BREAKING: Carney Campaign’s “Rovian” Press Release

Filed in National by on July 25, 2008

Al Mascitti is just reporting that he has received a press release from the Carney campaign demanding that Jack Markell refund the money he received for his campaigns for State Treasurer to those who donated.  They are saying that Markell transferred that money to his gubernatorial bid.   This is a Rovian preemptive strike to distract attention away from the controversy caused by the Delaware Democratic Party’s running an ad for Carney paid for by party money.

Little do the Carney people know that it is perfectly legal to transfer money for one campaign to another campaign.  Hillary Clinton raised 60 million for her easy reelection campaign to the Senate in New York in 2006.  She did not spend 60 million on that race, so she transferred all of that remaining money to her Presidential campaign.

Carney is perfecting his inner Karl Rove.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Little do the Carney people know that it is perfectly legal to transfer money for one campaign to another campaign.

    If it is really a Rovian move – they do know that, but sent the press release anyway.

  2. delawaredem says:

    Indeed, they have to know.

  3. Rebecca says:

    Wondering if Carney transferred money from his previous two campaigns for Lt. Gov to this campaign.

  4. delawaredem says:

    Markell just made that point on WDEL. It is a red herring.

  5. jason330 says:

    They are in freak-out mode.

  6. anon420 says:

    Wait a moment, y’all are complaining about the “perfectly legal” funding of Carney ads by the State party, but Markell’s transfer of funds is okay.

  7. Mark says:

    You’re missing the point, although I doubt that it’s accidental.

    The issue is not whether funds were transferred from one account to another; the issue is whether Markell was completely honest with Democrats when raising them.

    If Jack Markell had plans on leaving the State Treasurer’s Office two years before his term was up to force a primary with a declared Democratic candidate for Governor, he should have apprised people of this when he solicited money from them.

    The simple facts are these:

    * He should have been honest with the voters that he had no intention of finishing his 4 year term as State Treasurer.

    * He should have been honest with Delaware Democrats from whom he was raising money that he was going to force a primary with an already declared Democratic candidate.

    Cleared up for you?

  8. jason330 says:

    * He should have been honest with the voters that he had no intention of finishing his 4 year term as State Governor.

    An honest slip, but a telling one.

  9. delawaredem says:

    Was Carney honest with his donors? He transferred money from his Lt. Governor Campaign to his gubernatorial campaign. Was the Del Dems honest with their donors? They used money donated to support efforts Republicans, rather than fellow Democrats.

  10. rsmitty says:

    What’s clear for me is the deepening divide that is opening and the Del Dems (state party) and Camp Carney are the ones throwing sticks of dynamite into the schism, making it deeper and wider. Good on ya’, Carney and Daniello! Woo!

    Why don’t they just cut to the chase and start telling everyone that Jack isn’t a good little Democratic boy because he doesn’t play by their rules?

  11. delawaredem says:


    You haven’t been paying attention. We accept that what the Del Dems are doing is perfectly legal. It is just wrong and divisive. Hence our complaints. What Markell did in transferring funds from one campaign to another is perfectly legal. And if you are going to attack him for doing then you must also attack Carney for doing the same thing, for he transferred money from his Lt. Gov. campaigns to his gubernatorial campaigns as well.

  12. jason330 says:

    I wish I read Smitty’s dynamite analogy befor I got on the radio with Al.

    That has sticking power.

  13. Dist says:

    Did Carney complain about Matt Denn’s Insurance Commissioner campaign chest since he’s running for LT. Gov. now?

  14. P.I. says:

    A few years back the dem party made a move that rankeled a lot party actives when they moved to endorsing in primaries that did not involve incumbent candidates. It’s one thing to endorse a seat holder but beyond that, open seats and primaries should be decided by the voting public. The party leaders have been worried all along that the primary for governor would hurt the party. The truth is the only thing hurting the party is a leadership regime who feels THEY should decide what is best for the constituency. The state party leadership is responsible for any gains the republicans make in a year when Dems should have a cake walk. The state party leasership is splitting the party faithful with their push for Carney. I’m not a democrat who will quickly forget this stupid stunt. My efforts will shift to deserving candidates who distance themselves from this ridculous waste of democratic funds to beat a democrat. Daniello needs to retire. Help me and all Markell supporters get Markell elected.

  15. G Rex says:

    Hold on a sec, I heard the ad this morning, and it mentions Carney AND Tony DeLuca, which makes it a party ad and not a candidate ad. It also counters the “Copeland saved BWW” spin, so it’s pro-Matt Denn.

  16. Andy says:

    Was Carney honest with his donors? He transferred money from his Lt. Governor Campaign to his gubernatorial campaign.

    Is John Allowed to run for a 3rd term as Lt Gov ?? Probably not so no dis honesty on this point