Delaware Liberal

Is Carney Hurting for Money?

Next week we will find out, with the August 12th disclosure date.   I said yesterday that Carney campaign is literally dark on TV here in New Castle County, while Markell floods the airwaves with a variety of one minute and thirty second ads.   With 33 days to go until the primary, I find that odd.   Does think he is well known enough that he doesn’t have to lay down money on bio ads?   Does he think he does not need to air television advertising at all?   Will he be relying on an Union fed ground game instead?   I don’t know.

But given Drew Volturo’s latest article in the Delaware State News (which unfortunately I cannot link to online because it is behind), I have to wonder if Carney is hurting for money, given the Delaware Democratic Party’s continued disregard for its members and continued spending on pro-Carney radio ads:

Radio listeners throughout the state might have heard a new advertise­ment Tuesday plugging Lt. Gov. John C. Carney Jr.’ s work in the June passage of a cancer right- to- know law, the second radio spot funded by the Dela­ware Democratic Party favor­ing its endorsed gubernatorial candidate.

The [original] wind power ad, which aired over two weeks at the end of July, cost at least $ 25,000.  The new 60-second ad will air through Monday on at least seven radio stations at a cost of more than $ 10,500, accord­ing to information provided by Delmarva Broadcasting and Clear Channel Delaware.

So an additional $10,500 has been used by the party for the new “I cured cancer” ads for Carney.   At this point, the party should just empty its coffers.  I am no longer outraged, but with each dollar they spend, the more resolve I have that Markell be elected our nominee and that Daniello and his minions be swept out of power.    But I digress.

With the party continuing to prop up Carney with its own money, what is the state of Carney’s fundraising?   Is he doing fine, and just planning on a last minute blitz of ads over the last two weeks of the campaign while Markell spends money on ads now, all the while having the state party prop him up in the meantime?    Or is the party spending money on ads for Carney because he is not bringing in the dough?

I suspect it is the former, rather than the latter.  My sources tell me that Carney’s union support is planning a big expenditure on behalf of Carney soon, either to the Carney campaign itself, or on its behalf.   I think the state party expenditures are just to let Carney tred water while Markell pounds the state with ads.   Which makes their spending our money all the more egregious.

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