Markell Flooding Northern Delaware with Ads.

Filed in National by on August 3, 2008

I have seen this commercial every hour on nearly every channel I watch over the past three days.    The ad buys seem to be on both Philadelphia air and Comcast cable.


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  1. R Smitty says:

    Wondering if you can help me out here. I keep losing count on all of the lemming-like placing of the Clark-Carney-Reed signs down here in the MOT-area. Seriously, is there any thought to the primary choices on an individual level, or is it all “you will vote the way I tell you to vote?”

  2. mike w. says:

    I’ve seen a few ads where he’s clearly jumped on Obama’s “Change” coattails.

  3. Andrew C. says:

    I like Markell but this is not really that good of a commercial.

    “I’m Jack Markell and i wrote a book and have a plan and a website. Vote for me.”

    Substance, Jack, please. I’m probably voting for you but it’s definitely not from this commercial.

  4. Jack needs to give the damn book a rest.

  5. Jason330 says:


    That justgave me the willies.

  6. RSmitty says:


    That justgave me the willies.

    It’s all over our area, J. A great snapshot is that horse farm on the corner of Marlpit and Rt 13. Those signs are on their land (it’s beyond the easement, so they had them placed). For kicks and giggles, just continue to travel Marlpit from there up to Brickmill. You will probably scratch out your eyes (not to mention the ever-loyal Marlpit Farm).

  7. RSmitty says:

    Speaking of signs, and this is both sides of the aisle in play, do any of these new comers, and some of the experienced ones (not ALL, just some) realize that if they aren’t in a primary, they should NOT have their signs up, along the road yet? The only exception, of course, would be private properties. I just happened to notice a large jump of non-primary candidate signs lately for either party.

    Confession: as a campaign manager, I do not like signs. They are ugly on the landscape and a waste of money. However, in the current political environment, they are a necessary tool. Ungh.

  8. MJ says:

    As a Jack-packer, I agree that his other commercial is much better. But we need to get the word out that Jack is not Minner-Carney (Adams, Venables, Gilligan, etc.).