Delaware Liberal

In the den of small town GOP

quotes “Obama scares the hell out of me”
“he is unknown”
“Have you read about him? REALLY, read about him”
Yes, I’m liberal remember…
“He’s not your kind of liberal, he’s, he’s almost, he’s almost socialist, communist”
Insert laughing I’ve read his book Ms. Mayor, he’s not a communist
“They need to allow us to drill for oil”
They have like 68 million acres
“there is no oil there”
how do you know?
It is going to take 10 years to see anything from that “supposed oil”
“No it’s not”
uh, yes it is
“He’s going to raise taxes. ”
Yes, but you don’t make 200k do you
“well no, but, he is going to raise taxes”
Yes, Ms. Mayor, but are you making your income from Capital gains right now?

Insert my standard shut them up response, and one I suggest you use as well:
“so everything is fine then? The economy? it’s all just fine then right”

“No, but that’s because of the democrats”
But the democrats weren’t in the majority and we have a Republican president
“The president doesn’t create all this mess, he doesn’t spend the money”
He has veto power and the line item
“The democrats have done this,they were the ones in power”
So they were in power?
I can’t talk to you about this anymore…

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