Delaware Liberal

David Gergen Points Out the Obvious

That the McCain Camp is using coded language about Obama in the long tradition of repubs using coded language to demonize black people and fire up their low-information voters:


And his last point is very true — everyone knows Obama is black, why can’t he talk about that?  None of these folks pushed back on Hillary when she was off touting the newness, the history of a woman running for President.  Nor did these folks find much problem in the fact that HRC spent a some effort at strenuously pushing back at the “women can’t do whatever”.

I hate negative campaigning, but John McCain is certainly not going to run a civil campaign and certainly is not interested in a discussion of the issues.  Time for Obama to go negative, I’m thinking.

h/t TPM

EDIT: I’d forgotten that Gergen was on Here and Now on Friday making this argument at some greater length. The first 6 minutes or so of this recording are germane and need Real Player to listen to.

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