Archive for July, 2008

“This is Not a Race.”

Filed in National by on July 18, 2008 19 Comments

Those are the words of political analyst Stuart Rothenberg.  And he is talking about the race to unseat our supposed moderate Congressman Mike Castle.   And I wholeheartedly agree.  Karen and Jerry may be nice people.   They may have deeply held beliefs and principles deserving of our respect.  Indeed, we respect them for even running for […]

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Mike “Pocket Change” Castle Strikes Again

Filed in National by on July 18, 2008 13 Comments
Mike “Pocket Change” Castle Strikes Again

National Parks bill passes House By David L. Ganz A bill calling for honoring National Parks on the U.S. quarter dollar coin beginning in 2010 unanimously passed the U.S. House of Representatives July 9. Huzza! Three cheers for a guy who worked hard to get George Bush elected TWICE! and voted with Bush on Iraq […]

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Markell TV Ad

Filed in National by on July 18, 2008 8 Comments

I like this Markell TV ad that they just released. Watch it here. It introduces him to low information voters and rolls out the “change” theme. I also love the fact that he takes some shots at Bush. I’m sure Carney-ophiles like Liberalgeek will moan that he Markell is not running against Bush. I’d disagree […]

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McCain Attended Zero Afghanistan Hearings

Filed in National by on July 18, 2008 7 Comments

Zero? How embarrassing. It turns out that presumptive Republican nominee Sen. John McCain, has attended even fewer Afghanistan-related Senate hearings over the past two years than Obama’s one. Which is a nice way of saying, McCain, R-Ariz., the top Republican on the Senate Armed Service Committee, has attended zero of his committee’s six hearings on […]

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Best Internet Fundraising Pitch Ever

Filed in National by on July 17, 2008 9 Comments

Really, just go see. Sean Tevis is running for State Rep in Kansas where the so-called “intelligent designers” are working hard to make sure that their kids know as little as possible when they leave school. And the ask is only for 8.34. This is spirited and funny and creative as all get out — […]

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Obama Art Clobbers McCain Art

Filed in National by on July 17, 2008 16 Comments

In what I hope is a glimpse into the future, the Wall Street Journal has a story about how Obama campaign posters are going for as much as $700 each on ebay. Knowledgeable collectors have already turned a profit by buying multiples. Tanley Wong, a 30-year-old consultant for Fannie Mae in Washington, D.C., owns 30 […]

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A Round of Applause for DE’s Progressive Victory.

Filed in National by on July 17, 2008 9 Comments

I just had to pass this on from earlier this morning: as I was introducing myself and Delaware Liberal at the State Blogger’s Caucus, I mentioned our recent victory in securing offshore wind energy for Delaware, and for the possibility of success for OOGA in the coming year.    This was met with a round of […]

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complicated QOD

Filed in National by on July 17, 2008 15 Comments

what happens to the money that Banks right off?  Who gets it?  Where does it go?

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Ruth Ann’s Legacy

Filed in National by on July 17, 2008 57 Comments

When the history of RAM’s admistration is written I think two things will standout as net positives for the state. One of them is the indoor smoking ban.  I’m sure we all agree (with the exception of Dana) that the smoking ban is great. The other might be controversial, so don’t click through unless you […]

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Typical White House Strategy

Filed in National by on July 17, 2008 8 Comments
Typical White House Strategy

Awesome strategy being invoked by the whitehouse.  If you haven’t been following, essentially every President gets a library, how that cash is raised is HIGHLY secret.  Well someone videotaped a bush guy saying that they could see the VP, Sec of State of for a few million.  …trhe scandal that erupted this week with the […]

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SEU RFP To Be Released Before New Oversight Board is Seated

Filed in National by on July 17, 2008 13 Comments

I spoke to the Energy Office this morning. The word is that the new board will not be seated before the RFP goes out. This is sad. Apparently, Gov. Minner has signed the bill into law, but she has not yet appointed the new board. Whether or not the SEU Task Force is legal and […]

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Netroots Nation – Day One

Filed in National by on July 17, 2008 20 Comments

I arrived last evening, and did some hobnobbing (i.e. drinking) with some of the Blogosphere’s illuminati.   The feel at these events is that of a reunion, as over the last five years over the history of the blogosphere, many of us are indeed close friends, even if we only get to see each other sparingly. […]

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Book Club…

Filed in National by on July 17, 2008 6 Comments

As much as I hate to do it, I’m going to but the book club on hold. I have gotten no firm commitments on attendees. Perhaps we can pick it up later, but it seems like we just can’t squeeze it into schedules this month.

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