Apparently bank problems run in the family…

Filed in National by on July 29, 2008

Andrew K. McCain, son of Arizona senator and GOP presidential candidate John McCain, has resigned two high posts in the banking industry.

Shares of Silver State Bancorp, of which Andrew McCain owns 1,226, closed at $1.28 a share on Friday. The stock’s 52-week high on Nasdaq (symbol SSBX) is $24.10.

good thing he has his stepmother though…

McCain’s current posts include Vice President and CFO of Hensley & Company, the beer distributorship which his stepmother Cindy chairs

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hiding in the open

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  1. pandora says:

    Oh my… how embarrassing. Good thing this kid didn’t have to pull himself up by his bootstraps. On the bright side, If he ruins a few more companies he’ll be in line to follow in W’s footsteps.

  2. Rebecca says:

    It’s a Republican tradition. Remember Neal Bush and Silverado Savings and Loan back during the S&L melt-down? Ya can’t be a Republican candidate unless you’ve got at least one banking scandal in the clan.

  3. Rebecca says:

    It’s one of their benchmarks to tell whether you have the chutzpah to continue the Class War.

  4. cassandra m says:

    Thank God it doesn’t make them elitists, though!

  5. Dominique says:

    ‘Good thing this kid didn’t have to pull himself up by his bootstraps’

    Kind of like the Obama girls are going to have to do? Oh, the struggles they’ll have to overcome to get their lot in life.

  6. mike w. says:

    Luckily McCain’s son isn’t the one running for President.

  7. cassandra m says:

    Well, come back when Obama’s kids ruin a few companies and we’ll mock them then too.

  8. jason330 says:

    Dominique is just playing the silly ass at this point.

  9. cassandra m says:

    At this point?

    C’mon, man.


  10. A. bundy says:

    “Thank God it doesn’t make them elitists, though!”

    I feel the same way about the Obamas. Thank God he and his wife are not elitists. It’s so refreshing to see how much they respect and honor the Office of President and don’t treat it as something they are entitled to. They are just like you and I.

  11. jason330 says:

    A bundy not normally know for making sense finally gets one right.

  12. cassandra m says:


    Which means that this is not the real A. bundy, I’m thinking.

  13. Dominique says:

    Sorry, Jason and Cassandra – I forgot the DL rule that the Obama’s are not to be mocked in any way shape or form because they are superhuman. They are perfect. Their children are perfect. They do no wrong. All others are mere flawed mortals. No jokes are allowed in the most humorless campaign in the history of politics. Oh, did someone crack a joke? RACIST!!!

    Yes, I’m the silly ass. How could I forget the rules of the game in the echo chamber that is DL. Dissension is sooo 2004.

  14. jason330 says:

    Dissension? Where is it? I just see you playing the silly ass.

    Bring on some dissension. That would be a breath of fresh air compared to your normal silly ass comments about how much you hate Obama and his family.

  15. liberalgeek says:

    Well, Dom. His kids are just that, kids. McCains kids are practically grandparents themselves…

    I guess it’s bad form in your world to point out that McCains grown son is a failure in banking? And to say that McCain has a role in the Keating 5? No parallels here?

  16. jason330 says:

    But geek, Obama’s kids have long african arms. Creepy!

  17. cassandra m says:

    And I think she missed the part that when the Obama kids do something we can mock them for we’ll actually be first in line.

    But how embarrassing is it to have a son that is apparently aspiring to GWB’s business career.

  18. jason330 says:

    The Obamas strike me as a very nice family. Obama and Michelle seem to be very good parents which I think drives certain people nuts.

  19. cassandra m says:


    The Obamas strike me as a very nice family. Obama and Michelle seem to be very good parents which I think drives certain people nuts.

    is more like it, Jason.

  20. Dominique says:

    Jason – you are a child. Silly ass! Silly ass! Silly ass! Is that all you’ve got? Intellectual midget.

    LG – I’m not defending McCain’s kid. Unlike so many of your little friends here, I’m not in the business of making excuses for my candidate (or his family). If Jason and Cassandra could extracate their condescending heads from their asses and read they’d understand that I was simply responding to the comment about him not having had to pull himself up by his bootstraps. All I was saying is that the children of successful people NEVER have to pull themselves up. Of course, I made the critical error of invoking the name of theirlordandsaviorbarackobama. Duh. I forgot the DL rule – snark and/or humor directed at the most holy Obama (Hosanna in the highest!) is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Boneheaded, myopic freaks.

    BTW, don’t put words in my mouth, Jason. I said she has freakishly long arms. You added the African part because, of course, everything has to come back to racism with you. You’re pathetic. Do you think people of other races don’t sometimes have long arms? Why do you see racism in every criticism of Obama? I think you are projecting because you’re a closet racist. I think you secretly hate all black people.

  21. jason330 says:

    Yep. They never get to see them as good parents because they’ve already kind of lost it.

  22. cassandra m says:

    I rest my case.

  23. jason330 says:

    Good night Dominique. I hope your dreams are not haunted by Michelle Obama and her freakish African arms.

  24. jason330 says:

    Good night Cassandra.

  25. Dominique says:

    No, dear, I didn’t miss your ridiculous claim that you would be the first in line to criticize anything Obama. I thought it was a joke.

  26. cassandra m says:

    Good night everybody!

    And no racist projections OR secretly hating black people while I’m gone, either.

  27. Dominique says:

    I’m sure the Obama’s are wonderful parents in spite of the fact that they think nothing of carting their kids out in front of the cameras so they can get magazine covers that will ‘soften’ Michelle’s image.

    And, yes, geniuses. Obama adoration annoys me. He is possibly the most phony politician I have ever born witness to. Of course, you guys are in the slow class so it’s going to take you a little while longer to catch on.

    Night-night, angels. Sweet Obama dreams of hope and change!

  28. pandora says:

    Geez, I go out for an evening and look what happens! Dom, I believe I made the “pull yourself up by the bootstrap” point, simply because it’s a standard Republican talking point. Everyone can be a huge success if they just work hard enough. This simply isn’t true. Throughout my life I’ve met many people who worked really, really hard, played by the rules and never achieved the “American Dream”.

    Republicans spew this crap, and when circumstances intervene and people stumble Republicans (not all) blame the person. However, McCain’s children (and Obama’s later in life – right now they are CHILDREN) can stumble a hundred times and still come out better than 99.9% of the rest of us. And, if your honest you’ll admit that Obama has said on numerous occassions that his children will not require special treatment or affirmative action for the very reasons you’ve stated. Still waiting for McCain to give the old silver spoon speech…

  29. dominique is a closet Republican