Delaware Liberal

Ron Williams, Dupe or Fraud?

When Ron Williams wrote, “I have the latest in-house Democratic Party poll…” it was either a flat out lie or he was played for a sucker by Vince D’Anna.

As more water spills over Williams’ half-assed dam of lies, we know know that the poll was not recent as Williams suggests with his use of “latest” and it was in no way a “in-house Democratic Party poll.”

Rather, it was commissioned by Tom Gordon and Karen Hartley Nagle which Al Mascitti touches on  in the comments of a previous thread.   The orginal purpose of the poll, as confirmed by an source close to D’Anna,  was to offer some sort of numbers to Washington contributors.

In an effort to boost Carney and get some positive coverage after a rough week, D’Anna either told Williams that it was an “in-house” poll an assertion that Williams never questioned – or Williams knew from the start it was pure bullshit.   Either way – Williams has allowed the News Journal editorial page to be used in a way that undercuts what little integrity the paper has.

He needs a pink slip.

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