Clinton Emails

Filed in National by on August 10, 2008

Oh my…

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hiding in the open

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Thank God we were spared the prospect of a HRC presidency.

    What a clusterfuck that would have been.

  2. pandora says:

    I’m not surprised. It was obvious that this campaign was a complete mess.

  3. Benjamin says:

    As Pandora said, nothing real surprising here and me who was wishing for a bigger smoking gun …

  4. Truth Teller says:

    You folks seem to forget that politics is not bean bag. At least Hillary has balls I am still waiting for Obama to put it to McSame. Every time he seems to take off the gloves he appears to be wearing mittens. Look the object here is to win. That’s what I love about the Clinton’s they will try to reach their goal at any cost good for them. And so will the Repuks.Kerry was a wimp and allowed the Repuks to turn a real war hero into a coward and got his ass whipped by a Chickenhawk draft dodger. So get off this damming Hillary shit and get you guy into the fight. There is a lot of topics out there that haven’t been exploited yet so please get his ass in gear. For nothing can change unless we win. Right now on the blogs it appears that you are more interested in attacking Hillary than McSame. Obama won that fight is over however some of you can’t get over it.

  5. Agree with TT. Hillary may have been a bitchy ball buster. But, at least she was a bitchy ballbuster! Obama needs to sharpen himself and bring out the big guns. His ass is being whupped by a geriatric, chipmunk-lookin’ corpse.

  6. snark says:

    love the spin/resumee polishing…
    insiders positioning themselves for ’10&’12

  7. Col. Kurtz says:

    “i am still waiting for Obama to put it to McSame. Every time he seems to take off the gloves he appears to be wearing mittens.”

    Now do you understand why some of us question his ability to stand up to world leaders? He can’t even dunk on a guy who can’t raise his arms!

    “you are more interested in attacking Hillary than McSame. Obama won that fight”

    Obama won nothing. He got a pass from the media while Hillary tripped on the hem of her pantsuit. He is the first affirmative action candidate!

  8. Dana says:

    Mr Matthews wrote:

    Agree with TT. Hillary may have been a bitchy ball buster. But, at least she was a bitchy ballbuster! Obama needs to sharpen himself and bring out the big guns. His ass is being whupped by a geriatric, chipmunk-lookin’ corpse.

    Yet, according to linked article,

    “The anger and toxic obsessions overwhelmed even the most reserved Beltway wise men,” Green writes. “[H]er advisers couldn’t execute strategy; they routinely attacked and undermined each other, and Clinton never forced a resolution. … [S]he never behaved like a chief executive, and her own staff proved to be her Achilles’ heel.

    she really wasn’t a ball-buster or even much of a leader. When she needed to take important decisions, she didn’t. From the excerpts we are getting, it seems tha the only one who really took decisions for that campaign was Bill Clinton.

  9. thank you Dana,

    My point exactly…and McCain is the behaving the same as Hillary

  10. Truth Teller says:

    If Dana is right then why are the numbers slow close. After 8 years of this Repuk shit he should be more than 4 points ahead.
    And if she wasn’t a ball buster why did the obama folks take such an offence it seemed that every time she attacked him they whined.
    And some of them are still whining today

  11. pandora says:

    Actually the daily popular vote polls aren’t worth anything. Not that MSM will report this. They want a close race – And they LOVE the Obama/Clinton meme. They’re addicted.

    Not that I’m taking anything for granted, but to look at the Gallop daily tracking poll, etc without looking at the state by state polls is… well… just spin.

  12. Truth Teller says:

    In the Generic poll Dem’s lead Repuk’s by 14 to 16 points why hasn’t this lead transferred to our parties Candidate??

    Something is wrong somewhere

  13. Col. Kurtz says:


    Hmmmm…blower’s remorse?

  14. TT,

    Obama has led and still leads in EVERY single poll. Depends what you call close. When you look at Voter Registration it’s very hard to be worried about McCain pulling off any kind of an upset

  15. Truth Teller says:



  16. not gonna happen this year TT. While Obama isn’t hitting back as hard as we would like, he is hitting back. Which we haven’t had in the past 2 elections.

  17. Jason330 says:

    No objections to by first comment cuz it is true.

  18. Col. Kurtz says:

    DBB–the registrations aren’t happening WHERE they need to happen. Swing state cities already go liberal. They are overwhelmed by gerrymandered districts that favor Repubs.

    J330–HRC would have been fine….actually a very logical followup to GWB. I think she could have beaten McCain. You got played into the briar patch on Obama.

  19. Truth Teller says:

    You may be right at least I hope so.

    Two Repuks on CNN tonight talking about the 2 boarder agents who were sent to jail by a dumb AG in Texas and a drug smuggler. Both called for McSame to say he would free them. Most people who followed this tragic story agree that they should be set free. Obama should take up this cause before McSame it’ a winner. Shows he backs Law Enforcement and is against Mexican Drug dealers.

  20. cassandra_m says:

    It really isn’t much of a surprise to see how much of HRCs campaign was in disarray, but wonder if the full Atlantic article when it is released will have more detail. I suspect that one of the things hat Mr. Bill is rueing over is that he did not organize his wife to manage her campaign with a greater command and control structure ANS he did not advise her to go more negative on Obama earlier.

    And let’s remind ourselves that while HRC could be a bitchy ball buster, she was a bitchy ball buster with some of the highest negatives ever, meaning that there was so much more personal stuff to exploit. McCain has been lying his ass off largely to drive up Obama’s negatives since that is about the only chance he has.

    As for the usual idiocy over the “close” polls (those tracking polls largely reflect a popular vote — anything ringing a bell now?) this guy who does the math so you can tell the cable news idiots to SFTU.

  21. DBB–the registrations aren’t happening WHERE they need to happen.

    I can name Virginia as just one Col.

  22. Col. Kurtz says:

    There are parts of VA that you don’t even know exist. You probably think they are part of WV!

    Remember, this will be won district by district. There are districts where Obamy can’t visit…..