I’m going to get a lot of grief on this
But I’m starting to like the idea of Hillary as Obama’s VP pick.
Let’s face it the lady can fight, and Obama – who must stay above the fray – needs a fighter. It’s why I wasn’t thrilled when John Edwards was being considered, and why I like Biden.
Picking Hillary also brings us back to where we started before the primary became nasty. Remember the days when most people (not all) were happy with both candidates?
And since we’ve been on the race and gender path since February… why not embrace it?
There. I said it.
(picture me ducking for cover!)
So if Obama’s the Messiah, would that make Hillary the Virgin Mary?
So very Catholic, worshipping a woman and such…I guess the make-up-shit-as-they-go-along-evangelicals won’t be happy! ๐
Listen. Watch Bill Clinton’s interview on ABC today when he keeps getting angry, bitter, settling scores (Clyburn is not my friend, he “used to be” a friend) and taking (subtle but unmistakable) potshots at Obama, and you can tell why this would be a catastrophe.
If HIllary brought only Hillary, I d be fine with it. But she brings Bill, McAuliffe, Lanny Davis, Mark Penn and all kinds of idiots, and scumbags and crazies I want as far away from our ticket as possible,
Picking Hillary does not brings us back to pre-Iowa times, too much ground has been trend. Once the cat is out of the bag it’s tough to shove her back in again.
I’ll put up $50 to your $20, I’ll take the field and you take HRC for VEEP. I’m guessing they’ll be no takers.
I was warming to the idea, but Bill Clinton has just become insane. That ABC interview has clinched it for me. NO HILLARY!
And it is a shame, because it has nothing to do with Hillary. She is a great politician. She would have made a great VP or President. But her husband is pulling her down.
Ah, I see you are starting to realize how thin the air is “up there” for Delaware’s Hottest Blogger. Look how loopy it’s made you.
I know, I know, it’s a very tough responsibility, but please, learn to control the effect low-oxygen (thin air) has on you as the new DHB.
BTW, given the next Prez will be a seasoned legislator, the VP should probably be a seasoned-executive (facilitator) in the form of a Gov. I simply think those are more effective combos for that branch of government.
Just watched the ABC video and I think it hurts Bill more than Obama. Bill comes off as a sad man. Refusing to answer the “is Obama ready to be President” and the “Jim Clybourn is not my friend” comments show that he doesn’t really believe politics is a contact sport.
Really, is anyone listening to him anymore? It’s just sad.
So… if there’s a way to keep Bill in the background is Hillary still out of the running?
No. Hillary could not control him during her own campaign. How will Obama?
Because… Bill Clinton hates the way he’s being viewed right now and would do anything to redeem himself?
And let’s face it… if Bill and Hillary don’t do everything in their power to get Obama elected (which I believe they will) then they can kiss 2012 good-bye. Unless you think Obama supporters will jump to their side four years from now?
BTW, the same would have applied to Obama if the positions were reversed. Ultimately they were stuck with each other. Not necessarily in the VP slot, but stuck all the same.
No DLC No Hillary
What you all are saying about Bill!!!!!
The major problem with an Obama/ Hillary ticket is that after the election, our government would cease to work….because of executive branch infighting.
It is common knowledge that we need our government to work for us over these next four years. To do so, we will need a team who if they will ask us to sacrifice, we can count on their achieving actual results at the end of the tunnel.
If you look at any economic data at all, you have to be highly concerned that our generation is rapidly bringing a massive Global Depression down upon ourselves…
Richardson is good, but with his new facial hair, a bit too scary. Biden is the best bet for a multitude of reasons. Whether you are prejudiced from Delaware or not…Biden is the best bet….
I am not convinced Biden is the best bet. He would undermine some of the messages of Obama against McCain like Jindal would undermine McCain’s narratives about Obama.
Richardson is NOT good. Does ANYONE even remember the catastrophic campaign he ran last year ? Dude was REALLY bad. And he is not on the short-list anyway (because he can’t keep Bill Jr in his pants).
Sigh… all the VP picks have their good and bad points. Is there such a thing as a perfect match? I’m going to have to trust Obama on this and support whoever he choses.
Starting to think it will be Clark. He’s the anti-McCain on sooooooo many levels.
Actually on paper Sebelius IS the best match. She fits Obama EXACTLY like Al Gore fitted Bill Clinton in 92 (arguably the best VP pick in modern history).
I am not even sure that the supposed opposition to her being picked is not the fact that a mere vocal few rather than a real outburst. I mean there is no real rational reason to keep off the ticket because she is a woman. She complements Obama perfectly in every way and is the most progressive options of all the names bandied about while being governor of Kansas. If that s not a feat I dont know what is
Clark comes across as another Leiberman. A safe bet, but not worth much in the drivers seat.
Biden is still the best bet… I’m missing Ben’s point on how Biden would undermine Obama, as does Jindal with McCain….
That statement needs more explanation to be taken literally.
Clark really would be fantastic.
Kavips’ point re: how well an Obama/ Hillary Team would work is absolutely on point. Both Clintons don’t mind managing by drama and the Obama Team is pretty decidedly in the no-drama camp. Plus I don’t think that Obama can be seen as capitulating to the Hillbots best represented by that woman from NY who unloaded with every ridiculous stereotype imaginable once Hillary lost in front of the DLC rules committee. Besides which, who here thinks that Bill is going to release his list of Library and Foundation donors for vetting?
But here is an interesting thing I hear periodically about an HRC position in an Obama administration — SecDef. I don’t hear this from anyone who might know, and not even from any former Hillary supporters. An intriguing pick he if he can make it.
see what happens people when you give the hot blogger title away! She fee’s empowered now. Are you channelling Bitterique?
Pandora, you are nucking futs. HILLARY? good god.
I think you should go with Joe Lieberman while you are thinking about VP’s
Oh, take you silly old title back! Geez, talk about bitter! ๐
I demand she change her name!
It should always be shown this way:
Brilliant, DHB!
Let it be known then, from now I will be Delaware’s Brilliant Blogger! wooohooooo
BrilliantEST Blogger. If that is a real word or a Bushism.
I just made it a word….taaadaaaaa
It won’t be Biden. He’s not a VP who could run after Obama’s term. He will be Sec. of State. It won’t be Bayh. That would be two northerners on the the ticket. It won’t be Sebelius. That would be a worse pick than putting a white guy on the ticket and would infuriate Clinton supporters, like them or hate them. It won’t be Clarke. He’s brings nothing. That leaves Kaine or Clinton. Kaine has about as much experience as Obama. Which means he doesn’t have any, tho a little executive. My guess is Obama shocks the country and puts Hillary on the ticket, uniting the party, bringing everyone on board and crushing McCain in November. If he doesn’t do it, well, this will be a very tight race with McCain having a legit shot at winning this election.
In the long term Hillary has got to be enamored with the thought of being the next Supreme Court Justice…..I guess depending on what one thinks, that position can be more powerful & historic than a VP term (or 2)……
We need another woman on the bench, she is young by Supreme Court standards, she is very qualified & is intelligent enough to make the best of it!!!!
Jesus Christ, where to start?
‘And it is a shame, because it has nothing to do with Hillary. She is a great politician. She would have made a great VP or President. But her husband is pulling her down.’
Delawaredick – You pathetic little hypocrite. Imagine someone saying that Obama would make a great president but Michelle is pulling him down. How long would it take for your aneurysm to kick in?
‘the Obama Team is pretty decidedly in the no-drama camp’
Assandra m-
Ahem….AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! OMG, you should write for Letterman.
WAAAAHHHH! He’s a racist!! WAAAAAHH! She’s throwing the china at me!!! WAAAAHHH! I don’t look like the guys on the dollar bill!!! WAAAAAHHHH!!! I’M BLACK!!!!
We all agree on one thing – Hillary should stay far away from that ticket. It would be the single worst career decision she’d ever make to accept it. Win or lose, she will end up bearing the brunt of the blame for his failures.
Come on, Dom, Bill is a problem. He needs to STFU! This isn’t about HIM – Talk about sexism. So does Ferarro (Honestly has this women had a stroke?). Are they stupid? The primary wounds were healing, and what do they do? Stir this crap up again.
Now… I’m not ruling out Hillary because of what these two said, but I’m hoping she’s kicking some surrogate butt tonight!
How delusional Bitterique is.
Bill Clinton presents no problems!
Hillary must stay far away from the ticket!
First, if Bill Clinton is not a problem, then you will immediately call for him to release his Library and Foundation donor lists so that Hillary can be properly vetted. If you do not, you are a hypocritical bitch.
Second, if Hillary does not campaign for Obama as enthusiastically as she would herself, she is finished in Democratic politics. And she knows that, which is why she has actually been a great surrogate for Obama since she endorsed him, unlike her bitter and sexist and racist supporters like yourself.
And you can’t call me sexist for suggesting you are a bitch, since you called me a dick, which is also a sexist term.
What is good for the goose…
Actually, DD, it doesn’t work that way. Maybe you’re both sexist ๐
LOL. Actually, I do not think calling someone a bitch or a dick or a bastard is sexist. But maybe that is sexist. I don’t know.
I think the words have gone beyond their literal meanings. Although, you don’t often hear women being called “dick”, so I may not be right there.
Anyways, carry on tossing bile at each other!
Nah, I am done. As I said in the main post on the front page, she is loud but she is few.
Asshat – I never said Bill wouldn’t cause problems. Of course he would cause problems. He’s caused problems for Hillary since they’ve been married. Perhaps you could get your head out of your ass and learn to read then MAYBE answer the question – how would you react if someone was judging Barack Obama solely based on his wife’s behavior?
‘if Hillary does not campaign for Obama as enthusiastically as she would herself, she is finished in Democratic politics.’
That statement about sums up the arrogance of ObamaWorld. All of you little idiots think you wield so much power. Perhaps you’ve forgotten that your candidate won by a hair and managed to lose two of the last three primaries by 40 points even though he was already the presumptive nominee. Wake up. This is not a cakewalk. Win or lose, he will represent the downfall of the Democratic party. It’s already split. Assuming he wins in November, his administration is destined to be a disaster. I suggest you learn to love Republicans – they’re destined to make a comeback as a result of your poor judgment.
I have to say, DelewareDick, you are a huge disappointment. When you first came onto the site I thought you might be a refreshingly mature change from the childish Jason and the sophomoric DHB (who has recently shown shocking signs of substance). Turns out you’re nothing but a petty little man with absolutely no substance to your arguments. It’s no wonder you support Obama.
I don’t know Dominique. I tend not to listen to people who can’t even spell the name of the State they live in.
Further, that I am a disappointment just because I support Obama and defend him against your insanity is further proof of your bitterness. My support of Markell against Carney, my desire to wrest control of the Delaware Democratic party away from the Adams-DeLuca-Minner conservative machine, my advocacy for more progressive candidates across Delaware means nothing to you. It is all about your hatred of Obama.
Like I said, you are bitter, and unprincipled.
My comment #9 bears repeating, because… well… it’s the truth!!! No matter who won the primary Obama and Hillary were stuck with each other. The loser would have to campaign enthusiastically for the winner or face political suicide.
Hillary supporters would be wise to put themselves in Obama supporters shoes. Obama supporters should try doing the same. In all honestly, as an Obama supporter, I’m not sure how gracious I’d be if our positions were reversed.
I agree, I would have been angry and disappointed if Obama had lost to Hillary.
But I do know that I am a Democrat first. I have fought for and am fighting for progressive policies. Hillary would not have been as good as Obama, but she is still millions of years and miles better than McCain, thus, I would have in the end happily voted for her and supported her.
Oooh, let’s keep agreeing! I have ALWAYS said that I’m voting Dem in Nov. NO MATTER WHO! There’s simply too much at stake.
I see Hillary is out on the trail now we can finally see her kick some ass