Delaware Liberal

Our-shore Drilling

I think Copeland messed up a little bit here.   In today’s News Journal, he said he “would not take off the table” the idea of allowing an oil platform to be built off the Delaware coastline.  Matt Denn pounces:

“I support limited oil drilling as part of a balanced national energy policy-but oil drilling off the coast of Delaware? We should not only take the idea off the table, we should throw it out of the house and lock the doors.

“Between his opposition to the Bluewater Wind project and his receptiveness to oil drilling off our beaches, Senator Copeland and I could not be further apart on the issues of renewable energy and the environment in Delaware. He has repeatedly sided with the power companies, at the expense of clean, affordable, renewable energy. Rather than doing the oil companies’ bidding and allowing them to drill everywhere, including off our coast, drilling should be limited to those areas that have already been identified.”

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