A New Glass Ceiling.

Filed in National by on August 4, 2008

Last night I said to Bitterique that I hoped we have heard the last from that evil, racist, wretched disgusting female dog named Geraldine Ferraro.  


“If he picked Claire McCaskill or [Janet] Napolitano [or Kathleen] Sebelius, I think it would annoy women,” [Geraldine] Ferraro said.

Ferraro added that “those are women who we spent our lifetime helping run for office” and that “a lot of us are not happy with these women for not supporting Hillary because they came to us for help based in large part on their gender.”

“I would be very concerned about his judgment if he offered the position to another woman before offering it to Hillary Clinton,” [Marcia] Pappas, [who heads the New York state chapter of the National Organization for Women] said, “or any person.”

Pamela Sumners, who directs the Missouri chapter of the abortion-rights group NARAL, added that Clinton “is now seen as the reigning dean of the women’s movement. It’s sort of Moses gets all the way to the mountain and doesn’t get to the promised land — and I think there would be people really angry about that.”

Psst.  Pam.  Come here.  Over here. Listen carefully.  Moses didn’t get to go to the promised land.  He died on that mountain looking down upon it.  Yes, God does have an ironic sense of humor.  But because Moses could never get to the promised land, does that mean no Jewish person should? 

Of course not.  But if you listen to the Queen of Bitteriques everywhere, Geraldine Ferraro, no woman can ever be considered for Vice President or President so long as Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton is alive.  

Isn’t that a new glass ceiling for women everywhere, installed by women?

I quote Markos:

This is such a crock of shit. After all the talk of Clinton breaking glass barriers, are her supporters still so hung up on her loss that they’re willing to create a new glass ceiling for women candidates, one that excludes anyone not named Hillary Clinton?

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  1. I take my sense of humor straight from the Big Man actually.

  2. delawaredem says:

    I should also note that the second quote from Ferraro is horribly sexist as well. Women must support women candidates, no matter what?

    Die already Geraldine. You have outlived your usefulness.

  3. pandora says:

    Geez, try to be fair and within an hour the people you’re trying to give the benefit of the doubt can’t STFU! I might have to pull my “grief” post… in shame.

  4. delawaredem says:

    I know, Pandora, but keep your post up. I was also considering Hillary, until all of this stuff came out today.

  5. nemski says:

    Geez, I’m so glad the HIllbots are on board for the November election.

  6. Dana says:

    And y’all are wondering why John McCain is going to win in November. 🙂

    He can’t pick Hillary Clinton, and he can’t pick any other woman. 😉

  7. Joe M says:

    “I take my sense of humor straight from the Big Man actually.”

    If you so want to emulate my humor, you have to use more profanity. RIMJOB!

    Please remember, Geraldine Ferraro’s idiocy should have no bearing on Clinton’s viability as Veep.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Not being seen as conceding to this kind of crap is exactly why Obama should not be considering Hillary.

  9. Joe M says:

    I disagree. It may be a reason, and a fairly solid one. However, I think there are far more substantial reason to not campaign with Clinton than not being seen to bend over to bullying: Bill Clinton, Hillary represents the old politics, etc.

  10. mike w. says:

    So, since you’re calling Ferraro “racist”, what exactly has she said that’s so blatantly racist?

  11. TRUTH TELLER says:

    All the hype and the crowds Obama’s numbers are slipping against a Senile Old Man. I sort of agree with Willie Brown of California that putting Hillary on the ticket is unbeatable. After all Kennedy swallowed Johnson. After Hilliary lost by a hair i stated i would support Obama but the attitude toward Hilliary expressed by some of the Obama s supporters has turned me from a supporter of his to vote holding my nose

  12. TRUTH TELLER says:

    JOE M

    Old politics like A BALANCED BUDGET,A SURPLUS,GAS UNDER $2.00 A GALLON. If this is old politics give me more of it . Also my 401k was worth twice as much.

  13. Joe M says:


    Obviously, there are good things that old politicians have done, but anyone who has followed the primary between Clinton and Obama would know that “old politics” refers to the partisan hate which has all but stymied the political process in past years.

  14. Joe M says:

    Mike W,

    If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept – Geraldine Ferraro, March 2008

    Implying that Obama only got to where he is because he’s black and a man is racist and sexist.

  15. TRUTH TELLER says:

    Joe M

    The partisan hate that you refer to was a product of the Right Wing Repuks. they hated Bill and Hillary just because they did the things I mentioned above and more. It appeared that during the primaries some of the Obama supporters bought into the slime that the Repuks put out against Hillary.

  16. TRUTH TELLER says:

    It appears that there is a grain of truth in what Mike and Geraldine have said can you name me any other freshman Senator with a record like Obama’s that would be a contender for the highest office in the land.
    Sometimes speaking the truth gets a person in trouble.

  17. nemski says:

    Yeah, someone comes to mind with little experience . . . his name is Abraham Lincoln.

  18. mike w. says:

    That’s not racist. She said that in the context of discussing black support for Obama, which was ~90+%.

    If Obama were not who he is (I.E. black) there’s no way he’d have over 90% support among blacks. I see nothing wrong with saying that Obama’s success is due in part to his being black. It’s a factual statement. What’s wrong with saying that his race gives him an advantage among black voters?

    Remember, Clinton was named “The 1st Black President” and enjoyed HUGE support among blacks. If Hillary hadn’t run against a black man I have no doubt she’d have seen that same kind of support.

    Something can be racially based, and potentially offensive, and spoken by a white person, but if it’s true then it’s true. For example, If I said that young black males are committing a majority of the violent crimes in this country that would not be racist. It would be a fact. Some may find it “offensive” but it’s still the truth.


    Keep in mind when looking at those murder stats that blacks comprise something around 15% of the population. If you do a bit of digging on FBI UCR you’ll see that blacks are disproportionately the victims of violent crime as well.

  19. Dana says:

    Actually, I’d cut Mrs Ferraro a break here. I don’t think she’s being racist so much as she’s bitterly disappointed; damn it, it was a woman’s turn for the nomination, and it was denied to women in general.

    If Mrs Clinton had secured the nomination very early on, before black voters ever thought that Barack Hussein Obama actually had a chance, it would have been accepted. But once it was apparent that Mr Obama had a real chance, and actually took the lead, the Democrats couldn’t nominate Mrs Clinton, because black voters might be so bitterly disappointed that they’d have stayed home in November.

    Since Mrs Clinton was the Nominee Presumptive going into the primaries, there was no chance for her to be defeated without her partisans being truly bitterly disappointed. The lovely Mrs Ferraro hasn’t hung on to her bitterness necessarily longer than some of Mrs Clinton’s strongest partisans, but she is the one who — once again — opened her mouth.

  20. TRUTH TELLER says:

    Yes Nemski ABE and George to name some but not today so your smart ass answer doesn’t address the question.

    Obama better take off the gloves and start fighting back or the repuk machine is going to run him over. it appears that when he does take the gloves off he is wearing mittens underneath. His best bet would be to pick Biden if not Hilliary someone who can Handel the fight. At least both of them have Balls

  21. Dominique says:

    Mike –

    Don’t waste your time. It’s like trying to reason with a 2-year old mid-tantrum. It’s best to just walk away. These people are not capable of rational thought or compromise. It’s their way or the highway.

    Bitterique, indeed. I especially liked ‘disgusting female dog’. If you’re going to be a filthy sexist pig, why pussy your way out of it? Go full throttle, little man. Just go ahead and call her a bitch. Isn’t that what women with opposing opinions are in your world – or are we all just bitter?

  22. delawaredem says:

    No. You are bitter if you are willing to throw out your supposed principles just because the nominee is not who you wanted. You are not a woman with opposing opinions. You are a woman willing to have McCain elected just because Hillary lost. And that is bitter.

  23. mike w. says:

    Probably just bitter, just like us bitter, clingy gun folk.

  24. Al Mascitti says:

    “For example, If I said that young black males are committing a majority of the violent crimes in this country that would not be racist. It would be a fact.”

    No, it wouldn’t. First, your chart shows only murder statistics, not all violent crime. Second, the chart shows 39% of the murders committed by blacks. That’s not a majority.

    Other than that, your post is chock-full of “facts.”

  25. mike w. says:

    Ok, lets take out “Other” and “Unknown” from the table so we only have Black & White. You’re still left with roughly 12,200 murders, 6,843 committed by blacks.

    Blacks comprise somewhere around 12% of the population, so if you control for that you get roughly 1400 murders. They’re committing murder at a rate 5 times higher than they should be given population size.

    So yes, my “facts” still hold true. Check the victim data and you’ll see the same thing. Blacks are disproportionately the perpetrators AND the victims of violent crime.

    You also find this gem for you gun-control folks.

    “In 2006, firearms were used in 67.9 percent of the Nations murders, in 42.2 percent of the robbery offenses, and in 21.9 percent of the aggravated assaults.”


  26. pandora says:

    Mike is becoming tiresome. He plays fast and loose with the facts, picking and choosing them at will. He’s young – and that’s not a slur, Mike, just a fact – and will hopefully come to see some (not all) things in a different light.

  27. Dominique says:

    Dom visits DL and gets called racist and bitter. Shocking.

    Can someone please explain to me why you can’t accept that my feelings about Obama are simply about Obama? Why do you assume that someone who doesn’t support him is either a racist or bitter?

    FTR, I never thought that people didn’t support Hillary because they were sexist. I thought there was definitely sexism in the coverage of her campaign, but I would never accuse someone of not supporting her solely based on her gender. I give people a little more credit than that.

    I have to say this is the most hurtful gathering of so-called progressives I have ever encountered. The vicious name calling with absolutely no jest intended is beyond reprehensible. You should be ashamed of yourselves. What kind of filthy pigs raised you to believe that kind of behavior was ok? I can’t believe you’re allowed to be around children, much less reproduce.

    I used to be proud that my son was a part of this community. That was before I started spending time here. I’m done.

  28. delawaredem says:

    I am sorry, Dom, but the insults are a two way street. Delawaredick, Delawaredumbass? Calling all of us cultist and idiots?

    You can’t claim the moral high ground now.

  29. cassandra_m says:

    Why do you assume that someone who doesn’t support him is either a racist or bitter?

    No one here thinks you are racist or bitter because you don’t support Obama. But beyond not supporting Obama, you’ve been quick to defend the worst behavior sent his way, you’ve been quick to belittle Obama supporters (and for behavior you don’t find here), you’ve decided that the most scurrilous attacks (elitist?) are just fine to bandy about over here. You aren’t not supporting Obama, you are actively over here insulting everyone and expecting that you are supposed to be above reproach because these are your feelings.

    As you are fond of telling people — grow up. If you want to be here stirring it all up, do not be surprised when folks here decide that your grand performance is just not cute.

  30. mike w. says:

    “Mike is becoming tiresome. He plays fast and loose with the facts, picking and choosing them at will. ”

    Did you even READ my post. All I did was manipulate the raw data to reflect the racial demographic proportions of the country. Raw data tells you very little if you don’t do such things. (Although in this case you still see a plurality)

    For example, you can’t compare the raw violent crime data of two cities without 1st standardizing those numbers to account for differences in total population. It’s simple math.

  31. mike w. says:

    “I have to say this is the most hurtful gathering of so-called progressives I have ever encountered. The vicious name calling with absolutely no jest intended is beyond reprehensible. You should be ashamed of yourselves. What kind of filthy pigs raised you to believe that kind of behavior was ok? I can’t believe you’re allowed to be around children, much less reproduce.”

    To be fair Dom you did quite a bit of that yourself in the gun threads.

  32. pandora says:

    “Manipulate” being the key word.

  33. mike w. says:

    OK Pandora, play ignorant and ignore my post. Did you even click the link, look at the data, and read my post? I highly doubt it.

    If you don’t standardize the raw numbers they can’t tell you much. You can’t know how DC’s robbery rate compares to Wilmington’s unless you control for population difference and reflect that in the crime numbers.

    Are you too dense to understand what I’m saying? It’s really quite simple.

  34. To be fair Dom you did quite a bit of that yourself in the gun threads.

    Dom doesn’t have the internal integrity to be fair. She is a walking contradiction. She must be forgetting that she has attacked me mercilously without a scintilla of jest while using the most vile ad hominems and what ever else was onhand to throw at me to see what stuck, very much like Al Mascitti’s style of cyberwarfare. Maybe it is that Southern European blood.

  35. mike w. says:

    Pandora – I have to know. Are you really that willfully ignorant?

  36. mike w. says:

    Al – looks like you and Pandora BOTH need to read comment # 25