Markell Raises $1M in 2008.

Filed in National by on August 1, 2008

Perhaps this is why the Delaware Democratic Party feels so compelled to help Carney out.  The $1 million is in addition to the $2.5 million he had in the bank at the beginning of the year.

“It takes a tremendous network of supporters to pull together this financial support, and John Carney has not been able to match Jack’s efforts,” Markell’s campaign manager, Andrew Roos, said in a prepared statement. “It’s not surprising that John Carney is having the state party pay for his radio ads because his campaign is not showing the momentum or financial support it needs to win. That money was intended to defeat Republicans, and John Carney should pay it back.”

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  1. nemski says:

    2.5 million minus 725,000 he lent his campaign as well as all the money he transferred from his State Treasurer campaign fund.

  2. delawaredem says:

    plus 1 million raised in this year.

    We will have exact finance reports on August 12th, so we can see how much Carney raised in comparison.

  3. nemski says:

    Why don’t we get a ruler and have them drop their pants? 🙂

  4. Steve Newton says:

    My question (in all seriousness) is what the hell is he doing with all the money?

  5. larry says:

    what’s he doing with all the money??? trying to buy his way into public office.

  6. Dominique says:

    TV spots. That shit’s not cheap, especially if you’re in the Philly market. I just hope they don’t get carried away with them. Last night I saw the same Markell commercial twice in a 15-minute period on the same channel. I’m sure there’s some kind of statistical evidence that inundating a region with ads is effective, but I’ve always found it annoying.

  7. mike w. says:

    He should put that money aside. The State of Delaware’s going to need it to pay for the Universal Healthcare he wants.

  8. Joe M says:

    Yeah, but that’s not as funny as Bill Lee’s position on… on… huh, what is he for?

    See, I don’t know because the cowardly fuck won’t come out of hiding and actually campaign.