Filed in National by on July 24, 2008

Which candidate is the bigger flip flopper?  **Please back up your claims**

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hiding in the open

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  1. Steve Newton says:

    Unfortunately, it’s Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate; proof?

    1) Wrote and sponsored DOMA; now sort of wants to repeal part of it maybe

    2) Supported Patriot Act and now has rewritten his previous history into principled reservations and an attempt to sunset the worst provisions

    3) Previous Federal Drug Warrior who now sorta wants to stop throwing people into prison

    4) Supposed Libertarian who supports a Federal bail-out for Fannie and Freddie

    5) While on the Libertarian National Committee ran a PAC that gave money in his name to conservative GOPers who had active, ballot-qualified Libertarian opponents (now he’s gone back and given some of those Libertarians smaller amounts of money to maybe even out the score)

    6) Orchestrated impeachment of Bill Clinton and now doesn’t really see it as necessary or viable against Dubya, and denies his politicization of the process had any role in that

    Compared to Bob, John and Barack are amateurs. Talented amateurs, I’ll admit, but amateurs.

    See, jason, I do have the same standards for Libertarians–I’ll dump on a bad one as quickly as you’ll dump on a bad Democrat

  2. mike w. says:

    Yup, that’s why I won’t vote for Barr.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Sorry, Steve, Bob Barr is a piker when it comes to flip flopping.

    John McCain is an Olympic-class flip flopper and I am outsourcing my proof to the incomparable Steve Benen who currently shows 66 flip flops.

    Also, I saw in a bunch of other blogs that Barr was at Netroots Nation this weekend. There are pictures of bloggers with Barr (or with Barr close by) and every blogger has a WTF? expression on his or her face.

  4. mike w. says:

    Hmm. Obama said in the debates that he “doesn’t issue opinions on pending SCOTUS cases” when asked about DC’s gun ban, yet he did exactly that in the recent voter ID case that came to The Court.


    And you can’t get much more of a blatant flip flop than this. It’s constitutional…….oh wait, now it’s not.


  5. Delaware Dem says:

    Ok, that is one flip flop for Obama, as compared to 66 for McCain.

    As for Barr, I was one of those bloggers in the pictures, Cass. I actually asked him what the hell was he doing here, endorsing Obama? He laughed and said he just wanted to stop by and answer any questions.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    I also think that there is a pretty big difference between “issuing an opinion” and “writing an amicus brief” but then I’m not a lawyer and don’t play one on TV.

  7. mike w. says:

    So you don’t think signing onto a brief in support of a particular position, and posting that opinion on your own website is “issuing an opinion?”

    As I quoted in the above blog post I linked to.


    I’d sure as hell call that “issuing an opinion” on a pending SCOTUS case.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Come back when you know what an amicus brief is, OK?

  9. Steve Newton says:

    I could get to 66 on Barr, but I didn’t have all day.

  10. mike w. says:

    “Come back when you know what an amicus brief is, OK?”

    I know exactly what an amicus brief is thank you. Oh, and my statement still stands.