QOD/Unscientific Poll

Filed in National by on July 31, 2008

Will you be attending Drinking Liberally tonight at Catherine Rooney’s @7:30? Who will you cast your vote for Delaware’s Hottest Blogger?

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hiding in the open

Comments (17)

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  1. delawaredem says:

    Yes, I will be there.

    I imagine I will be voting numerous times for each one of the contestants. The correct question is to ask who I will be voting for more?

  2. Shirley says:

    I will stop by for a few and to cast my votes. I am leaning towards Pandora, but could easily be bought.

  3. Pandora says:

    Stay strong, Shirley! Don’t be swayed by cheap promises… Oh, and I’d love to buy you a drink! 😉

  4. jason330 says:

    Yes. voting for Donvit unless I change my mind again and vote for myself.

    I guess it depends on how hot I feel tonight.

  5. I plan to come. Hope you guys don’t mind.

    Could imagine voting for several people

    Allan Loudell
    WDEL Radio & http://www.wdel.com

  6. liberalgeek says:

    It’s a party. I like it.

  7. Phantom says:

    DV you got my vote.

  8. jason330 says:

    Loudell will be there? I better brush up on my trivia.

  9. I will offer my services to guest/co-host with Alan for his vote.

    let’s be honest, you need the ratings I would bring in

  10. thanks PH…and it only took a little food and a cigar 🙂

  11. did WDEL just try to get in some free advertising on our website?

  12. delawaredem says:

    HA! Donviti the Ratings King.

    And yes, that link constitutes an ad buy. Alan, you owe us $7,000. Pay up.


  13. anon says:

    I want to support Tommy, but will be tied up tonight.

    I have decided to work every night and weekend for Markell until the primary, as my personal response to Adgate.

  14. Von Cracker says:

    Split my vote between the Ladies.

    None for you, DV! 😛

  15. Sie schmutziger Sohn – von – a – Weibchen!

  16. Von Cracker says:

    beruhigen sexy

  17. Chainsaw says:

    I’ve ogled most of the blogs cross linked on the Delaware Curmudgeon’s blog and some that she has fwd-ed to me.
    I’ll have to reserve judgement until I see the faces behind the rants.
    As the Curmudgeon’s other half, I’m tagging along in work clothes (welder) and you alllll can buy me a drink out of sympathy.

    Bud in the bottle please.