A BBC Story For all Our Francophile Nuclear Energy Boosters

Filed in National by on July 24, 2008

Time to come up with a new talking point.

Concern over French nuclear leaks

The Tricastin nuclear plant in Bollene, France - 9/7/2008

The Tricastin nuclear site contains a power plant and a treatment facility

A French nuclear monitoring body has expressed concern at the number of leaks from French nuclear power stations in recent weeks.

The director of Criirad, an independent body, said the organisation was worried by the numbers of people contaminated by four separate incidents.

In the most recent leaks, about 100 staff at Tricastin, in southern France, were exposed to low doses of radiation.

It came two weeks after a leak forced the temporary closure of a reactor.

There has also been a 10-fold increase in the number of incidents reported by people working in the French nuclear power industry, Criirad director Corinne Castanier said.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (28)

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  1. Pal Joey says:

    Did you not see the part where they distinctly labeled the workers as French?

    Try Japan for real nuclear expertise. Their plants withstand earthquakes every day.

  2. Pal Joey says:

    Still a better record than dem Frenchies!

  3. Pal Joey says:

    Who the hell is Greenpeace?

  4. cassandra_m says:

    So Jason, does this article tell you — precisely — how much radiation these workers were exposed to, or are we supposed to run for the hills just at “radiation”?

  5. liberalgeek says:

    I think Cassandra’s point is that the article isn’t linked…

    And Cassandra, it’s attitudes like that that destroy our cities through the creation of Godzilla And Mothra.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    In which case, we shouldn’t care about the radiation — we should be selling tickets!

  7. mike w. says:

    We’re not France……thank god.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    No, when it comes to Nukes, we are much worse. No standardization, nowhere to put the waste. Cassandra is really the expert here on this, so I’ll let her rip you now…

  9. cassandra_m says:

    And we are no where near taking nuclear power as seriously as the French do. Or as seriously as the US Navy does. And these — as regular readers know — are the two most successful nuclear programs on the planet.

    Neither are perfect, but both of them are focused on making the program work, work efficiently, work safely and for a fairly rational price (which is still expensive). Both have very active research programs to improve efficiency and to improve waste issues.

    There have been multiple releases of radioactive particles at French reactors recently — and while that is definitely not good, from what I can tell those releases are not catastrophic. If you live in New Castle County you have a medium risk of radon exposure from your basement at a constant 2 -4 pico curies…..

  10. Al Mascitti says:

    Ever been to France, Mike? Are you speaking from your vast worldly experience?

  11. Rebecca says:

    Hey Geek!

    As the tech guy around here, can you put up some sort of filter so I don’t have to wade through all this troll crap. I don’t mean censor them, just give me a troll filter I can activate when I’m reading the threads. Anybody else who wants to can still see them. ;o)

  12. Frieda Berryhill says:

    last week
    The consumption of well water in three towns in the Vaucluse region and the irrigation of crops using water from the Gaffiere and Lauzon rivers prohibited

    Visitors to a popular French tourist region have been warned not to swim or fish in two rivers after uranium leaked from a factory. This is now a neew “incident” (they dont like to call it accident)

    KASHIWAZAKI is a complex of 7 nuclear plants in Japan hit by an earthquake, all shut down , broken pipes leaking stuff all over the place.

  13. jason330 says:


    I’m sure they will get more shrill and crude as the election nears and thier prospects continue to dim.

  14. Frieda Berryhill says:

    LOL Al !!! As usual you can really hit the nail on the head . It’s amazing what a little foreign travel can do for you.

  15. Pandora says:

    Agreed, Frieda. Foreign travel should be mandatory.

  16. Al Mascitti says:

    Frieda: I love when people tell me America is the greatest country on earth. I ask them how many others they’ve lived in, and how many they’ve visited. You occasionally hear this sort of thing from the well-traveled — it’s not impossible for people to stay in their Americanized bubbles while travelling abroad — but the knee-jerk jingoism, as you’re well aware, usually comes from those speaking from ignorance.

  17. mike w. says:

    Saying America is the best country in the world because we value individual freedoms isn’t Jingoism.

    And no, I’ve not been to france, but I have been to England and Italy.

  18. jason330 says:

    It was obvious that you’ve never been to France when you said, “We’re not France……thank god.”

  19. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Saying America is the best country in the world because we value individual freedoms isn’t Jingoism.

    Mike, you would be surprised how much individual freedom you have in ANY fo the european countries…..

  20. liberalgeek says:

    Mike just wants to shoot stuff. Which countries can Mike visit that will allow him to fire big guns.

    Sorry Freida, if they don’t have a second amendment they must be socialists…

  21. Al Mascitti says:

    “Saying America is the best country in the world because we value individual freedoms isn’t Jingoism.”

    Yes. Now if there were only some evidence to back up your claim that “we value individual freedoms.” I hope you’re not counting on what’s left of the Bill of Rights to make your case.

  22. mike w. says:

    The UK is socialist, and those people are not free by any stretch of the imagination.

  23. cassandra m says:

    Hey Rebecca, I think that LG will consider adding a Troll Filter for you if you are voting for him as DHB…..

  24. Al Mascitti says:

    Sure, Mike. They live under the yoke, all right. They’re crying out for freedom. Do you suggest we invade and liberate them?

  25. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Mike I have a sister in the UK and I talk to her on a regular basis and visit, she does not feel oppressed I assure you. I am Austrian by birth and visit there, worked in Germany and visit France.
    Mike I do wish you could see it and see the slumless cities and breath the fresh air. You are still young, I hope you do.

  26. Mike R. says:

    Mike W.

    I know why you don’t like the French and/or France. They are just like us! They have intense national pride, think they are always right, and are not ashamed to speak out about the ills they see others doing. Maybe you would like them more if they were a bit more militaristic, but I doubt it, that would make them even more like us and might even make them an actual threat.

    I have had the benefit of spending a good deal of time in France, staying with French friends, and I am always amazed at the arguments we get in, ususally in their bar/garage that has a huge American flag painted on the wall.

    Before you go off thanking god, the FSM or any other deity, go and talk to the people that you are hateing, it will make you sound more grownup.

    And i am sure you spent your time in england getting to know some English families and talking to them about their perception of their rights. oh, sorry, my mistake…