While the Parents are Away…

Filed in National by on August 2, 2008

…the kids will play.

Liberal Geek and Jason have gone on vacation.

And I am reminded why I closed down my solo blog and joined a community blog!   Posting all the content is hard work.  Pandora and Cassandra, where are you?!?  LOL.

Anyway, I am playing with sidebars, and have cleaned out some dead links from the blog rolls.   For example, I have deleted Delaware Grapevine, Liberal Delight and Jokers to the Right (although I added Ryan’s new site, the Joker and the Thief).

I have also added links to those Democratic candidates running for Statewide office to the left.   Two candidates are missing, as Mike Miller and Tom Savage do not have websites as far as I know.  And in the 21st century, if you are running for a major office, like Delaware’s Insurance Commissioner or its sole Representative to the Congress of the United States, and you don’t have a campaign website, I have to doubt your campaign’s viability.

I will also be adding links on the right to other state blogs like Delaware Liberal, like Blue Jersey in New Jersey and Free State Politics in Maryland.   Sometimes, it is good to see what is going on locally across the country.

And if you know of any new Delaware political blogs, whether right or left or in the middle, let me know.


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  1. George Carlin says:

    “Anyway, I am playing with sidebars”

    Better stop that or you’ll go blind!

  2. George Carlin says:

    Hey did you know Bill Lee is so old his Social Security Card is in Roman Numerals !

  3. George Carlin says:

    Tyler Nixon

    Always trust TADS! Never trust the IH and DSS!

    The boys from B/3-66 will never forget you!
    FLIR was on the wrong grid!
    Don’t worry I am doing fine in my wheel chair

  4. pandora says:

    Hey! I wrote a silly post today and it is Saturday night! Give me a minute and I’ll see if I can help you out.

  5. delawaredem says:

    I was just kidding. No worries.

  6. delawaredem says:

    Wow….I have stumbled upon a free wifi here at my own home. It is so much faster than Sprint. I pray it lasts.

  7. pandora says:

    I know that! But now that I’m here… 😉

  8. delawaredem says:

    I am busy right now checking to make sure all those state blog likes are working.

  9. Joe M says:

    More work is getting done without Jason and LG around. Do I sense a mutiny in the future?

    Get pandora on your side, DD. She has all the real power now!

  10. delawaredem says:

    Mwuhahaha. What, it is not like I have trained assassins en route to their respective vacation locales. Or do I?

  11. delawaredem says:

    ZOMG, where is Donviti? Is he still in a deep depression over his loss?

    Yo, Toughest Blogger. Get to work.

  12. pandora says:

    Alas… I’m at a loss. Thought about posting on that idiot Nancy Grace, but… nah. Considered the reemergence of Wesley Clark as VP… too serious for a Saturday night. How about… what’s everyone drinking? I was on the wagon yesterday, but today is a new day. I’m enjoying a nice Portuguese Vino Verdi.

  13. delawaredem says:

    Don’t worry. I have a new of posts for tomorrow. Right now I am drinking Lager.

  14. anon says:

    Wow….I have stumbled upon a free wifi here at my own home.

    You live near Mike Protack?

  15. George Carlin says:

    ” Give me a minute and I’ll see if I can help you out.”

    I am dead how in the hell are you going to get me out of this coffin? Are you a blond?

  16. George Carlin says:

    “You live near Mike Protack?”

    Don’t fuck with the fly boy because he might drop some blue ice on your house.

  17. anon says:

    I’m enjoying a nice Portuguese Vino Verdi.

    I can drink at least a bottle of that stuff in a sitting. Ice cold on a hot humid night, in a frosted tumbler (to hell with the stemware). Pour it and drink it immediately, don’t let it “breathe” or the little petillant bubbles will disappear. The Gazela brand has a screw-top, which holds in the effervesence better.

  18. Que Qhe says:

    Joey B. is also running for statewide office.

  19. Pandora says:

    Anon, Twin Vines has a screw-top as well. Agreed! This is the perfect summer wine!

  20. nemski says:

    DD, try to increase the number of comments in the recent comment widget. 🙂

  21. cassandra m says:

    So is Vino Verde better than Prosecco for summer? And does Kreston’s carry this magic?

    Yo, DD — if the parents are away you need to holla at your girls over here! If I’d known these crumb bums were leaving the roost, I would have logged on to help you out.