DelawarePolitics.Net Digest

Filed in National by on July 24, 2008

I read so you don’t have to.

Christian Hudson: Palestinians are good guys, because Obama said something nice about Israel. When he says something bad about Israel, Palestinians will go back to being terrorists.

David Anderson: Obama doesn’t care about the troops because he cancelled a visit to Rammstein. Had he made the trip it would have demonstrated Obama’s contempt for the troops.

David Anderson: Call or email the Delaware Democratic Party and urge them to keep paying for John Carney ads. phone: (302) 328-9036

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. This should become a regular feature!

  2. Dist says:

    I read it for the intellectual content.

  3. cassandra m says:

    If this is a play for getting a raise, Jason, it’s not going to work.


  4. jason330 says:

    I thought I’d check in on those guys. That visit should satisfy my curiosity for a while.

  5. I thought that site turned into some horrible beach site that no one goes to and has the time, temp and weather forecast on it?

    who knew

  6. cassandra m says:

    Someone over there is apparently arguing for the government to keep fingerprint, DNA and other data on citizens.

    They’re still in my newsreader but I have them in a folder called Rip In the Space/Time Continuum.

    Glad you could make some sense out of it!

  7. Joe M says:


    No, the beach site is a spinoff site for bloggers who have cashed it in. I’m there quite a lot myself!*

    *Actually, not really

  8. David says:

    No, I was happy when he was seeing the troops. I am not happy when our guys in the hospital are looking forward to meeting him and he drops it because it is all of a sudden inapproriate. Just don’t take the media if you think it shouldn’t be a campaign event. That is what President Bush does. He sees the wounded troops regularly.

    Doesn’t care is too strong. I didn’t say that because I don’t believe it. Slighted is what I was going for.

    We opposed the government collection of private data for no compelling reason not favored.

    We think Israel is our true ally. What is the stuff about political switch hitting?

    Thanks for visiting but maybe you need to read it a little slower.

  9. delawaredem says:

    David, you do realize that it was the Pentagon who cancelled Obama’s trip, right? Obama did not cancel the visit to Ramstein to see the troops. The Pentagon told him he was not welcome because it would be a campaign event, rather than an official codel visit.

    Please stop smearing Obama with lies. Get your facts straight.

  10. rsmitty says:

    you totally dissed me…even after my homage to you.

    “What have you done for me lately?”

  11. Steve Newton says:

    NOT to jump on any anti-Obama bandwagon, but military authorities explicitly deny that they told him he would not be welcome; they did limit the number of aides, forbade campaign operatives, and said the only photographers allowed inside the hospital would be military photographers.

    The Obama campaign has now given several different stories about the issue–they’d have been better off just to have said, “We screwed up the planning and we’re sorry.”