ummmm, wow…

Filed in National by on July 24, 2008

But prosecutor Timothy Stone told the six-member jury of U.S. military officers who will decide Hamdan’s guilt or innocence that Hamdan had inside knowledge of the 2001 attacks on the United States because he overheard a conversation between bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri.

“If they hadn’t shot down the fourth plane it would’ve hit the dome,” Stone, a Navy officer, said in his opening remarks.

Uh, yeah, that’s right I PROSECUTOR (AKA Good Guys) just admitted that WE SHOT down Flight 93? HELLLLOOOOOOO

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hiding in the open

Comments (24)

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  1. Steve Newton says:

    I don’t think he has a guest shot on JAG coming up any time soon….

  2. jason330 says:

    Or he just admitted to being a nut case.

  3. mike w. says:

    or he misspoke?

  4. yep he misspoke. Prosecutors working for one of the biggest cases to come through gitmo usually aren’t prepared in their opening statements.

    he probably was winging it…

    I assume you have a unicorn in your backyard too

  5. mike w. says:

    Boy you’ll really reach for anything that confirms your “OMG, Bush CONSPIRACY” hysteria won’t you?

  6. oh so now you are changing from he misspoke to I’m a conspiracy nut?

    just using a direct quote from the prosecutor mike.

  7. Al Mascitti says:

    It’s not much of a conspiracy to think flight 93 was shot down instead of crashed by the hijackers. It’s actually what’s supposed to happen, isn’t it?

  8. This is an admission. No one wanted to admit that we killed all of those on the flight in order to save Congress….

  9. mike w. says:

    You guys seriously buy into the whole 9/11 conspiracy crap? wow.

  10. Pandora says:

    This isn’t a conspiracy. Al’s right. It was standard procedure. Now… I have no idea what happened, but that prosecutor obviously knows something. And if he “misspoke” (You guys do a LOT of this) then he should resign immediately.

  11. Steve Newton says:

    As a Libertarian who posts here with regularity, let me please caution you: everyone here speaks for himself or herself. Because Nancy (whose blog this is not) buys into 9/11 truth does not merit “you guys” as a response.

    I wouldn’t want to see that quotation appear without context in, oh say, Another Gun Blog, as any number of such quotes already have.

    I often think jason or geek is off base, but when I respond on my own blog the first thing I do is make sure I have represented their individual positions as accurately as possible.

    I hope you’ll adopt the same standard.

  12. Pal Joey says:

    Stone did not misspeak. He repeated the defendant’s recollection of a convo between two other towelheads, who truly believed at the time that the plane had been shot down. They also believe 72 virgins are waiting in paradise for their smelly hummus and lice infested unwashed johnsons.

  13. Pandora says:

    I’m so glad Pal Joey joined us. He’s really elevated the debate.

  14. Pal Joey says:

    I like to go the extra kilometer, but it’s not easy with Herr Scott censoring me all the time.

  15. Pandora says:

    I can tell. The towelhead comment really strengthened your point.

  16. mike w. says:

    Steve – point taken, my apologies. From now on I’ll try to avoid such blanket statements and if I do say “you guys” you can assume I’m referring to any number of the posters linked as “contributors” in the left sidebar.

    “I wouldn’t want to see that quotation appear without context in, oh say, Another Gun Blog, as any number of such quotes already have.”

    Any quotes I’ve posted to this point were linked to the post in question and attributed to a particular commenter.

  17. cassandra_m says:

    When you say “you guys” you can include the individual who wrote the comment you are referring to. Attributing the sensibilities of one commenter or contributor to all of the contributors here certainly is just plain silly. There is a reason why we each have names.

  18. liberalgeek says:

    I’m planning to legally change my name to Delaware Liberal. I encourage the rest of you to do the same. Do I have to change my kids names, too, do you think?

  19. as long as you don’t take DHB I don’t give a shit what you do

    seee you saturday DL

  20. pandora says:

    I’m so bummed I can’t make it, DV. (I will not call you DHB until you’ve earned it!) You did receive my rsvp??

  21. yep…no worries. it won’t be that fun a party until Liberal geek leaves anyway

  22. Al Mascitti says:

    Mike: I’m not saying I thought the flight was shot down — just saying that point is the only one in the 9/11 Truther portfolio that doesn’t require any suspension of disbelief. That is standard procedure for what happened that morning, so it might have.

  23. Joe M says:

    “If they hadn’t shot down the fourth plane it would’ve hit the dome,” Stone, a Navy officer, said in his opening remarks, repeating Bin Laden’s deputy’s claim.

    Anyone else read this as the prosecutor was just repeating the claim of the deputy, and not that it was new info offered by the prosecutor?

    Add that to the fact that that is pretty much exactly what the title of the story states…