Delaware Liberal

Obama Fights Back and President Paris.

First, Paris Hilton has produced what has got to be a spectactular rebuttal to John McCain’s “Celebrity Ad.”   Personally, I never found Paris to be “hot,” and I am probably the only straight male that does not find her attractive in the slightest (it must be that skanky quality to her, or knowing that a thousand men have already been there (ooh, is that sexist?)), but I do find this video hawt!

Here is the link to the Paris video.   The You Tube video was removed, and wordpress won’t let me embed it.

It should be downright scary for right wingers that Paris Hilton has a more sound and substantive energy policy than they do.

Second, Obama is fighting back.  His two Energy attack ads on McCain were good (not great), but his performance today at a town hall in Ohio, and his newly released response to McCain’s new attempt to savage his image as a “Maverick” are right on.  I want to see more of this:


And here is the the video of Obama’s response to the “Maverick” McBush ad.


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