Delaware Liberal

Lee: My Name is Toby

Do you remember the scene in Roots where the slave was being whipped incessantly for refusing his slave name, Toby?  For the past 48 hours, the batshit Republicans have been screaming their fool heads off and whipping Lee with his “Drivers Licenses for Illegals” comments that he made on WGMD.

After 24 hours of whipping, he said “I don’t me real drivers licenses, I mean one clearly marked as ILLEGAL.”

Today Kunta Kinte is no more.  He is Toby.

After careful consideration and consultation with many experts whose judgment I respect — and also after listening to people and hearing their ideas and how strongly this issue resonates with them — it has become clear to me that it is simply not a good idea to issue any official legal document to those who are in our nation illegally.

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