
Filed in National by on August 11, 2008


Chilling.  Powerful.  And, in my opinion, criminal.

About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. jason330 says:

    On a positive note , one dead American equals 15,000 dead Iraqis, so this war has been a wash.

  2. mike w. says:

    Scott Ritter is flat out nuts. Do any DE Liberal contributers actually believe Bush would use “preemptive nuclear attacks?”

  3. Joe C says:

    uh, wow. That was a pint of piss in my pinot gris.

  4. jason330 says:

    Bush has said that preemptive nuclear attacks are not off the table.

    The better question is; what has he done that makes you think he wouldn’t use nukes?

  5. pandora says:

    Scott Ritter was right about WMDs… lest you forget.

  6. Truth Teller says:

    gee pandora why to we have to keep Mikie awake by telleng him the facts

  7. Myopic Mikey needs to check his shit. Scott Ritter is most definitely not nuts.

  8. Comment says:

    I found the first half literally laughable. At least the music score was cool.

    The Scott Ritter part was compelling to me. I stopped laughing. I pick San Francisco. They don’t think they are part of the U. S. anyway.

    Unfortunately, Iran is a real danger and not stopping it will endanger a U. S. City. We have to stop them no matter what.

  9. Von Cracker says:

    Yeah, Iran! LOL!

    Just how is Iran going to do anything here? Maybe they’ll launch ISBMs or send their massive navy and air force over here?

    Or have you bought into the paranoia of ‘sleeper cells’ with dirty nukes?

  10. miscreant says:

    “The Scott Ritter part was compelling to me. ”

    Indeed it was a powerful message. He seemed very passionate about it. I would have felt more comfortable if I could have seen *both* of his hands waving.

  11. mike w. says:

    I’m with Von – Iran is not a serious threat to any U.S. city.

  12. pandora says:

    If Iran is not a threat (and I agree it’s not) then why all the saber rattling? Can anyone honestly say that Bush/McCain aren’t setting their sights on Iran?

    Focusing on Iran is what – in part – is so chilling about this video. Haven’t we been here before with Iraq?

    Believe me, I’ve learned to take these warmongers at their word. If they’re talking about “stopping” Iran I believe them.

    Oh yeah, Iran is on the table.

  13. Von Cracker says:

    ISBMs – Inter-stellar ballistic missiles 😉

    me bad!

    I don’t think Bu$hCo has the credibility to make the case against Iran. McCain will keep pushing though, guaranteed. So I guess that’s another reason NOT to vote for the Celebrity Maverick .

  14. mike w. says:

    Even the Bush folks have been saying we DO NOT have the military capability right now to engage in a conflict with Iran. We also haven’t done much saber-rattling of late towards them (aside from our obligatory tough talk in defense of Israel.)

    Quite frankly we don’t have to worry about Iran. Israel will do whatever it takes to ensure Iran doesn’t get nukes. The only country Iran would have any reason to attack in the region would be Israel and even Ahmedinejad isn’t that crazy. The man’s a bit scary, but Iran doesn’t really have the military might to be attacking anyone. The only advantage they have would be their sheer numbers (in a conventional war)

    The Arab world hasn’t forgotten how badly they got their asses beat the last time they got involved with Israel, and Israel’s army is stronger today than it was then. Hell, they had a borrowed assortment of old surplus battle rifles back then.

    The only way Iran is a direct threat to the U.S. is if they develop nukes and a few of them “mysteriously” end up in the hands of terrorists.

  15. Joe C says:

    Iranians aren’t Arabs, dillweed. Christ man do you know about ANYTHING you comment on?

  16. mike w. says:

    Jesus christ man. I used the term “Arab” not in direct reference to IRAN but in reference to previous wars Israel has fought in the region, against Arab states.(1948 + 1967) I used that solely to discuss their military strength and the history of military conflict w/ Israel in the region.