That the McCain Camp is using coded language about Obama in the long tradition of repubs using coded language to demonize black people and fire up their low-information voters:
And his last point is very true — everyone knows Obama is black, why can’t he talk about that? None of these folks pushed back on Hillary when she was off touting the newness, the history of a woman running for President. Nor did these folks find much problem in the fact that HRC spent a some effort at strenuously pushing back at the “women can’t do whatever”.
I hate negative campaigning, but John McCain is certainly not going to run a civil campaign and certainly is not interested in a discussion of the issues. Time for Obama to go negative, I’m thinking.
h/t TPM
EDIT: I’d forgotten that Gergen was on Here and Now on Friday making this argument at some greater length. The first 6 minutes or so of this recording are germane and need Real Player to listen to.