Delaware Liberal

Republican Family Values

This link takes you to a mirror site of the Facebook page of Justin Schaffer, the son of Republican Senatorial Candidate Bob Schaffer.   Among the horribly sexist, bigoted, juvenile and downright racist pictures that appear on the site, are ones saying “Slavery: It Gets Shit Done” and another saying Obama is gay, and another saying he is a terrorist, one depicting Jesus Christ with a machine gun admist a background of the Confederate flag, with the caption “What would a Republican Jesus Do?”

Now, normally, I would not make an issue of a child of a candidate, but I have to wonder, does the apple fall far from the tree?   Is this kind of humor really in contradiction to the kinds of values taught in the Schaffer family home?  And considering the vile humor of the Republican John McCain (joking about rape, and wanting his wife to model topless in a beauty pagaent), I have to wonder if all Republicans have such senses of humor.

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