Republican Family Values

Filed in National by on August 5, 2008

This link takes you to a mirror site of the Facebook page of Justin Schaffer, the son of Republican Senatorial Candidate Bob Schaffer.   Among the horribly sexist, bigoted, juvenile and downright racist pictures that appear on the site, are ones saying “Slavery: It Gets Shit Done” and another saying Obama is gay, and another saying he is a terrorist, one depicting Jesus Christ with a machine gun admist a background of the Confederate flag, with the caption “What would a Republican Jesus Do?”

Now, normally, I would not make an issue of a child of a candidate, but I have to wonder, does the apple fall far from the tree?   Is this kind of humor really in contradiction to the kinds of values taught in the Schaffer family home?  And considering the vile humor of the Republican John McCain (joking about rape, and wanting his wife to model topless in a beauty pagaent), I have to wonder if all Republicans have such senses of humor.

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  1. Am I going to hell for thinking this kid’s actually pretty funny? As a fellow Facebooker, the kid didn’t post those pictures. This is the “Bumper Sticker” application. What is does is your friends can post a funny bumper sticker on your Facebook page. Of course, they can be deleted by the person whose profile they appear on, but I’ve seen some that could be considered fairly offensive on certain liberal-leaning Facebook pages.

    I don’t put too much stock in stuff like this. The kid ain’t even 20 yet. We’re all allowed to do dumb stuff until we’re at least 21, IMHO.

  2. benjamin says:

    So the son of a Republican candidate for Senate for CO says “Slavery gets shit done” but somehow it was completly absurd, shocking, crazy for Obama to suggest maybe, maybe some Republicans harbor race-related motives in their hatred for him.
    How AWFUL of Obama to suggest some people are still racists today and willing to use that as a campaign tool. HOW CRAZY.

    On the other hand, we all know that Obama is a horrible sexist pig because … well … you know … he said Hillary was likeable enough … but on the one hand John “Take your top off for the bikers, you c**t” McCain is the new standard bearer of feminism.

    EDIT TO MM: Listen, I won’t badger you for being honest here but even with a high tolerance for offensiveness, I didn’t find anything remotely amusing there. High five if you are gay ? I mean what kind of douchebag frathouse does he belong to ? And yeah, liberals can be offensive too. Show me the Facebook of the son of a liberal candidate who pastes the face of John McCain onto Hitler (as is done here with Obama and Bin Ladin) and I will be more than happy to join in the attack.
    Oh and yeah he is allowed to be a dumb racist bigot all his life for all I care. But I am allowed to attack his father to raise someone with such digusting views.

  3. delawaredem says:

    Mike…I too am a fellow Facebooker, and you can delete whatever you don’t want on your own site. If he did not post those things himself, he found them funny, approved of them, and allowed them to stay on his site, thus demonstrating ownership of them.

  4. delawaredem says:

    And I understand he is 20. I am not really attacking him, I am wondering if, given other instances of “Republican humor,” whether such humor is fostered in a Republican home, where family values and morals are supposed to rule supreme.

  5. Fr. Sarcasmo says:

    See, this is what we get for letting Justin hang out with liberals!

    Clearly, he has lost his way.

    But isn’t he allowed to, according to liberal code of anything goes?

  6. I still think the stuff is funny and you all need to lighten the fuck up. Everyone knows Obama’s not gay. Everyone. Yet it’s some big issue because some conservative college punk has a dumb sticker on his blog saying Obama’s gay? As for slavery, it did get shit done. In fact, if it weren’t for the slaves, we likely wouldn’t be the most powerful country on earth (though that title is diminishing fast). It doesn’t make what the whites did to them right, it just makes it a fact that can’t be ignored.

  7. benjamin says:


    You know very well that the “slavery gets shit done” remark was not a celebration of black workmanship.

    And since we are on the subject of defending this offensive idiocy bit by bit (instead of just saying “He is young, dumb, let’s move on” which would be fair enough), how is the picture of Obama merged with Bin Laden appropriate ?

  8. See here. Now the school is taking disciplinary action against this kid? This shit is ridiculous.

  9. Fr. Sarcasmo says:

    I thought Obama was gay. Am I the only one?

    I mean, c’mon, his self selected nickname was “Barry”

    That screams ‘mo.

  10. It’s not appropriate, Benjamin. It’s funny.

  11. benjamin says:

    Yeah. A bumper sticker saying “Celebrate Diversity” showing pictures of guns – implying very clearly that this is the way to “celebrate” diversity is funny.
    Confederate flags associated with Jesus and a gun is HILARIOUS.
    And accusing the other candidate to be a terrorist is SIDE-SPLITTING.

    That said, I agree the idea of the university disciplining him is Outrageous. There is still a 1st amendment and I am with you on that.’
    But I will continue calling him a fratboyish bigoted asshole. I will continue to argue this was offensive and unfunny and raises questions about the political views of his father.
    He has every right to be that moron. And we have every right to be bothered and shocked by it.

    PS: Let alone the fact he belonged to the group POLE DANCERS FOR JESUS and says he loves Jesus and slutty girls. Another of these hypocrites.

  12. delawaredem says:


    Please tell me you are not defending slavery.

  13. benjamin says:

    To Sarasmo

    Actually his name is Barack. It is his family who had taken to calling him Barry and he asked them to stop when he was in his late teens and go back to Barack.

  14. I suppose you’re one of those piously PC liberals that just can’t be reasoned with in any way, Benjamin.

    So be it.

  15. Of course not, but the bumper sticker was true, in a non-PC kind of way.

  16. benjamin says:

    Explain me how I am being PC.
    I am not bothered by the offensive jokes. I am bothered by the underlying political profile of this young son of Senate candidate it illustrates.
    And once again, I don’t think it takes anyone pious or liberal to be bothered a Presidential candidate is implied to be a terrorist. Actually I still have not heard in any way how this was supposed to be funny.
    And considering I made clear I agreed with you on the idea the university should not punish him, I don’t think I was being particularly stubborn or confrontational. We obviously disagree on whether this was funny and worth mentioning.
    The fact we still disagree at the end of the conversation only means neither of us changed his mind. No need to show contempt and use one of these tired code words.

  17. delawaredem says:

    It would be true, in an non-PC kind of way if it had said “Slavery: It Got Shit Done.”

    But no, it is present tense, meaning that it should still be used today.

  18. Oh lord you guys really are totally missing a sense of humor. This is why Republicans keep getting elected. Because they don’t pick on tripe like this. They’re considering expelling the kid from college because of this. I mean, when does this feigned offense end?

  19. benjamin says:

    That is why Republicans keep getting elected ?
    Are you seriously saying that with a straight face in 2008 ? I guess you are right. You ARE funny.

    And no, Republicans don’t pick on tripe like this. They pick on tripe like tire gauges and the skin color of President on dollar bills (where was the PC outrage coming from there ?).

    And yes. I repeat. It is outrageous the kid would be expelled for his political views, offensive or not. On the other hand, we are free to criticize him and his father. But he should have every right to be as much of a moron as he wants.

  20. I think people like you have given the GOP what it wants. To see a bunch of liberal whiners (of which I am not one) get their panties in a bunch.

    It was a joke. People need to move on. I’ve got some dumb stuff on my Facebook, too, so I’m guessing I should be fired from my job?

  21. Fr. Sarcasmo says:

    “I have to wonder if all Republicans have such senses of humor.”

    My favorite politician joke of all time:


    Gets me everytime!!!!!

  22. benjamin says:

    You keep saying I don’t want to reason with you but you don’t seem to take the time to read what I post.

    I explicitly said three times he should not get punished in any way for his legitimate right to think what he wants to think.

    And yeah. I know that’s the new Republican campaign tactic. Saying racist stuff to get us pissed off and then crying for the race card. Good luck with that, buddy.

    Well, tell you what. People keep saying Democrats are pussies but when we attack a Republican for being an asshole, we become “whiners” with “panties in a bunch”. Resorting to schoolyard taunts and repeating straw-men argument that were just debunked by the other side means you are not trying to have an interesting argument. You just want to get … our panties in a bunch.

    And I will admit. I fall for it everytime because deep down, I know somehow somewhere there are smart intelligent intelluectually honest conservatives who want to have a productive conversation on the future of our country. Too bad none of them has shown up yet.

  23. No, when you attack Republicans on issues of substance, that’s fine. But when you attack Republicans and lump them all as racists and homophobes, that’s what’s ridiculous.

    And there have been one or two smart, intellectually honest conservatives who’ve shown up here. One is running for a seat in our State House. His name is Tyler Nixon and, aside from John Kowalko and Karen Peterson, he’s more progressive than every Democrat in Dover.

  24. pandora says:

    I can’t believe this young man posted this stuff. Not because of any PC theories, but because children of politicians are usually groomed by their parents on what to do and not to do. Not because politicians are excellent parents, but because controversy can end a political career.

    I’m thinking Jr is in big trouble. For his views? Who knows. For possibly hurting his father’s political career? You bet.

  25. Pandora,

    You are a goddess. I’ve got your video up. Check my site. First clip.

  26. benjamin says:

    Did I say every Republican was a racist and homophobe ?

    Once again, with the straw-man argument.

    That said, you would do better if you didn’t feel the need to jump at the defense of a guy who obviously is “borderline” at least one of those things just because he is a Republican.

    It is unfortunate party discipline is going against not only common sense and the future of our country but it is also against your self-interest. I still don’t get why perfectly intelligent non-racist Republicans celebrated the life of a scumbag like Jesse Helms and pretended he was not a racist.
    No wonder people see you – unfairly – that way.

    The fact is most Republicans are neither bigots or racists but if they want people to know, they would do well to stop reflexively defend that aisle of their party.

  27. delawaredem says:

    That is Queen Pandora to you. And me, for that matter.

  28. benjamin says:

    Mike can’t call anyone Queen.
    Otherwise my pious PC liberal friends will accuse him of being homophobe.

  29. I’ve got enough gay friends where I’ve been granted permission to use the derogatory “queen” whenever I wish.

  30. benjamin says:

    Did they grant you permission or does this work with a treshold of some kind ?

  31. CJO says:

    But its only derogatory when a “non-gay” says it.

  32. I’ve been granted license. The only threshold is that I allow these queens to borrow my ice cream maker whenever they like.

    I guess that would make them Dairy queens?

  33. benjamin says:

    Actually that’s quite not true.

    Joke aside, I know members of the “butch”er part of the gay community who talks about some other gays – more stereotypical gays if you wish – as “queens” in a sneering contemptuous manner that is meant to be insulting
    Our community has as many racists, idiots and, yes, homophobes (it is not as strange as you would think at first thought) as any other.

  34. benjamin says:

    I vote for us to open a “Mike Matthews Ice Cream Maker” facebook profile.
    I am pretty sure it will turn kid-unfriendly quite fast but I so wanna see the photo album.
    As long as your dad ain’t running for Senate, it is all good though.

  35. As long as I’m allowed to post recipes, then that sounds great!

  36. benjamin says:

    If you can find me a recipe for “Macadamia Nut Brittle/Vanilla” ice cream to replace the one those bastards at Haagen Dasz have discontinued to my endless despair, I will put you in my top 5 !

  37. R Smitty says:

    I have to wonder if all Republicans have such senses of humor

    Dude. Get over yourself. Talk about a stereotype label.

    What cracks me up about this thread (not the post, but the thread) is the attempt to paint Matthews into a corner and get him offended. Wake me when you succeed, I’m going to take a nap.

    Mike – I do like Edy’s new version of their peanut butter cup ice cream. Can you please post that recipe?

  38. Facebook has a top 5? Tell me how to do that because I have some friends I certainly don’t want in my top 5!

  39. Smitty,

    You’re asking too much!! I don’t have a team of trial lab rats to taste test my recipes 50,000 times to find the recipe that Edy’s has perfected. It’s straight vanilla ice cream with crushed Reese’s swirled in for me! I’ve made that at least half-a-dozen times.

  40. delawaredem says:

    I have learned that nothing offends Matthews. Nor can you trap him successfully for long.

  41. benjamin says:

    Well actually there used to be an application called TOP FRIENDS to do that but I think Facebook cracked down on it.

    And noone was trying to paint nobody in a corner. Mike was trying to convince us. We were trying to convince him. Noone succeeded and we agreed to disagree on whether this was funny but we agreed to agree the fact the university wants to expel him for whatever dislike they have of his sense of humor and/or political views is outrageous.
    That’s called, wait for it, a discussion.

  42. R Smitty says:

    Cripe, ice cream on my face! It turned all friendly (get cream…friendly(‘s)) at the end. It would help if I read it fully in context.

    I still want the PBCup recipe, damn it!

    (edit) AARRGGHH now Matthews went and posted a comment while I posted mine! Damn you, Matthews…always undermining my work!!! Grrrr….!!!

  43. Damn…the queens have my ice cream maker AND my recipe book. I’ll have to go from memory:

    1 1/2 cups whole milk
    1 1/4 cups sugar
    3 cups heavy cream
    1 1/2 TBSP pure vanilla extract
    6 Reese’s PB Cups, crushed

    Mix whole milk and sugar in medium bowl until sugar is dissolved (about three minutes). Stir in the heavy cream and vanilla. Have your ice cream machine locked and ready to go. Pour the mixture into your already-frozen element and let run for 20-25 minutes. In the last five minutes, dump PB dups into ice cream. Ice cream will be soft-serve. Put in container and freeze for two hours for hard-serve. Yum!

  44. delawaredem says:

    See, we liberals argue amongst ourselves a lot. You get all giddy, like Mr. Burns saying “eggggssscellent,” thinking we are really divided.

    And then we foil you dreams.

  45. …and start discussing ice cream.

  46. benjamin says:

    Wait a second. Wait a second.

    You mean that when you said “borrow my ice cream maker”, you actually meant an actual ice cream maker ?
    And me who thought “queens borrowing my ice cream maker” was some kind of naughty metaphor ! You know, like something that would get you expelled from the University

  47. R Smitty says:

    Oh crap! I quoted the Simpsons with a link attached and it went to SPAM! Help save my comment! YAAAHHH!!!

  48. What a dirty boy, Benjamin. The only ice cream extruded from that maker is handled aptly by Ms. Palm and her five sisters. With the help of some granny porn.

  49. benjamin says:

    I am starting to suspect your kinship with Schaeffer Jr started from your common membership of POLE DANCERS for Jesus.
    In any case, forget what I said about the nuts and all that. But can there be a least sexy word than “extruding” ? Seriously ?

  50. delawaredem says:

    Sorry Smitty….I rescued the comment.

    Wow…a LOT of teen boy porn comments in the spam filter tonight. I wonder why.

  51. Ben,

    Have we met?

  52. benjamin says:

    Color me stupid but could use of the word GAY be detected by those bots and that attracts them to a thread ?

  53. benjamin says:

    No. We haven’t. The pole dancer comment was just a lucky guess 😉

  54. pandora says:

    Hey Mike… could you email me?

  55. What’s your email? Mine is downwithabsolutes -at- gmail -dot- com

  56. No, not the pole dancer comment. The comment about Schaeffer.

  57. benjamin says:

    Oh. I was just referring to the beginning of the conversation where you were defending the kid. It wasn’t meant as an insinuation or an attack.

  58. Ok, nevermind. Color me confused, but now I understand what you meant. Forget I even asked the question. All I’ll say is I am friends with a Schaeffer and at one point in my life I lived with someone and she kept a stripper pole in our living room, so the comment hit on multiple levels. But that’s for another time. Maybe over drinks.

  59. benjamin says:

    HaHa. Yeah. Totally serendipity. I didn’t know any of that.

  60. MJ says:

    Hailing originally from Colorado, Justin is the apple of his daddy’s eye. His father was one of the most conservative, reactionary members of the Colorado legislature and then served 3 terms in Congress. And guess who he backed to succeed him in Congress – Marilyn Musgrave. Yep, there is something in the water in that district that makes people stupid. I think it might be all of the horse and cow shit that seeps into the groundwater.