Delaware Liberal


Today, Obama was in Germany giving a speech in Berlin.  John McCain had a meeting in a German restaurant in Columbus, Ohio.

This is where my expertise is going to pay off.  I have actually been to both of these places.  In fact, I suggested Schmidt’s Sausage Haus in January.  They have some pretty good German potato salad and sauerkraut, but to be honest, the sausages weren’t very German.  I much prefer the Bratwurst that can be found at the Mars Cheese Castle in Kenosha, WI.  I have also been to Berlin, albeit not to the spot that Obama was speaking at today.  The German food is much better in Germany.

Here’s the thing, though.  I am a bit of an elitist when it comes to travel.  I once asked my sister why they don’t take a year off of Disney and go to Europe (it was a bit cheaper then).  She said that they could have lunch in Germany and dinner in Mexico and they didn’t have to leave Epcot.  That’s John McCain today.  Hangin’ out in Epcot while his opponent is working with Germans in Germany.

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