Awww, Grandpa calls Obama “Intelligent”

Filed in National by on August 11, 2008

“I think if you were going to take a week off, this is probably an intelligent time to do it,” Mr. McCain

I’m sure he meant to say that he’s an intelligent celebrity that doesn’t have good judgement.  If there is one thing I hate, it is those smart people that always make dumb decisions…

but this nugget is awesome. When I think of Leadership, I think of this:

What makes the difference, Mr. McCain said, is getting enough rest. “If I can sleep in until about 7:30 or 8, then it really helps me,” he said. “I think when I get up real early, like 5:30 or 6, and don’t go to bed until 10, 10:30 or 11, it seems to help me get up a little later in the morning.”

Wow, really, really late is like almost till 11!  I thought old people needed less sleep?

I’m waiting for the next McCain commercial. It will be him and Jack Lalane (sp?) both throwing down celery sticks and cucumbers into that juice machine, then chugging raw eggs ala Rocky and then pulling an F-150 with their teeth.  All to prove that old people can still be in shape and compete with the younger folks.  You know the guys almost 50.

I think this line from “dumb and dumb’r” sum’s it up:

“Hey, I guess they’re right. Senior citizens, although slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose. I’ll be right back. Don’t you go dying on me!”

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hiding in the open

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  1. pandora says:

    And then there’s Cokie Roberts:

    “… does not make any sense whatsoever. I know his grandmother lives in Hawaii and I know Hawaii is a state, but it has the look of him going off to some sort of foreign, exotic place. He should be in Myrtle Beach, and, you know, if he’s going to take a vacation at this time.”


  2. so if you know his grandmother lives there then why wouldn’t you…

    but don’t focus on the small things like McCains 8 homes or that he takes off every other weekend because of he is getting old and needs the rest…

  3. Col. Kurtz says:

    At least he didn’t call him clean as a whistle!

  4. Dana says:

    You know, if you think John McCain saying, ““I think if you were going to take a week off, this is probably an intelligent time to do it,” is some sort of slam on Barack Obama, you are really getting desperate.

  5. it’d be a slam if you didn’t have grandpa letting us know his bedtime routine and how he needs his sleep or he is cranky.

  6. Kwaayesnama says:

    What this nation needs at this time is two intelligent people to get us out of the predicament we are in. I will gladly vote for two intelligent men. I feel sorry for you if you think the answer to the worst economy since the great depression is the two morons GOP has chosen to save this nation. Intellect should count for something. We have a man at the top of the ticket that was in the bottom of his class intellectually. And the person that would be 1/2 a breath away from the presidency attended 5 colleges before she was able to pull together enough credits to receive her diploma from the University of Idaho. They might have a piece of paper, but do they have the intelligence to lead this nation in the hard times ahead? I don’t belive so. But what else is new we elected a moron to lead the United States of America and look where it brought us. Sarah Palin would be ½ a breath away form having her finger on the nuclear button. Do you trust her with your life and the lives of your children and grandchildren? I don’t! I’m sorry you can’t take a crash course in intellect. That is why this Christian, white, Republican, woman will be voting for Barack Obama.

  7. Jockim Alberton says:

    “That is why this Christian, white, Republican, woman will be voting for Barack Obama.”
