V.

    One thing about Romney. Mainstream mormans do adhere to the phrase “Whoever dies with the most toys wins”. He’s nothing more than a opportunist, be it political or economical.

    Basically, he’ll be whatever you want him to, just as long as it gets him where he wants to be….

  34. veroferitas says:

    Then lets get a Kennedy or Johnson or Truman at the head of the Democrats.

    As I was standing in line to vote in 2000, my son and I discussed who I would rather be voting for:

    Kennedy, Johnson, Truman, Eisenhower, Nixon (before al gaskets are blown, think NEA and EPA and China).

    Those were men who knew how to lead, did not appologize for America and wanted what was best for the US, not for the party or whatever company they like or some ossified ideology (like the Mastercard Marxists who think nationalizing the oil companies is a good idea).

    They all had flaws, and some supported laws I would abhor, but not one would have been looking to confiscate firearms or allow a school nurse to take my daughter across state lines without telling me.

    Our freedom would be safe with any of them.

  35. meatball says:

    I’m a card carrying member of the NRA (they sent me a card along with an application). I don’t see what difference it makes whether or not any President subscribes to the NRAs inturpretation of 2a. Unless all of SCOTUS is destroyed and he gets all his picks confirmed, it just really doesn’t matter.

  36. Delaware Dem says:

    Agree, Meatball.

    Vero….the SC has just affirmed the right to bear arms. So no one will ever take your guns away from you. Isn’t that enough??

    As for abortion, Democrats are always going to be pro-choice, but have been following the Clintonian program of “Safe, Legal and Rare” for 2 decades now. We want to reduce the number of abortions nationwide, because, as Hillary Clinton says, it is horrible.

    Interestingly, under Republican rule, abortions increase. Under Democratic Administrations, they decrease.

    If you really care about reducing abortion, you will be voting for a Democrat this fall.

  37. veroferitas says:

    One more Ginsburg and one less Scalia and Heller would have confirmed the government’s right to do whatever the hell they want as far as your right to keep and bear arms. In other words, they would rule you do not have one.

    Read the Heller decision. The four opposed are not keen on anyone other that the chosen government enforcers having guns.

    Until the Democrats prostrate themselves, appologize for their demonization of gun owners and their flurry of totalitarian gun rules from 1968-1994, and promise to respect my right to keep and bear arms as strongly as they support Planned Parenthood’s no restrictions demands for abortion, they will never have my vote.

    A crappy RKBA supporting candidate will always have my vote over a golden boy who thinks the Second Amendment is merely theoretical.

  38. Delaware Dem says:

    Idiotic tripe, Vero.

    I am a Democrat and I believe in the second amendment. But I also believe in restrictions. I believe automatic assault rifles should be banned, as well as AK-47s. I believe cop killing bullets should be banned.

    You apparently want cops killed, and were stupid enough to believe the NRA when they said “Democrats want to take your guns away.”

    Nonesense. You will get no apology from me or any Democrat. We want to save lives. You want people to die just so you can hold a AK-47 in your hands.

  39. veroferitas says:


    The national legal induced abortion ratio increased from 196 per 1,000 live births in 1973 (the first year that 52 areas reported) to 358 per 1,000 live births in 1979 and remained nearly stable through 1981. The ratio peaked at 364 per 1,000 live births in 1984 and since then has shown a nearly steady decline. In 2000, the abortion ratio was 245 per 1,000 live births in 49 reporting areas and 246 for the same 48 reporting areas available for 1999. This represents a 3.8% decrease from 1999 (256 per 1,000 live births) for the 48 reporting areas (6).

    Not really. There is not strait line you can draw for abortions going up in Republican administrations. There were WAY more abortions in the Carter administration than in the Bush administration, for example. They declined from a peak in the late 70s and 80s. There was a shift in public morals during this time, as well as economic improvement.

  40. liberalgeek says:

    here we go again…

    V – the Dems are never going to prostrate themselves for you. So I guess you will have to hang in the permanent republican camp. Have fun there.

  41. veroferitas says:

    Automatic assault rifles are extremly rare. They are a Class III controlled item. Automatic weapons have been used in 2 murders in the last decade, one of which was committed by a cop with a department issued MP5.

    “AK-47” is the term for an automatic assault rifle, controlled as above. You are probably refering to semi-automatic military style rifles firing an intermediate powered round. Such rifles are rarely used in crimes, so when they are the crime makes a big splash in the papers. Most criminals use handguns.

    “Cop Killer Bullet” is a anti-gun term for a bullet capable of penetrating soft body armor favored by police, not the much heavier armor I wore in Iraq. Any rifle bullet larger than a .22 will penetrate police body armor. So by definition any hunting round is a “Cop Killer Bullet”.

    Wanting to save lives is a laudable goal. Gun bans have not worked in Chicago or DC.

    Many democrats want a complete gun ban, many more want partial bans, but I have to assume you already know this. Look up McCarthy’s gun banning bill as a start.

    I do not want people to die so I can hold an AK-47. That is easily dismissed hyperbole.

    You need some facts to go with your hysteria.

  42. veroferitas says:

    Dems were wrong about guns. Republicans were wrong about civil rights.

    Both sides lost natural allies with their mistaken beliefs.

  43. In 2000 it was “get bent Bible thumping doofuses” and then the inevitable bloodletting in Virginia (full of the people McCain disparaged). In 2008 it is McCain courting everyone he thinks will get Evangelicals to forget he is a corrupt, skirt chasing trust fund waste of oxygen.

    so how the hell does something so freaking blatant get a pass in the Liberul Medium? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  44. veroferitas says:

    Because the press is too busy french kissing Obama to do any actual news.

    I would love to hear again how McCain divorced his loyal wife when he was 42 for a 25 year old heiress.

    But I also want to hear someone call Obama on the lie about him not seeing the paper with his signature where he states he is for the banning of all handguns.

  45. X Stryker says:

    Yes, it will hurt McCain more than help. He can’t afford to alienate one of the GOP’s most vital constituencies – bigots.

  46. his stance on economics, religion, war…nahh

    how about guns…


  47. jason330 says:

    With the recent daylight killing in Wilmington, I’d love to have a civil thread about what might work and what wouldn’t work to help the situation in a city that is important to every Delawarean (even if you never step foot in it).

    But I’m afraid that we have these very emmotional people who are not really interested in problem solving and we’d end up with 300 comments worth of tripe and ad nauseum talking points.

    That kind of thing does not interst me in the least.

  48. veroferitas says:

    “Mayor Baker is also asking the city solicitor to work with the state to draft new mandatory sentences for anyone who commits a misdemeanor or felony with a gun.”

    Punish criminals for doing crimes. That is a lot better than the reaction in Chicago to their recent spate of shootings.

  49. Pandora says:

    I was talking with two neighbors today – both Republican/both McCain supporters – and both admitted that they had a problem with Romney and it had nothing to do with his politics (which they knew nothing about) and everything to do with his religion.

  50. meatball says:

    The comments I hear from my Republican friends are that he appears plastic and shifty. The hard core churchy folks I work with in Sussex County (you know the kind that literally worship from dawn to dusk on Sunday), have a HUGE problem with Mormanism. They put it on the same level as atheism.

  51. Graniaclewbay says:

    How come the media isn’t covering the John Edwards caught with the mistress and baby at the hotel story? Mr. pure as the driven snow wanna be vp????
    I’ll choke if McCain chooses Romney and worse if he chooses TomRidge.

  52. Pandora says:

    Meatball, that’s what I was hearing today – Romney is a Mormon, ’nuff said.

  53. liberalgeek says:

    Gran – I hope it isn’t true. It is an unsubstantiated rumor as far as I can tell now. I’ll keep an eye on it, though.

    Supposedly he was accosted by reporters upon leaving. If true, why no pictures? No video? Perhaps it will emerge, but for now, I’ll remain skeptical.

  54. mike w. says:

    Want to help violence in Wilmington? Make Delaware a shall-issue CCW state like the huge majority of the U.S. and make it easier to get (I.E. affordable)

    Right now a DE CCW is prohibitively expensive for the poor, the newspaper publication requirement is downright dangerous, and it’s may-issue, so after all is said and done they can deny your application for no good reason.