Illegal Immigration the Ticket for Protack?
From the News Journal:
Protack said he didn’t mind much. He was getting a lot of mileage out of an about-face Lee made this week to issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. After two days of controversy, Lee changed his mind and said it was a mistake.
“After the circumstances of this week, it would take 10 times that filing fee to rescue Bill Lee,” Protack said.
Protack was referring to the $5,300 filing fee he finally paid to officially enter the Republican primary yesterday. And it was mentioned in the article that the fee will find its way into the pockets of Bill Lee somehow, to which Protack said he didn’t mind, as quoted in the article. How does a filing fee paid to the state end up in Bill Lee’s pockets? Or the DE GOP’s pockets? Can someone explain that to me?
More importantly, however, is Protack’s reaction to Lee’s Hillary-like gaffe on offering driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. He thinks it will be the issue to sink the Lee campaign. But, as we have seen nationally and locally, illegal immigration as an issue does not have the potency that the GOP and its stalwarts think it does. Indeed, illegal immigration is a problem created by the free market, and the GOP cannot be seen attacking the free market without further destroying their brand as a party.
Is illegal immigration wrong? Sure. I do not condone people entering this country illegally. I much prefer they do it legally like my great grand parents. Should illegals get drivers licenses or any other government benefits save emergency health care? No. But you can’t work yourself up into a rage over illegal immigration because the illegal immigrants are really not the reason illegal immigration exists. Our economy and labor market is the reason. There is a demand for cheap labor that is not being filled by our own citizenry. Thus, it is being filled by someone else’s citizenry. The problem with illegal immigration ever becoming the wedge issue the GOP dreams it to be is because we are the ones to blame. We basically invite them here, so how can we scape goat them at the same time? Sure, some idiots will try. But they have not been successful to date.
I’m a lot happier with Lee’s position now than I was before, and as much as being a “flip-flopper” is a negative, it’s forgivable if you end up on the right position.
Protack would be right about this being damaging, if we weren’t such a gaffe machine himself. He advocates for increased property taxes, state run health care, and a larger tax burden on Delawareans – none of those things are going to please Primary voters in the GOP, and all of them have a lot more traction than the federal issue of immigration.
Thank you for revealing the hypocritical nature of the “flip flopper” attack.
I actually agree with your comments about Protack’s other stances. There is just no way he wins a primary, even against Lee (who looks more confused than John McCain)
so did everyone miss the pun in this one?
getting a lot of mileage out of this one
Protack, making a funny. Nice one Mike. Didn’t think you had it in you
How is getting a drivers licenses a government benefit? There are going to be driving anyway – why not make them follow the rules?
I thought the retired judge had a moment of clarity when he said undocumented workers should get IDs.
As you point out, we invite them here.
A license to drive is a privilege. A government benefit. Not a right. That is why licenses can be suspended or revoked.
Why should be grant privileges to those who are here illegally?
I think they should be a right like guns
Listen to Lee on the day he stated his position and he was very firm in defending it. I didn’t agree with him on the subject but admired his stance in the face of all the hostiles calls he received. Now that he has backed away I have lost some of the respect that I was starting to get for him.
If you really would like to get a close look at how dumb and stupid the folks down here in Sussex county are come on down and listen to the nuts they have on talk radio. This surly isn’t Obama land.
How does a filing fee paid to the state end up in Bill Lee’s pockets? Or the DE GOP’s pockets?
Dude…for being so involved in state politics, how do you not know this? The filing fee paid for Repubs and Dems in Delaware goes to the respective state parties. The checks are paid AT the Dept of Elections, but are payable TO the respective parties. It’s a “major” party thing.
Go to the COE’s County sites (at least the NCCo site) and look for info on getting onto the ballot. It’s there.
I actually did not know that. Hey, I don’t know everything!
And I oppose that practice by the way. Ballot access should be controlled by the state, and filing fees paid to the state should go to the Dept of Elections so that they can run better and more efficient elections.
My image of you is now crushed.
I agree with you also, but I think the minor parties would have issue. Their ballot access is by petition. Their ability to gather the funds for some races would then be somewhat prohibitive.
LOL. What, you thought I was some omnipotent source of all Delaware political and electoral knowledge? I know a lot, but not enough.
To RickJ, you keep spouting the same lies about things you do not understand. Let me give you the information you seem to be unable to assimiliate.
I am not advocating state run health care, Delacare is based on competition and choice with personal responsibility. Delacare would be a Godsend for small businesses as well as those who purchase health care on an individual basis.
I am not advocating property tax increases in any way shape or form.
I am in no way advocating a larger tax burden. I support a taxpayers Bill of Rights limiting budget increases, returning any surpluses to tax payers, an independent top down review of state government to make government less costly and more efficient.
You miss the significance of Lee’s gaffe. On the day of his announcement he came out of hibernation to propose a policy which he defended for 48 hours! Yes, the issue is critical and the most important part is it showed how weak his and judgment and leadership abilities are and he will never be able to get that back-ever.
Lee’s campaign is over. I was in Sussex the last three days and the negative emotions and attitudes towards Lee were over whelming.
I think you forgot his defense of his night life.
When asked about a volunteer waering his T-shirt.
“One of them just told me he wore a Bill Lee T-shirt in Dewey,” Lee said with a grin. “I asked if the shirt was good for drinks or girls — and he said ‘yes.’ ”
Sad, very sad.
I’m nopt sure how angry SC R’s are, but if there is an argument for Protack’s strength (despite a lack of fundraising) it is that Levin (remember him?) dropped out.
I am off to the Fair in a few minutes but the mood in Sussex was very dire for Lee.
His gaffe was a twofer. The issue is large in Sussex. I was taken to task for not advocating large scale raids and mass arrests by more than one WGMD caller and people I met at the fair.
Immigration is an emotional and substantive issue to Sussex County.
The second part of the twofer is the now looming and unrepairable damage to a candidate’s grasp of an important issue and lack of ability to lead. Lee massively failed on both accounts.
I am sure there will continue to be jabs at me from the usual suspects in the BLOG world which doesn’t matter much but now there is massive rejection at large in Sussex particularly of Lee’s lack of leadership, indecisiveness, no grasp of the issues and now we know why he won’t debate.
As I said, his campaign is over before it started. You can’t recover from something like this gaffe. He just made Governor Minner look strong and decisive.
I’m pretty sure that the number of gaffes that Protack has made will help the Judge. There is a NJ article up detailing Mike’s desire to give ID cards to illegals also. I’m sure that will end up in a number of mailboxes soon.
I am not advocating state run health care, Delacare is based on competition and choice with personal responsibility. Delacare would be a Godsend for small businesses as well as those who purchase health care on an individual basis.
Which explains all of the small business owners who have flocked to your cause. Oh wait… Well, it certainly explains the endorsement you received from… from… your personal physician.
*** from the “Financing” section of Mike’s Delacare plan:
· The rate of increase to the government shall not be higher than the national rate of inflation.
· Personal or corporate taxation shall not exceed the current personal or corporate expenditures. In fact, the financial goal of the plan shall be to develop a pricing structure that is cost-neutral to the current financial landscape.
· Financial efficiencies will be created to better manage the costs of the program
· Medicaid allocations would fund the program
· Employer contributions will be in the form of a tax not to exceed present contributions
· Employee contributions will be in the form of a tax not to exceed present contributions
· With individuals witnessing the expenditures noted on EOBs, they will become better consumers of the program’s expenditures
· The federal system would maintain a catastrophic reinsurance fund to assist states that experiences excessive claim losses
· State-appointed selection committee will determine the financing of the program, covered services and will select the administrator
I see several new taxes in there Mike – and the fact that they don’t “exceed current contributions” means that your plan will cost the same for those who are already paying too much. For those who aren’t paying anything, what’s their share?
Other select quotes:
“Statewide underwriting curve calculations shall be governed by a centralized administrative agency. This will ensure that financial risk reporting and allocations are clearly understood, managed and funded.” – new government agency that will require funding.
“Arbitration courts will be set up to handle specific grievance hearings and ways to correct and rectify medical misconduct and other problems caused by negligence.” – additional burden for existing courts, or new court system? Either will cost money.
“Patient care advocacy officers will help people receive needed care in complicated medical circumstances.” – out of the kindness of their hearts, or as a paid position?
“Tax breaks given for citizens who receive high grades on their healthy, wellness profiles.” – I now have to attach a physical to my tax form?!?!
“All citizens of all ages are enrolled into the program, regardless of income level.” – all US Citizens, or all Delawareans? Will the state be paying for the medical services of the Eastern seaboard?
“Volunteerism will be encouraged of professional and paraprofessional healthcare students rewarded by student loan redemption credits” – again, from whose pockets? Medical school loans frequently run into the six-digit range – I’m sure you know that, as your son is in medical school. This isn’t just some plan to get the Protack clan off the hook, is it?
“Youth service corps will be set up to have young people serve as health care interns and trainees to serve as local patient advocates, before they can apply for professional healthcare schools” – A service corps of untrained volunteers who may have an interest in healthcare would fill me full of dread. This would be a tremendous liability concern, and the first “beginner’s mistake” that injuried, maimed, or killed someone would bankrupt the State.
I can do this all day, Mike. It’s a three day weekend for me.
I’m pretty sure that the number of gaffes that Protack has made will help the Judge. There is a NJ article up detailing Mike’s desire to give ID cards to illegals also. I’m sure that will end up in a number of mailboxes soon.
If it does, I can assure you that it won’t be on a pink postcard. Can Mr. Protack make the same claim?
Thanks for the advertisement of Delacare, a great plan for businesses and individuals. I hope you will cut and paste this plan every day from now till primary day.
Delacare is great plan, it is a shame your obsession with me blinds you to reality.
Also, unlike Mr. Lee my plan does not favor illegal residents.
By the way, I believe Mr. Lee gets his very expensive health care via a single payer system called Medicare. Care to comment. I ask you because he is has no grasp of the issue.
How much will your plan cost, Protack? Have you factored in increased morbidty cost? My estimate is that your plan will cost the government at least $425 million and basically make everyone’s health care more expensive.
Rick, again you are 100% wrong on the article. I spoke to the group headed by John Jaremchuk. We never mentioned driver licenses for illegal aliens, Bill Lee did and defended that flawed argument for two days.
If I had mentioned such a foolish thing like Lee did you would have hear loud and clear from the group, please call Mr. Jaremchuk to clarify it.
I did say Delaware must follow the National Real ID Act which Delaware is on a waiver from now, one of three states to do so. This law requires each state to have a driver license whisch meets federal standards and must be held by every legal resident. The key words are this- abide by the Federal Mandate and also for legal residents only.
Again, your obsession with me is flattering and I find it humorous but it is blinding you to reality.
I have an immigration policy, Lee has none except driver licenses for illegal residents.
Perhaps he can discover the courage to appear at the Hispanic Debate on the 30th of July?
I await your next silly and uninformed idea as we had a change of plans to accomodate WHYY’s schedule for today.
“Immigration is an emotional and substantive issue to Sussex County.”
Sure it is. All those people in Georgetown who are making money renting houses to immigrants are up in arms about it.
In point of fact, Sussex County is a nice microcosm of the nation on this issue: The ignorant are up in arms, the business community is making money off them. Judging the mood in Sussex by the yahoos who call WGMD is a big mistake.
“Thanks for the advertisement of Delacare, a great plan for businesses and individuals. I hope you will cut and paste this plan every day from now till primary day.
Delacare is great plan, it is a shame your obsession with me blinds you to reality.”
And if you had to describe your great plan in two words, would they be “Great” and “Plan”?
You talk about greater security of medical records, then suggest that a bill of health be shipped into the Department of Revenue.
You talk about improving service, then suggest that unpaid, untrained youth service corps interns and trainees will serve as patient advocates.
You talk about saving money, but stipulate that the federal government will be forced to create a catastrophic reinsurance fund to assist Delaware upon the occurance excessive claim losses.
Healthcare is a very important issue to Delawareans. Unfortunately, you are trying to repackage Hillary-care and apply it to a smaller risk pool – which will only drive up costs. Bill Lee’s original statements about Drivers Licenses was wrong, but at least he had the courage to correct himself. When will you show the same?
He’s going to ignore it until confronted by the media, then he’ll blame the bloggers for making it up and then speak about great plans and the plans that made them great.
Look at the story under the story….how did he come up with the filing fee….
This is one flip-flop I’m OK with
I think if Lee hadn’t come out like this it would have hurt him
When asked about a volunteer waering his T-shirt.
“One of them just told me he wore a Bill Lee T-shirt in Dewey,” Lee said with a grin. “I asked if the shirt was good for drinks or girls — and he said ‘yes.’ ”
Sad, very sad.
Memo to Mr. Protack: There are more people who frequent nightspots on occasion than there are santicmonious prigs who openly look down upon them. You may be targeting the wrong demographic.
Memo to RickJ, please have Bill show up and debate. Possibly, his arguments might have more merit than your groundless attempts.
I returned from WHYY and Lee has refused to provide a policy or address the issue in any way.
Lee’s campaign is over before it started.
You and I both know saying a statement like Lee did hoping your campaign shirt helped you with girls or alcoholic drinks is unprofessional and unseemly for anyone wanting to be Governor.
Have a safe weekend.
please read
Have a drink Protack to kill the bug up your ass.
“One of them just told me he wore a Bill Lee T-shirt in Dewey,” Lee said with a grin. “I asked if the shirt was good for drinks or girls — and he said ‘yes.’
This tells me people are comfortable enough with Lee to approach him. I’m sure this may seem odd to you, seeing as most voters view you with a combination of fear and pity.
By the way, under your alias “StopTheSpin” on delaware online, you highlighted the same quote – be careful, your facade is slipping.
Protacks plan puts our health care dollars into ONE giant insurance company, instead of hundreds!
His plan has not been reviewed by anyone except Mike. No peer reviews, no independent study…just Mike, throwing crap against the wall to see what sticks.
Mike’s been in and out of airports for so long, with all their “homeland security’ crap, he thinks the whole state, and all its citizens should be “ready for the new world order”. The man is a throw back to the McCarthy era.
Protacks health care plan will cost the state 14% more than a single payer universal system, and does not rid us of the “for profit system”, his plan keeps the “for profit system”, but under one roof…gee Mike thanks for nothing.
please read
If you really think that Dana Garrett’s tacit endorsement is going to win you the Republican Primary, then you aren’t worth discussing anymore. Crawl back under your underfinanced rock, you imbecile.
Waiting patiently for the Pink Postcard that attacks me as ignorant…
You must thank the gods for art, those of us who have been fortunate enough to stumble onto this means of venting our craziness, our meanness, our towering disgust.R.CrumbR. Crumb, American cartoonist/painter