These guys aren’t even subtle

Filed in National by on July 29, 2008

Richard Perle is looking into an oil deal in Iraq.

Mr. Perle, one of a group of security experts who began pushing the case for toppling Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein about a decade ago, has been discussing a possible deal with officials of northern Iraq’s Kurdistan regional government, including its Washington envoy, according to these people and the documents.

Think Progress remembers that Perle “resigned from his position on the Defense Policy Board in an attempt to ‘defuse a controversy over charges he stood to profit from the war in Iraq.'”

Knock me over with a feather! You gotta love this sort of patriotism.

About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (11)

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  1. I’m just glad this war wasn’t about oil and freed a few million Iraqi’s

    the ones that aren’t refugees and weren’t killed by our bombs that is

  2. jason330 says:

    “Liberals do it too… in five, four, three, two……..

  3. mike w. says:

    Good for him and the Kurds. Capitalism at work. And yes I’m serious.

    And Jason, ever heard of the UN “Oil For Food” program?

  4. jason330 says:

    I’m getting sick of being right all the time.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    If it worked for Dole foods…..

  6. mike w. says:

    “I’m getting sick of being right all the time.”

    Well if you’re only going to offer one side then someone has to provide some balance. Plus, you asked for it and the UN’s “Oil For Food” program is a good example.

  7. Dominique says:

    Jason being a silly hypocrite. Again.

    Wasn’t Barack’s friend Auchi involved in Oil For Food? You remember him, right Jase? He’s the one who wired $3.5 million to Resko just before the Obama’s bought that sweet house. How’d they get that financing again?

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Keep in mind that people have gone to jail for the Oil for Food fraud.

    I am willing to let this deal go through if we can pick 3 people to go to jail from this administration…

  9. jason330 says:

    I know that people are about to have a bad mental health day when they call me “Jase.” I’ve been doing this for years and I know all the signs and omens.

  10. cassandra m says:

    Oil for Food had alot of participants(or hands in the cookie jar?) — including the Clinton’s friend and library financier (as well as recipient of an undeserved pardon) Marc Rich.

  11. Truth Teller says:


    Some how I knew it would get around to Clinton’s fault.
    Seems that most of you Clinton haters have forgotten balanced budgets a surplus, gas at under $2.00 a gallon and 401 K’s and IRA’s something to be proud of. No wars and the one we had we won in the Balkans. and it only took .80 cents to purchase a Euro as compared to $1.60 today. An to top things off Exxon just set a record for profits today of $11 billion in the second quarter. So keep knocking the Clinton and just look at what the Repuks gave you.